Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Only Regret I Have in Life is Voting for Obama: Why I Will Never Support the DNC Again

 The Only Regret I Have in Life is Voting for Obama: Why I Will Never Support the DNC Again

By Bobby Darvish – darvishintelligence.blogspot.com

Looking back at my life, there’s one decision that stands out as the greatest mistake I ever made: the moment I switched from Republican to Democrat and voted for Barack Obama during the Bush vs. Obama election. I deeply regret that vote, not only because it betrayed my conservative values but because Obama’s presidency marked the rise of a dangerous, anti-Christian, leftist agenda that continues to destroy the very fabric of America. Obama was one of the Left’s many Anti-Christs, and I will never align myself with the Democratic Party again.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, former Imam, and once executive director of CAIR-Columbus and the Muslim Forum of Utah, my journey has been unique and complex. I was raised to believe in the tenets of Islam and trained in leadership roles within the Muslim community. But I eventually saw the darkness and corruption within Islam and turned to the light of Christianity. This transformation opened my eyes to many truths, including the dangers of political movements that cloak themselves in compassion while advancing insidious agendas.

When I cast my vote for Obama, I was swayed by the rhetoric of “hope” and “change.” Like many, I bought into the promises of unity, fairness, and a more just America. What I failed to see at the time was that Obama’s version of hope and change was a Marxist-inspired vision for America. He manipulated the American people, masking his radical leftist policies under the guise of progress and inclusivity. His administration accelerated the downfall of conservative Christian values, encouraging the rise of identity politics, government overreach, and blatant hostility toward anyone who disagreed with his agenda.

Under Obama’s reign, we witnessed the normalization of anti-Americanism, the vilification of capitalism, and the rise of Marxist ideals that target the foundations of our nation: faith, family, and freedom. From weaponizing race to pushing for the erosion of religious liberty, Obama and his cronies laid the groundwork for a divisive, authoritarian Left that is obsessed with control and suppression of opposing views. In hindsight, Obama was one of the many Anti-Christs of our time, embodying the very forces of deception and evil that Scripture warns us about.

The Democratic Party today is unrecognizable to those of us who believe in conservative Christian values. It has become a party that embraces the radical Left, where socialist ideals are paraded as the solution to our problems, and the voices of true Americans are silenced in favor of political correctness and woke mob hysteria. The Left’s war against free speech, their attack on the sanctity of life, and their hatred of religious liberty are not just political differences—they are moral and spiritual battles that every Christian must recognize.

My regret for voting for Obama is deep, but it serves as a reminder of the dangers of being seduced by political narratives that stray from the truth. As a devout Christian and proud Republican, I have returned to the values that truly make America great: capitalism, personal responsibility, and the defense of religious freedom. I am now more committed than ever to standing against the Democratic Party and its Marxist allies.

I will never return to the DNC. Their policies are rooted in lies and deception, much like the taqiya (religious dissimulation) used by Islamists to mask their true intentions. The Democrats use similar tactics to push their agenda while pretending to stand for the oppressed. Their goal is clear: the destruction of conservative America and the imposition of a godless, socialist order that strips individuals of their freedoms and undermines the Constitution.

In the end, my regret serves as a warning to others: do not be swayed by the promises of the Left. They offer nothing but false hope and policies that will only weaken this nation. We, as conservative Christians, must remain vigilant in our defense of liberty, our faith in Christ, and our commitment to the values that make this nation strong.

There is no turning back now. I will forever be a proud Republican, and I will fight alongside those who believe in the preservation of America’s greatness. We must resist the anti-Christian, anti-capitalist, and anti-freedom agenda of the Democratic Party. Only by returning to our conservative roots can we ensure that America remains the shining city on a hill for generations to come.


  1. Stanley Kurtz, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism, Simon & Schuster, 2010.
  2. David Horowitz, Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model, Horowitz Freedom Center, 2009.
  3. Ben Shapiro, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration, Threshold Editions, 2014.
  4. Peter Schweizer, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, Harper, 2018.

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