Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Air Launched Ballistic Missile (ABLM) Systems: Golden Horizon and Rocks Nuclear Weapons – Is Israel Planning to Use Them on Iran?

Air Launched Ballistic Missile (ABLM) Systems: Golden Horizon and Rocks Nuclear Weapons – Is Israel Planning to Use Them on Iran?

By Bobby Darvish - darvishintelligence.blogspot.com

As a former Imam and Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus and the Muslim Forum of Utah, and now a proud Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian Conservative, I have seen firsthand how the theocratic regime of Iran has oppressed its people and posed a threat to the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran, driven by a dangerous ideology, has long been a destabilizing force in the Middle East. Israel, on the other hand, remains the only true democracy in the region, standing firm against Iranian aggression. Recently, there have been reports of Israeli plans involving two formidable weapons systems, Air Launched Ballistic Missiles (ABLM) codenamed "Golden Horizon" and "Rocks," sparking speculation about whether Israel is preparing to deploy nuclear warheads against Iran.

The question that many are asking now is whether these systems, potentially equipped with nuclear warheads, will be used in a preemptive strike against Iranian military and nuclear targets. Israel, which has a policy of ambiguity regarding its nuclear arsenal, may feel cornered by Iran's advancements in its nuclear program and its persistent threats to "wipe Israel off the map." Iran's continued defiance of international pressure and its opaque nuclear ambitions have brought the region to the brink of conflict.

From a military standpoint, ABLM systems like "Golden Horizon" and "Rocks" offer Israel strategic advantages. These missiles, launched from fighter jets, can target Iranian military installations deep within the country with precision, minimizing the risk to Israeli pilots while delivering devastating payloads. The potential use of nuclear warheads, however, is the real concern. If Israel feels that Iran is on the verge of acquiring a nuclear weapon, it might consider a first strike necessary to preserve its existence. But such a strike would be a monumental decision, not only because of the immediate destruction but also due to the geopolitical consequences.

Should Israel decide to launch these systems, likely targets would include Iranian nuclear sites such as Natanz, Fordow, and other military bases involved in missile production or nuclear development. Iran’s leadership has consistently used its nuclear ambitions as leverage to intimidate the region, but the regime must understand that such provocations come at a cost.

As a conservative Republican and staunch supporter of free-market capitalism, I believe in the strength of nations like Israel to defend themselves from existential threats. Israel's potential use of these advanced ABLM systems is a reflection of the unfortunate reality that Iran’s regime refuses to engage in peaceful dialogue and instead prioritizes its destructive ambitions. The Iranian people, many of whom long for freedom from the tyranny of their Islamic rulers, deserve a future without the threat of war. However, as long as the mullahs remain in power, the specter of conflict will hang over the region.

In conclusion, the world must watch closely as tensions between Israel and Iran escalate. If the Israeli government does indeed consider using "Golden Horizon" and "Rocks" against Iran, the focus must be on minimizing civilian casualties and avoiding nuclear escalation. While Israel has the right to defend itself, we must pray that diplomacy prevails, and that the Iranian people will one day live under a government that values peace and freedom over the dangerous pursuit of nuclear weapons.


  • Broughton, H. (2024). Two devastating Israeli weapons systems described in 'leaked Iran attack plans'.

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