Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Duty of Every True Iranian: Supporting Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican USA

The Duty of Every True Iranian: Supporting Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican USA

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, and Christian conservative, I have come to realize that those Iranians who refuse to support President Donald Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican Party in the United States are not only betraying their heritage but are also standing in opposition to the values of freedom, democracy, and the West. In today’s volatile political climate, it is more important than ever that we Iranians recognize who our true allies are and stand united against the forces of tyranny and darkness that threaten our homeland and the free world.

The Betrayal of Iran’s True Legacy

Iran was once a proud and prosperous civilization—rooted in Zoroastrianism, which emphasized the concepts of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. This foundation of freedom, honor, and progress was shattered by the Islamic conquest, which replaced the culture of enlightenment with one of subjugation and authoritarianism. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the theocratic regime of the Islamic Republic has perpetuated the destruction of our nation’s identity, heritage, and freedom. This government is a continuation of Arab imperialism, seeking to erase Persian customs and values.

Those Iranians who now side with the leftist movements in the West, or who sympathize with the regime’s apologists, are traitors to this noble heritage. They betray not only the legacy of ancient Iran but also the memory of the Iranian people who have suffered for decades under the yoke of Islamic tyranny. Supporting the globalist agendas of the left, whether by backing Democratic politicians in the U.S. or aligning with the enemies of Israel, is a direct betrayal of everything Iran once stood for.

Trump: A True Friend to Iranians

During his presidency, Donald Trump took decisive actions against the Islamic Republic, withdrawing from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA), which only served to embolden the regime and fund its terrorist activities across the region. Trump stood firm in his commitment to isolating the mullahs economically and diplomatically, imposing strict sanctions that cut off the lifeblood of the regime’s terrorist networks. His administration also gave vocal support to the Iranian people during uprisings and protests, recognizing that the true enemy of the Iranian people is their government, not external powers.

Any Iranian who does not support Trump’s policies toward Iran is effectively supporting the continued oppression of their own people. Trump's bold stance against the regime was a beacon of hope for Iranians yearning for freedom, and his America First approach aligns with the long-term goal of liberating Iran from Islamic tyranny.

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi: The Rightful Leader of a Free Iran

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi represents the hope of a free Iran. He is the heir to the Pahlavi dynasty, a dynasty that, despite its flaws, sought to modernize Iran, promote women’s rights, and secularize society. Under the Shah, Iran was on the path to becoming a prosperous and influential nation. The Islamic Revolution robbed Iranians of this future, plunging the country into decades of darkness.

Reza Pahlavi has been a vocal advocate for democracy, secularism, and human rights, offering a vision for a future Iran that can once again take its rightful place as a beacon of freedom and progress in the region. Any Iranian who does not support Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is complicit in the Islamic Republic’s crimes. They are turning their back on the one leader who can guide Iran out of the nightmare of Islamic rule.

Israel: An Ally, Not an Enemy

Israel, often demonized by the Islamic Republic, is one of the few true allies that a free Iran could have in the region. Israel stands as a symbol of resilience and survival, defending itself against constant threats from the very Islamic extremists that also threaten Iran’s future. Historically, Iran and Israel had strong ties, and it is essential for Iranians to recognize that Israel is not an enemy but a partner in the struggle against Islamic extremism and terrorism.

Those who support the Iranian regime’s anti-Israel rhetoric are betraying not only Iran but also the values of peace and coexistence that Iran once stood for. Iran and Israel can and should be allies in the region, united against the common threats posed by radical Islamic ideologies.

The Republican Party: Defenders of Western Civilization

The Republican Party in the United States is the political party that most consistently upholds the values of freedom, democracy, and the defense of Western civilization. While the Democratic Party increasingly aligns itself with globalist, socialist, and even Islamist agendas, the Republican Party stands for the principles that can ensure both America’s and Iran’s future: limited government, individual liberty, and strong national defense.

As an Iranian-American, I recognize that supporting the Republican Party is not just about securing a strong and free America, but it is also about supporting the fight against the Islamic Republic. Under Republican leadership, America is more likely to take decisive actions against the enemies of freedom in Iran and around the world.

Conclusion: Standing with Trump, Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the GOP

In today’s world, any Iranian who does not support Donald Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican Party is a traitor—not only to Iran but also to the West. The forces of Islamic extremism and leftist globalism seek to undermine both our heritage and the freedoms we cherish. By standing with Trump and the GOP, we are standing for the future of a free Iran and a stronger, more secure West.

Let us not forget that the future of Iran depends on our unity in supporting those who truly stand for freedom and justice. For the sake of Iran and the West, we must support Trump, Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republicans.


  1. Pompeo, M. (2019). The Maximum Pressure Campaign: US Strategy Toward Iran. U.S. Department of State.

  2. Pahlavi, R. (2020). Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi’s Call for Iranian Unity and a Secular, Democratic Iran. Iran News.

  3. Trump, D. (2018). Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal. White House Press Briefing.

  4. Benjamin, D. (2019). Iran-Israel Relations Before and After the Revolution. Middle East Affairs Journal.

  5. GOP Platform. (2020). Republican Party Platform on National Security and Foreign Policy. Republican National Committee.
    URL: https://gop

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