Thursday, October 17, 2024

The DARK Truth About Islamism & Mass Immigration

The DARK Truth About Islamism & Mass Immigration

By Bobby Darvish - 

I was born into a world where Islam was inescapable. Growing up in Iran, my life was dictated by a religion that claimed to be the ultimate truth yet seemed incompatible with the values of freedom, human dignity, and love that I would later come to cherish as a Christian. My journey away from Islam and toward Christianity not only opened my eyes to the liberating truth of the Gospel but also to the dangers of political Islam—Islamism—and the realities of mass immigration.

Islamism, not just as a personal belief system but as a political ideology, seeks to dominate. It doesn't merely aim to coexist but to conquer. I’ve seen firsthand how Islamism operates, how it infiltrates societies under the guise of religion, and how it uses mass immigration as a Trojan horse. Det. Peter Bleksley, a British expert on organized crime and terrorism, has been an outspoken critic of the role that Islamism has played in the destabilization of European nations through mass immigration. I want to delve into the harsh realities he and others have uncovered, particularly as these trends threaten to reshape the Western world as we know it.

Islamism: A Political Doctrine, Not Just a Religion

One of the gravest misunderstandings in the West is that Islam is merely a faith, like Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism. It is not. Islam is a complete system of governance—an ideology—that seeks to control all aspects of life: political, social, economic, and religious. This is where Islamism steps in.

Islamism is the aggressive, expansionist manifestation of Islamic thought. It leverages democratic systems and open societies to subvert and eventually take over from within. I saw this in my homeland, where Sharia law wasn’t just a legal system but a means of control—dictating what women could wear, what people could say, and even who they could worship.

Mass Immigration as a Weapon

Mass immigration is one of the tools that Islamists use to infiltrate Western nations. In recent years, we have seen millions of people, many from Muslim-majority countries, flood into Europe and the United States. While many are fleeing war and persecution, there is a significant number of Islamists who use the refugee and immigration crisis to spread their radical ideology in the West.

Bleksley and other security experts have warned that unchecked mass immigration, especially from regions where Islamist ideologies are prevalent, poses an existential threat to Western values and security. We are already seeing the results: the rise of radicalized no-go zones in European cities, terrorist attacks, and a culture of fear that prevents people from speaking out against the growing influence of Islamism.

In countries like France, Germany, and Sweden, we are witnessing a clash of civilizations. Sharia law is being enforced in immigrant communities, often in direct violation of national laws. Women are being oppressed, children are indoctrinated, and Western freedoms are being eroded. The alarming rate at which Western societies are becoming balkanized—where separate, parallel communities refuse to integrate—poses a serious threat to the future of democracy.

The Hypocrisy of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism, once touted as a virtue, has become a double-edged sword. In theory, it encourages the peaceful coexistence of different cultures and religions. In practice, however, it has led to the creation of separate, isolated communities that refuse to adopt the values of their host countries. Islamists, in particular, exploit this under the pretense of religious tolerance, while advancing a fundamentalist agenda that is anything but tolerant.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I know the impact of these ideologies. I grew up in a country that was forcefully Islamicized by Arab imperialism. Iranian traditions, Zoroastrian values, and even our proud history of Persian thought were all trampled under the boot of Islam. Now, this same imperialistic ideology is being welcomed with open arms in the West, under the guise of tolerance and multiculturalism. It is a tragic irony that those who claim to champion diversity are enabling the spread of an ideology that seeks to crush it.

Christianity Offers a Solution

When I found Christ, I found truth and freedom. The love and redemption offered through Jesus Christ is the polar opposite of the submission demanded by Islam. Christianity teaches love for one’s enemies, the dignity of every person, and the importance of truth—values that are antithetical to the oppressive control mechanisms of Islamism.

As Christians, it is our duty to speak the truth about the dangers of Islamism and to protect our societies from those who would seek to destroy them. Immigration should be a compassionate process, but it must also be one that protects national security and ensures that those who come to our shores respect our laws, values, and traditions. Unchecked mass immigration from Islamist strongholds does not achieve this; it invites conflict and division.

Final Thoughts

The warnings of people like Det. Peter Bleksley should not be ignored. Islamism, combined with mass immigration, is changing the landscape of Western society at an alarming rate. As a Christian, a conservative, and an Iranian-American who has escaped the clutches of Islamic authoritarianism, I urge my fellow Westerners to stand firm. The values of freedom, democracy, and Christianity are worth defending. We cannot allow Islamism to creep into our societies under the guise of religion or mass immigration.

We must speak out, enforce our laws, and ensure that those who come to our countries are willing to integrate and respect the Judeo-Christian values that have built the West into the beacon of freedom that it is today. Anything less is surrender.


Bleksley, P. (2023). Undercover Policing and Counter-Terrorism Strategies. London: Constable.

Gatestone Institute. (2019). The Islamization of Europe.

Sookhdeo, P. (2018). Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam. Isaac Publishing.

Ye’or, B. (2011). Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

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