Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Cop Haters: The Globalist Red-Green Axis Agenda to Defund American Police

The Cop Haters: The Globalist Red-Green Axis Agenda to Defund American Police

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and a former Imam, I have witnessed the destructive consequences of ideological extremism. Today, I want to address a pressing issue in our society: the agenda to defund American police forces. This movement is not merely a grassroots reaction to specific incidents of police misconduct; it is part of a broader, coordinated strategy driven by the globalist red-green axis—an unholy alliance between radical leftists and Islamists.

Understanding the Globalist Red-Green Axis

The term "red-green axis" refers to the collusion between communists (the "red") and Islamists (the "green"). This coalition seeks to undermine traditional American values, including law and order, through various means. By fostering anti-police sentiment, they aim to destabilize communities and create a vacuum that can be exploited for their radical agendas.

Emily Means, a journalist at KUER, exemplifies this troubling trend. Her reporting often serves as a mouthpiece for the defund-the-police narrative, pushing a message that aligns with the goals of the red-green axis. It is critical to recognize that journalists like Means are not neutral observers; they are paid stooges advancing an agenda that seeks to weaken American society from within.

The Dangers of Defunding the Police

Defunding the police is not merely a slogan; it has real-world implications. When police departments are stripped of resources, communities become more vulnerable to crime and chaos. The very individuals these activists claim to protect—predominantly minorities—are often the first to suffer when law enforcement is weakened.

A study by the National Police Foundation shows that the overall crime rates increased significantly in cities that have moved to defund or disband their police departments. For instance, in Minneapolis, where the movement gained momentum following the tragic death of George Floyd, homicides surged by over 80% in 2021 compared to the previous year a stark reminder that a strong police presence is essential for maintaining public safety.

The Role of Media in Propagating Anti-Police Sentiment

The media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception. Unfortunately, outlets like KUER, which employ journalists like Means, often sensationalize incidents of police misconduct while downplaying the benefits of a well-funded police force. By selectively presenting information, they contribute to a narrative that vilifies law enforcement and romanticizes criminal behavior.

This is not merely irresponsible journalism; it is a calculated effort to incite public outrage and foment division. The more chaotic our society becomes, the easier it is for radical ideologies to take root.

A Call to Action

As someone who has been on both sides of this debate, I urge my fellow Americans to recognize the dangers posed by the red-green axis and their agenda to defund the police. We must stand firm in our support for law enforcement, advocating for reforms that promote accountability while ensuring that our police forces have the resources necessary to keep our communities safe.

We cannot allow the rhetoric of a few radical activists to dictate the future of our society. Instead, we must focus on pragmatic solutions that uphold our values of justice, safety, and individual freedom.

Let us not forget that the safety of our communities is paramount. We must reject the narrative pushed by individuals like Emily Means and others who serve the interests of the globalist red-green axis. Instead, let’s come together as a united front to support our police and preserve the rule of law.


  1. National Police Foundation. (2022). "Crime Trends: The Impact of Defunding the Police." National Police Foundation.

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