Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why the Police Should Not Be Subject to Globalist Red-Green Axis Oversight Committees

Why the Police Should Not Be Subject to Globalist Red-Green Axis Oversight Committees

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and former Imam, I’ve seen firsthand how certain ideologies infiltrate institutions to weaken and subvert them. Having served as Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus and President of the Muslim Forum of Utah, I know all too well the dangers posed by external forces masquerading as champions of "justice" while advancing their own insidious agendas. Today, we must stand against the growing demand for third-party oversight committees over police forces, especially when these committees are populated by representatives of the globalist red-green axis.

In recent years, the movement to establish third-party police oversight committees has gained traction, driven primarily by those who claim to be fighting for "accountability." At face value, this may seem like a noble cause. But as we dig deeper, we find that these committees are often comprised of individuals with anti-American, Marxist, and Islamist sympathies. These two ideological forces—the red of Marxism and the green of Islamism—have joined hands in what I call the "globalist red-green axis." Their goal is not merely to reform the police but to dismantle law enforcement and undermine Western democratic institutions.

The Real Agenda Behind the Red-Green Axis

The red-green axis has long sought to erode the pillars of Western civilization, from the family unit to the national economy, and now they’re targeting law enforcement. By pushing for these oversight committees, they aim to weaken police forces from within, making them ineffective in maintaining law and order. This isn't just about local policing; it’s part of a broader strategy to destabilize America and Western nations, paving the way for an authoritarian, globalist regime.

Marxists, of course, despise law enforcement because police stand as defenders of private property, individual rights, and the capitalist order. For the Marxist left, the destruction of police forces is a necessary step toward a socialist revolution. Meanwhile, Islamists see law enforcement as an obstacle to their ambitions of establishing sharia law. They understand that a weakened or compromised police force would be incapable of defending constitutional freedoms, especially against the creeping influence of Islamism.

The collaboration between these two forces has been well-documented. Islamist groups like CAIR have allied themselves with leftist organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, working together to demonize police and promote chaos in the streets. They push narratives of police brutality and "systemic racism" to delegitimize law enforcement entirely. It’s no coincidence that both groups thrive on disorder and instability—the very conditions that make it easier for their ideologies to spread.

Police Are a Line of Defense Against Tyranny

As someone who has lived through the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I know the value of strong law enforcement. In Iran, where the regime exerts total control over its security forces, citizens have no recourse for justice. Law enforcement serves the interests of the theocracy, and dissent is brutally crushed. The Iranian people have no freedom of speech, no right to assembly, and no protections from state violence.

In America, the police—while imperfect—are one of the few institutions standing between us and the totalitarianism that both the red-green axis and globalist elites envision. Allowing external committees to oversee our law enforcement is a dangerous step toward empowering those who seek to tear down our capitalist, constitutional republic.

Who Will Watch the Watchers?

Another crucial question arises: who gets to sit on these oversight committees? Time and again, we’ve seen that such committees end up being staffed by political activists, not impartial judges. These are people with radical agendas, people who openly despise the police, the military, and the very notion of national sovereignty. Do we really want individuals like this—people with no respect for American values—having authority over our law enforcement?

Take, for example, the case of Minneapolis, where an oversight committee composed of activists led to the defunding of the police, which resulted in a sharp increase in violent crime at Portland, where anti-police activists on oversight committees have repeatedly hampered law enforcement's ability to maintain order, leading to a city plagued by riots and lawlessness . These e become testing grounds for the red-green axis' vision of America—one where law enforcement is neutered, and chaos reigns.

The Globalist Aim: A Borderless, Lawless World

We must also understand that the ultimate goal of the globalists who back the red-green axis is to create a borderless world where national sovereignty is a thing of the past. A weakened police force is a necessary step in this direction. Without local law enforcement to uphold the laws of our sovereign nation, international organizations like the United Nations would be free to impose their will on us.

Globalist elites do not want a strong, independent America. They want an America that can be controlled from abroad, one that is subservient to global financial interests and international bureaucrats. By undermining law enforcement through these so-called "oversight" committees, they hope to create a power vacuum that will be filled by international forces, leading to the erosion of our constitutional freedoms.

Conclusion: Stand with Law Enforcement

As a Christian conservative and a proud capitalist Republican, I reject the notion that our police need third-party oversight from political radicals and globalists. Law enforcement is not perfect, but it must remain independent from the forces that seek to dismantle it. We cannot allow Marxists and Islamists to gain a foothold in our law enforcement institutions under the guise of "accountability."

America’s police are the guardians of our freedom, our property, and our way of life. To hand them over to the red-green axis is to invite tyranny, lawlessness, and the eventual collapse of our great nation. Let’s stand firm in support of our police, and reject the lies of those who seek to control them.



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