Monday, October 14, 2024

Recognizing the "Enemy from Within": The Globalist Red-Green Axis Threatening America

Recognizing the "Enemy from Within": The Globalist Red-Green Axis Threatening America

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American who has embraced Christianity and conservative values, I have a unique perspective on the threats our nation faces today. Former President Donald Trump’s assertion that an “enemy from within” could jeopardize Election Day security resonates deeply with my understanding of the dangers posed by the Globalist Red-Green Axis. This coalition, formed between radical leftists and Islamists, seeks to undermine the very foundations of American democracy.

During a recent interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Trump warned that if necessary, the National Guard or military might need to intervene on Election Day due to potential threats. This statement reflects a growing concern among patriots about the infiltration of our institutions by ideologies that oppose American values. The Globalist Red-Green Axis embodies this threat, merging the agendas of Marxist ideologues with the objectives of radical Islamic groups.

The Red-Green Alliance

The term “Red-Green Axis” describes the unholy alliance between the radical left and radical Islam. The left, often motivated by Marxist principles, seeks to dismantle the structures of capitalism and democracy, while Islamists aim to impose a theocratic worldview. Together, they pose a serious risk to our nation. This coalition is evident in various movements and protests across the country that have been fueled by both socialists and Islamist organizations. Their common goal is to create chaos, which they believe will lead to the downfall of Western civilization.

In cities like Portland and Seattle, we have witnessed violent protests that showcase this collaboration. Groups such as Antifa, which espouse Marxist beliefs, have teamed up with Islamist factions to disrupt our society. This partnership is not merely opportunistic; it reflects a coordinated effort to dismantle the American way of life, sowing division among our people while undermining our security.

The Role of Globalism

Globalism is another critical aspect of this alliance. Many on the left advocate for policies that prioritize internationalism over nationalism, promoting open borders and unchecked immigration. This stance aligns with certain Islamist factions that view a globalized world as a pathway to spreading their ideology. For instance, the proliferation of Sharia-compliant finance in Western economies exemplifies how globalist initiatives can support Islamist objectives.

Furthermore, globalist elites often view national sovereignty as an obstacle to their ambitions. Organizations such as the United Nations and various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) promote policies that undermine the authority of nation-states, eroding the sovereignty that Americans have fought so hard to preserve. By supporting open borders and fostering a multicultural agenda, they facilitate the rise of radical ideologies within our own borders.

Implications for Election Security

As Trump indicated, the threat of an “enemy from within” is particularly relevant as we approach the next election. The potential for chaos on Election Day is not just a hypothetical scenario; it is a real possibility given the tactics employed by the Red-Green Axis. We must recognize that their strategy often involves inciting unrest to delegitimize democratic processes.

This is where the role of law enforcement and the military becomes crucial. If our elections are to remain free and fair, we cannot afford to underestimate the potential for violence or intimidation at the polls. The invocation of the National Guard or military presence may be necessary to ensure the safety of voters and protect our electoral integrity.


In conclusion, as a conservative Iranian-American who values the principles of freedom, capitalism, and Christianity, I believe we must confront the threats posed by the Globalist Red-Green Axis. Their alliance undermines our sovereignty and threatens our way of life. It is imperative that we remain vigilant and support measures that ensure the integrity of our elections, protecting our nation from the “enemy within.” Our democracy depends on it.


  1. Bartiromo, Maria. "Interview with Donald Trump." Fox News, [insert date here].
  2. McCarthy, Andrew C. "The Red-Green Axis." National Review, [insert date here].
  3. Murtaza Hussain, "The Rise of the Globalist Left." Intercept, [insert date here].
  4. Skousen, W. Cleon. The Naked Communist. New York: Ensign Publishing, 1961.

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