Monday, October 14, 2024

Muslim Lies About Christianity Exposed and Answered

Muslim Lies About Christianity Exposed and Answered 

By Bobby Darvish - 

As a Christian conservative, Iranian-American, and former Muslim, I feel compelled to address and refute the claims made regarding contradictions in the Bible and the supposed failures of Christianity as a religion. The statement that "any book that claims to be the word of God must not contain any contradictions" is a heavy one, and while the Bible is often scrutinized for its perceived inconsistencies, it's crucial to approach these claims with context, faith, and an understanding of biblical interpretation.

Addressing Old Testament Contradictions

The assertion that Genesis chapters 1 and 2 present contradictory accounts of creation is a common point of contention. However, these chapters serve distinct purposes: Genesis 1 outlines a broad overview of creation, while Genesis 2 offers a more detailed narrative focused on humanity. The differing order of creation highlights the theological emphasis on humanity's unique relationship with God rather than presenting a factual contradiction.

Similarly, the claim regarding Noah’s ark and the two versus seven of clean animals can be understood through the lens of context and purpose. Genesis 6:19-22 refers to the command to save representatives of each kind, while Genesis 7:2-3 clarifies the provisions for sacrificial animals, demonstrating God's foresight in providing for worship.

The accounts of the flood resting on the mountains of Ararat and the subsequent drying of the earth serve to illustrate God’s power and patience rather than undermine the text's validity. The varying timelines and details are not necessarily contradictions but rather different perspectives on a singular event, providing a more comprehensive understanding.

Examining New Testament Contradictions

The genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke appear at first glance to be contradictory. However, a deeper examination reveals that Matthew traces Joseph's lineage through Solomon to assert Jesus' royal lineage, while Luke traces it through Nathan, presenting Jesus as a son of man, emphasizing His humanity. This is consistent with the belief that Jesus, while divine, was also fully human.

Regarding the differing accounts of Jesus' birth, these discrepancies can be attributed to the varied audiences and theological goals of the Gospel writers. Each Gospel offers unique details to convey the significance of Jesus' birth, and the differences serve to enrich the narrative rather than detract from its truth.

For instance, the accounts of Judas' death illustrate the complexity of biblical interpretation. The descriptions of Judas's demise in Matthew and Acts emphasize different aspects of his betrayal and guilt. The variations prompt reflection on the seriousness of sin rather than providing a straightforward historical account.

The resurrection narratives are indeed diverse, yet they underscore the reality of the event from multiple witnesses’ perspectives. The differences in the accounts of the women at the tomb and the angels present a multifaceted understanding of the miraculous resurrection. They encourage believers to engage with the text and wrestle with its implications rather than accepting a simplistic interpretation.

The Nature of Scripture

It’s essential to understand that the Bible is not merely a historical document; it is a sacred text that speaks to the hearts of believers across centuries. The presence of diverse accounts and perspectives in the Scriptures reflects the richness of human experience and divine revelation. As Christians, we believe that the Holy Spirit guides our understanding of the text, revealing deeper truths that transcend mere contradictions.

Moreover, the argument that a single contradiction disproves the divine nature of Scripture fails to recognize the complexity of theological discourse. The Bible invites us into a relationship with God that is dynamic and transformative, rather than one that can be reduced to a list of contradictions.


In conclusion, as an ex-Muslim who has experienced the profound difference between Islamic teachings and Christian faith, I find comfort and strength in the Bible, despite its complexities. The perceived contradictions do not undermine its truth but rather enrich the narrative of salvation history. They invite us into deeper reflection and a more profound understanding of God's revelation to humanity.

By engaging with Scripture thoughtfully and critically, we can see how it speaks to our lives, our values, and our faith, affirming that the Christian faith is indeed the true revelation of God’s love and purpose for humanity.


  1. The Holy Bible, Genesis 1-2, 6-8.
  2. The Holy Bible, Matthew 1, 27, Luke 3, 22, John 19.
  3. Blomberg, Craig L. The Historical Reliability of the Gospels. InterVarsity Press, 1987.
  4. Carson, D. A. The New Testament Commentary. Baker Academic, 1984.
  5. Geisler, Norman L., and William N. Hordern. A General Introduction to the Bible. Moody Press, 1985.

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