Friday, October 25, 2024

Lefties Losing It: Kamala’s Attempt to Speak Without an Autocue Shows the Left’s Fragility

Lefties Losing It: Kamala’s Attempt to Speak Without an Autocue Shows the Left’s Fragility

By Bobby Darvish

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, now a conservative Christian, I find it both astounding and deeply troubling to watch America’s political landscape take shape. And nothing has epitomized the weakness of today’s leftist establishment more than Vice President Kamala Harris’s latest attempt to go off-script, failing to string together coherent, impactful points without the help of an autocue. The incident highlights a significant issue at the heart of modern left-wing politics: its leaders are often unable to deliver a clear, unscripted message, as their policies and beliefs crumble under real scrutiny. Kamala’s awkward speeches serve as a powerful reminder of why conservative values offer a much stronger foundation for both leadership and policy.

Kamala’s Struggle: A Symptom of the Left’s Incoherence

At a recent event, Kamala Harris stepped away from the safety net of a teleprompter and found herself stumbling over her words, relying on generalities and buzzwords that fell flat. This wasn’t just a random lapse in communication; it’s part of a larger trend we’ve seen time and again from her and other leftist politicians. When they can’t rely on heavily vetted and carefully crafted statements, they struggle to connect with audiences in any meaningful way. Compare that to strong conservative leaders who aren’t afraid to speak openly, offering clear, concise, and value-based messages even in unscripted moments.

Harris’s difficulty with direct, unscripted communication underscores the fact that the left’s messaging often relies on empty rhetoric instead of substantive, actionable policy. Without the support of speechwriters, her attempts at discussing issues like climate change, immigration, and education seem directionless and devoid of real solutions. And this isn’t just embarrassing for the vice president; it’s a sign of the left’s inability to offer Americans authentic leadership and actionable ideas.

The Dependency on Scripted Words

As conservatives, we know that genuine leadership is rooted in principles that guide us, even when we’re put on the spot. Conservative figures are often more comfortable speaking from the heart, grounded in values that resonate across time. For instance, we saw Ronald Reagan, even as a polished public speaker, retain authenticity in unscripted moments because his core beliefs were deeply ingrained. Kamala Harris, in contrast, seems reliant on the teleprompter as a lifeline, suggesting that she lacks conviction in the policies she promotes or simply cannot articulate them without help.

This is where the difference between scripted performance and true leadership becomes evident. Leaders who embody their principles, who believe deeply in their ideas, don’t require endless coaching and autocues. The dependency we see in leftist figures like Kamala Harris reflects a hollow approach to politics—a reliance on “optics” over authenticity, on memorized slogans instead of real convictions. For a nation looking to its leaders for direction, this lack of genuine communication is both uninspiring and concerning.

What This Means for Americans

It’s no wonder that conservative principles resonate with so many Americans who are fed up with political theater. When Harris stumbles through a speech without her autocue, we see a reflection of a party struggling to offer a coherent vision. This is a party that shifts with the winds of “progressive” ideals, seemingly incapable of defining a stable foundation.

This is a reminder for conservatives and all Americans who value clear, values-based leadership. A government that depends on superficial optics can’t be trusted to make difficult decisions for the future. When we see a vice president unable to articulate her own policies, it’s a wake-up call: leftist politics has become a hollow enterprise, held up by media support, PR teams, and carefully staged events. It is far removed from the grounded conservatism that shaped America’s foundation—values that include free speech, personal responsibility, and limited government.

The Path Forward: Calling for Authentic Leadership

As an Iranian-American who has witnessed both the pitfalls of authoritarian regimes and the blessings of American liberty, I am committed to promoting leadership that serves truth and integrity. Watching Kamala’s faltering performance should remind us all of the importance of electing leaders who speak confidently from their convictions, not from a teleprompter. This isn’t just a minor flaw in public speaking; it’s symptomatic of a broader decay in the quality and integrity of leadership on the left.

In times of crisis, Americans deserve leaders who are prepared to speak to the nation directly, without depending on rehearsed lines and teleprompters. When leaders rely too much on scripts, they are in danger of becoming actors, not public servants. For the sake of America’s future, it’s time to demand more from those in power. As conservatives, we can lead by example, ensuring our leaders are grounded in conviction, ready to speak and act decisively without the need for a constant safety net. This is the type of leadership that has always made America exceptional, and it’s the type of leadership we need now more than ever.


  1. Ball, Molly. “The Complicated Power of Kamala Harris.” Time Magazine, 2021,

  2. Hirsh, Michael. “How Kamala Harris Went from Rising Star to Liability.” National Journal, 2022,

  3. Brody, David. The Faith of Ronald Reagan. Regnery Publishing, 2014.

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