Sunday, October 6, 2024

Kamala Harris vs. Karl Marx: A Perspective from an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian Conservative

Kamala Harris vs. Karl Marx: A Perspective from an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian Conservative

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian and a proud conservative capitalist, I have a unique lens through which I view the political and ideological landscape. Coming from a country that has suffered under oppressive ideologies, I find myself particularly wary of policies and rhetoric that sound reminiscent of Marxist principles. In recent years, Vice President Kamala Harris has become a leading voice for progressive causes, espousing ideas that, at times, echo the foundational tenets of Marxism—whether intentionally or not. Let’s break down how her statements and positions align with, and diverge from, the thoughts of Karl Marx.

Kamala Harris on Equality and Opportunity

One of Harris's recurring themes is the idea that we must fight for equality of opportunity. In her speeches, she often emphasizes the importance of creating systems that provide everyone with an equal chance to succeed. For example, during her 2020 campaign, Harris frequently used phrases like, "We must level the playing field for everyone" and "No one should be left behind" . These sound like noble ideas, but the language she uses sometimes raises alarm bells for those of us wary of government overreach.

Equality of opportunity, while admirable in theory, can be misinterpreted or manipulated to justify policies that require substantial government intervention—something that quickly starts to resemble Marx’s vision of dismantling capitalism. While Harris may not be advocating for the complete overthrow of capitalist structures, her focus on systemic reforms hints at a reliance on state power to redistribute resources, which is a slippery slope toward Marxist ideology.

Karl Marx on Equality and Redistribution

Karl Marx’s view on equality went beyond just providing opportunities. Marx was concerned with the outcomes. In Critique of the Gotha Program, he famously stated, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” . This phrase epitomizes Marx's belief that the state should distribute resources to ensure that everyone’s needs are met, irrespective of their individual contributions to society. Marx envisioned a world where private property is abolished, and the state (acting on behalf of the working class) would control the means of production.

In contrast to Harris’s calls for equal opportunity, Marx’s framework suggests that opportunities are not enough. He advocates for state-enforced economic equality, which directly conflicts with the capitalist principles I hold dear. As someone who fled theocratic oppression in Iran, I see Marx’s vision of state control as an inevitable path toward the loss of personal freedom and individual responsibility.

Kamala Harris on Healthcare and Education

Harris has been a strong proponent of universal healthcare and free college education. During her campaign, she stated, “Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege” and called for an overhaul of the American healthcare system . Additionally, she has supported free college education for low-income families. While these positions may be motivated by a desire to help the underprivileged, they align disturbingly closely with Marx’s ideas on public control of essential services.

Healthcare and education, according to Harris, should be universally accessible, and while she does not explicitly call for the complete socialization of these sectors, her rhetoric suggests a belief in the necessity of government involvement in critical industries. This echoes Marx’s argument that the state should control all essential services to ensure equality for all, a notion that often leads to inefficiency, bureaucracy, and a lack of innovation. As a capitalist, I believe that competition and market-driven solutions are the most effective means of ensuring quality and innovation, especially in sectors like healthcare and education.

Karl Marx on State Control of Services

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels called for the centralization of key industries in the hands of the state, including healthcare, education, and transportation . Marx believed that capitalist systems inherently created inequality and that the only way to ensure fairness was to have the state take control of these critical sectors. His ideas laid the groundwork for the socialist and communist governments of the 20th century, many of which led to widespread poverty and human rights abuses, as seen in the Soviet Union and Mao’s China.

Harris’s push for universal healthcare and free education may not go as far as Marx’s call for complete state control, but the principles are not far removed. As an Iranian-American who has seen firsthand what happens when governments take control of industries, I cannot help but be wary of her proposals.

Kamala Harris on Workers’ Rights and Unions

Another point of concern is Harris's vocal support for labor unions and workers' rights. She has said, “When we support unions, we lift up the middle class,” and she has consistently backed policies that increase the power of organized labor . On the surface, supporting workers seems harmless, even beneficial, but we must be careful about how far we take this notion. Unions, when too powerful, can stifle individual freedom and innovation.

Karl Marx on Labor and Class Struggle

Marx viewed labor unions as a stepping stone toward a larger class revolution. For Marx, unions were essential in organizing the working class to rise up against the bourgeoisie, the capitalist class. In Das Kapital, Marx analyzed the exploitation of workers under capitalism and argued that only through collective struggle could the proletariat (working class) overthrow their oppressors and establish a classless society .

Harris’s support for unions does not go so far as to advocate for a class revolution, but the undercurrent of class conflict is there. As a conservative capitalist, I believe in the value of individual hard work and entrepreneurship. While unions can play a role in protecting workers, they must not become a tool for state control over private enterprise or a mechanism to foster class resentment.

Conclusion: A Conservative Caution

As an Iranian-American who has seen the dangers of unchecked government power and an ex-Muslim who values the freedom to choose my own path, I am deeply concerned about the direction Kamala Harris’s rhetoric and policies are heading. While she may not be advocating for full Marxism, many of her positions align with Marxist principles of state control, wealth redistribution, and a reliance on collective action at the expense of individual liberty.

We must be vigilant as conservatives to protect the values of free markets, personal responsibility, and limited government—principles that have made the United States a beacon of freedom. History has shown us that the road to socialism is paved with good intentions. Let’s not forget what Karl Marx really stood for, and let’s be cautious when modern politicians like Kamala Harris echo even a faint resemblance to his ideas.


  1. Critique of the Gotha Program, Karl Marx (1875)
  2. The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848)
  3. Das Kapital, Karl Marx (1867)
  4. Kamala Harris speeches and policy positions from 2020 campaign.

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