Thursday, October 24, 2024

Focus, Commitment and Sheer Will

By Bobby Darvish -

Focus, commitment, and sheer will are traits that have guided me throughout my career, shaping my path as a cybersecurity engineer. These are not just abstract concepts but lived values I learned from my father, who was an imperial officer, an agent of SAVAK, and a government psychologist and sociologist with a double doctorate. He embodied these principles in everything he did, and I grew up observing the discipline with which he approached his work and life.

From an early age, I learned that success doesn’t come from fleeting efforts or passive dedication. My father always emphasized the importance of focus—truly concentrating on the task at hand, shutting out distractions, and working with precision. In his role as a psychologist and sociologist, he had to deeply understand human behavior, a field that requires intense attention to detail and unwavering dedication. Watching him, I realized that without focus, even the most talented individual can fall short.

Commitment was another vital lesson he passed on. My father’s career in the imperial military and SAVAK was not just a job; it was a calling that required absolute dedication. There were no half-measures, no room for compromise when it came to serving his country. His commitment to his roles and his studies—culminating in two doctorates—was proof that true expertise is earned through relentless perseverance. This understanding has shaped my approach to cybersecurity. In a field where the landscape is constantly evolving, commitment to ongoing learning and development is essential. You cannot stay stagnant; you must constantly strive to adapt and grow.

Sheer will is perhaps the most personal of these lessons. I witnessed my father overcome obstacles that would have broken a lesser man. His strength of will carried him through not only the challenges of his profession but also the turbulent political shifts in Iran’s history. That resilience, that refusal to give up, is something I’ve carried with me into the world of cybersecurity. In my field, there are moments when problems seem insurmountable, when systems are compromised, or when threats emerge that no one has seen before. It is in those moments that sheer will—an unyielding drive to find solutions—becomes crucial.

As a cybersecurity engineer, I face complex challenges daily, and it is these lessons of focus, commitment, and sheer will that empower me to succeed. They are the legacy of my father, applied to a new battlefield.

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