Thursday, September 5, 2024

Why Liberal Californians Move to Utah and Try to Implement the Same Policies That Destroyed California

Why Liberal Californians Move to Utah and Try to Implement the Same Policies That Destroyed California

By Bobby Darvish

As a proud Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, Christian, and conservative LDS, I’ve observed a troubling trend: liberal Californians moving to Utah, bringing with them the very ideologies and policies that have wreaked havoc in their home state. It is an irony too striking to ignore, for Utah—a state known for its conservative values, strong community ties, and LDS influence—is being confronted by those who have fled the consequences of their own political decisions in California, only to try to recreate them here.

This influx is more than just a demographic shift. It is a cultural and political clash that threatens the foundations of Utah’s success. California has long been the epicenter of progressive politics in America, with liberal policies that emphasize government intervention, high taxes, and expansive social programs. These policies have led to a host of problems—rising homelessness, increased crime, skyrocketing housing costs, and deteriorating infrastructure—that have driven many Californians to seek refuge in states like Utah. But instead of embracing the conservative policies that have made Utah a stable and thriving state, many bring with them the same ideas that contributed to California's decline.

California's Decline Under Liberal Policies

California was once the pinnacle of the American Dream. It boasted a strong economy, booming industries, and affordable living. However, as liberal policies took hold, the state began to decline. High taxation rates, overregulation, and a growing welfare state have placed a tremendous burden on both businesses and residents. The state’s infamous housing crisis is a prime example, where progressive zoning laws, environmental restrictions, and high taxes have driven housing prices to unaffordable levels for many. As a result, California has seen a mass exodus, with hundreds of thousands leaving for greener pastures.

A recent study showed that nearly 700,000 Californians left the state between 2020 and 2022, citing high taxes and cost of living as the primary reasons . It is no coincidence that many of these people are moving to states like Utah, Texas, and Florida—states that are governed by conservative policies that promote lower taxes, individual freedom, and limited government.

Why Utah?

Utah has long been a beacon of stability, prosperity, and family-oriented values, all of which are deeply rooted in its strong LDS heritage. The state's conservative approach to governance has fostered an environment that attracts businesses, encourages entrepreneurship, and keeps taxes low. Utah ranks as one of the best states to live in, with a strong economy, a low unemployment rate, and a high quality of life. It is no surprise that Utah has become a magnet for those fleeing the chaos of liberal California.

But as these newcomers settle in Utah, they often bring with them the very political ideas they left behind. Many of these liberal Californians seem to fail to connect the dots between their state's decline and the policies that caused it. Instead of adopting Utah’s conservative values, they try to implement the same liberal ideologies that failed in California—pushing for higher taxes, more regulations, and expanded government programs. This attempt to reshape Utah in California's image poses a serious threat to the state’s future.

The Danger of California-Style Policies in Utah

The policies that liberal Californians are attempting to implement in Utah are the same ones that led to the Golden State's downfall. For instance, they push for more housing regulations in the name of "affordable housing," but in reality, these regulations only serve to increase housing prices by restricting supply and discouraging development. They advocate for higher taxes to fund expansive social programs, which ultimately disincentivizes businesses and burdens working families. They support more government intervention in nearly every sector, from education to healthcare, which only leads to inefficiency and stagnation.

This liberal agenda is fundamentally at odds with the values that have made Utah a thriving state. Utah's success is rooted in personal responsibility, self-reliance, and a limited government that respects individual freedoms. The LDS Church plays a significant role in shaping these values, emphasizing community service, family, and the importance of work. In contrast, liberal policies erode these values by promoting dependency on government programs, undermining personal responsibility, and prioritizing the needs of special interest groups over the common good.

The LDS Perspective on Liberalism and Conservatism

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), I see the clash between liberalism and conservatism not just as a political issue, but as a spiritual one. The values of conservatism—personal responsibility, limited government, and respect for the Constitution—align closely with the teachings of the LDS faith. We believe in the importance of agency, self-reliance, and service to our communities. Liberalism, on the other hand, often promotes policies that strip individuals of their agency by making them dependent on government assistance.

In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, the LDS Church emphasizes the importance of family as the fundamental unit of society. Conservative values, which prioritize the protection of the family, are critical in ensuring that this unit remains strong. Liberal policies that promote alternative lifestyles, abortion, and the dissolution of traditional family structures are in direct opposition to the principles that we, as LDS members, hold dear.

Conclusion: Utah Must Defend Its Conservative Values

If Utah is to remain the strong, prosperous state it has always been, it must resist the influx of liberal ideologies that seek to reshape its future. Californians fleeing their home state must recognize that the policies they left behind are not the solution, but the problem. Utah’s conservative values, rooted in personal responsibility, limited government, and the teachings of the LDS Church, are what make it an attractive place to live. We must defend these values and ensure that they continue to guide Utah’s future.

As a conservative Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, and member of the LDS Church, I believe it is our duty to stand firm against the forces that seek to undermine the principles that have made Utah a great state. We must preserve the integrity of our communities, protect our families, and ensure that Utah remains a beacon of hope for those who cherish freedom, faith, and conservative values.


  1. "Californians are Leaving the State in Droves—Here’s Where They’re Going," Forbes, 2022.

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