Monday, September 23, 2024

The Left's Hypocrisy: A Personal Reflection on Bigotry, Racism, and Sexism

The Left's Hypocrisy: A Personal Reflection on Bigotry, Racism, and Sexism

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, I have navigated various cultural landscapes that have profoundly shaped my understanding of identity, belief, and societal dynamics. It is with this backdrop that I find myself increasingly concerned about the left's portrayal of itself as the champion of tolerance and equality, while simultaneously exhibiting some of the most significant instances of bigotry, racism, and sexism in contemporary American politics.

The Paradox of Tolerance

The left prides itself on advocating for marginalized groups, yet often resorts to dismissing and vilifying those who hold differing viewpoints. This phenomenon is well captured by the concept of "paradox of tolerance," articulated by philosopher Karl Popper. He argued that in order to maintain a tolerant society, one must be intolerant of intolerance (Popper, 1945). Ironically, the left, in its quest to promote inclusivity, often demonstrates a remarkable intolerance towards conservatives and traditionalists, labeling them as bigots or sexist without a fair evaluation of their arguments.

The Race Card

In the realm of race relations, the left has a troubling tendency to view individuals through the prism of race rather than as unique human beings. This perspective is not only reductive but also promotes a kind of racial essentialism that can lead to divisiveness rather than unity. For example, the left frequently emphasizes the idea that all white individuals are inherently privileged and racist, ignoring the complexities of individual experiences and the contributions of diverse groups to American society (McWhorter, 2021). This approach alienates not only conservatives but also many people of color who do not subscribe to this narrative.

The Sexism Double Standard

Sexism is another area where the left's double standards become glaringly apparent. While the left positions itself as the guardian of women's rights, it often undermines women who voice dissenting opinions or challenge the prevailing feminist orthodoxy. Take the treatment of women like former actress and activist Kirstie Alley, who faced significant backlash for her conservative beliefs. The hypocrisy is striking: the left claims to support women's autonomy, yet it often silences women who do not align with its ideological framework (Ingraham, 2021).

The Right’s True Colors

In contrast, the right has often been mischaracterized as inherently bigoted, racist, and sexist. While there are certainly fringe elements within any political movement, the broader conservative ethos emphasizes individual responsibility, meritocracy, and the value of all individuals regardless of race, gender, or creed. The commitment to a colorblind approach, which advocates for judging individuals by their character rather than their identity, can be seen as a rejection of the very racial divisions that the left perpetuates (Sowell, 2019).


As an ex-Muslim navigating these political waters, I see the necessity of holding both sides accountable. The left’s hypocrisy in claiming to champion equality while practicing exclusion and intolerance must be challenged. It is essential to foster an environment where respectful dialogue can flourish, allowing individuals from all backgrounds to express their views without fear of retribution. Only then can we hope to achieve a truly inclusive society that honors the rich tapestry of American identity.


  • Ingraham, L. (2021). The Ingraham Angle. Fox News.
  • McWhorter, J. (2021). Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America. Portfolio.
  • Popper, K. (1945). The Open Society and Its Enemies. Routledge.
  • Sowell, T. (2019). Discrimination and Disparities. Basic Books.

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