Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Disturbing Reality of Pet-Eating Arrests in America: A Conservative Christian Iranian-American Perspective

The Disturbing Reality of Pet-Eating Arrests in America: A Conservative Christian Iranian-American Perspective

As a Christian Iranian-American and former Muslim, I have witnessed firsthand how cultural differences can clash with core American values. One of the most troubling issues I have encountered is the unsettling number of cases where people have been arrested for eating pets in the United States. This practice, which is more common in some parts of the world, directly violates the moral foundation of this great nation. As Christians, and especially as conservative Christians, we are called to protect life in all its forms—especially the lives of our loyal companions, which hold a special place in our homes and hearts.

America is a nation built on Judeo-Christian principles, including the idea that humans have a responsibility to steward and care for the animals under their protection. The relationship between humans and animals is part of God’s divine plan. Proverbs 12:10 tells us, "The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." Eating pets, whether dogs, cats, or other household animals, is not only an act of cruelty but also a violation of the trust placed in us by God.

Yet, cases of people being arrested for this heinous act have surfaced in the U.S., showcasing a disturbing trend that undermines the values of our nation. The key question is: how have we reached this point, and what can we do to stop it?

Notable Cases of Pet-Eating Arrests

One of the most widely reported cases occurred in California in 2018, when a man named David Kalinowski was arrested after authorities discovered that he had killed and eaten his family's pet dog. This incident shocked the local community and was a stark reminder of the dangers of cultural erosion and moral decay within American society . Kalinowski was charged with felony animal cruelty, as the authorities recognized the severity of his actions. In this case, the legal system worked to defend the voiceless and protect the sanctity of pet ownership.

Similarly, in 2013, a California couple was charged after police found them in possession of a butchered pet dog. This wasn’t an isolated incident but rather part of an alarming pattern that, when uncovered, revealed a broader acceptance of behaviors considered immoral and unacceptable in mainstream American society .

Perhaps one of the most disturbing cases occurred in North Carolina in 2017, where a man was arrested for killing and eating his neighbors' pets. The police were called after concerned neighbors noticed multiple pets had gone missing. When the man’s home was searched, authorities found evidence that he had been slaughtering and eating dogs . This case reflects a breakdown in the moral fabric of society—where the lines between right and wrong have become increasingly blurred.

A Larger Trend in America?

These cases raise a larger question: How many such cases go unreported, and why is this becoming more common? While isolated, these incidents reveal a growing disregard for the sanctity of life and the traditions that make America a morally strong nation. Cultural shifts, immigration, and globalization have brought diverse practices into the U.S., but not all traditions align with Christian values. The Bible teaches us to care for animals, not to destroy them for food when they are companions and part of our families.

The growing number of pet-eating incidents in the U.S. reflects not just a moral crisis but also a legal one. Only a few states have explicit laws against the consumption of pets. In most cases, arrests are made based on animal cruelty laws, but the fact remains that laws protecting pets from being consumed are not uniform across the country. This inconsistency allows for moral ambiguity, a dangerous position that could lead to more such incidents.

Why This Matters for Christians

As a conservative Christian, I believe that these acts represent a deep spiritual sickness. Pets, especially dogs, have a special place in the lives of Christians. They provide companionship, emotional support, and unconditional love. Eating them goes against the natural order established by God, where animals serve as companions and helpers to humanity, not as food sources.

In America, pets are seen as family members, not livestock. They share our homes, our lives, and in many cases, our most intimate moments. For this reason, the act of killing and eating a pet is an egregious violation of trust and decency. As a former Muslim, I can testify that cultures vary widely in how animals are treated, but when we adopt the ways of a nation, we must also adopt its values. The act of consuming pets is not merely a dietary choice; it’s a moral affront to the basic principles of human decency.

What Can We Do?

  1. Strengthen Laws: It’s time for more states to implement stricter laws against the consumption of pets. Only a few states, such as California, have explicit prohibitions on this practice, and this needs to change. Lawmakers should take immediate action to close legal loopholes that allow such atrocities to happen.

  2. Cultural Education: For immigrants and communities coming from places where pet consumption may be more common, there needs to be greater cultural education upon entering the U.S. It’s important to emphasize that in America, pets are not seen as food but as members of the family. A focus on assimilation and the adoption of American values is key to preventing such incidents from happening in the future.

  3. Christian Advocacy: As Christians, we must speak out against the mistreatment of animals, especially our pets. Churches should become advocates for better animal treatment laws and help raise awareness about the issue within their congregations. Proverbs 31:8-9 instructs us to "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves," and this includes the pets we hold dear.

  4. Moral Revival: More broadly, America needs a moral revival, a return to the Christian principles that once guided this country. Acts like pet consumption are symptoms of a deeper spiritual decay that can only be healed through a renewed commitment to God’s laws and teachings.


In closing, the cases of people being arrested in America for eating pets are not just isolated incidents; they are warnings of a deeper crisis. The erosion of our moral foundation has allowed practices that would have once been unimaginable to occur on American soil. As a conservative Christian Iranian-American, I am deeply troubled by these trends. We must work to restore America’s Christian values, ensure the protection of our pets, and demand that our legal system reflect the sanctity of life in all its forms.


  1. Proverbs 12:10. (New International Version).
  2. David Kalinowski Arrest for Eating Dog - California.
  3. California Couple Arrested for Killing and Eating Dog.
  4. North Carolina Man Arrested for Eating Neighbors’ Pets.

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