Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Every Demon from the Ars Goetia - 72 Demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon

Every Demon from the Ars Goetia - 72 Demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon

By Bobby Darvish 

The Ars Goetia, the first book of The Lesser Key of Solomon, details 72 demons that King Solomon allegedly summoned and confined in a bronze vessel. These demons were believed to possess knowledge of various secrets, powers, and abilities. Each demon in the Ars Goetia is listed with their rank, form or appearance, and the specific powers they possess. Summoning or interacting with these demons was thought to provide humans with knowledge or powers, but always at a dangerous spiritual cost.

Below is a list and description of each of the 72 demons, along with their form and purpose as described in the Ars Goetia.

1. Bael

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears as a man, cat, toad, or sometimes a combination of all three.
  • Purpose: Gives the ability to become invisible.

2. Agares

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as an old man riding a crocodile, carrying a hawk.
  • Purpose: Can teach languages and cause earthquakes.

3. Vassago

  • Rank: Prince
  • Form: Appears as a friendly spirit.
  • Purpose: Can reveal past and future events.

4. Samigina

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a small horse or donkey, later takes a human form.
  • Purpose: Teaches liberal sciences and can summon the souls of deceased individuals.

5. Marbas

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a great lion or as a man.
  • Purpose: Can reveal hidden secrets, cause or cure diseases, and turn people into animals.

6. Valefar

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a lion with the head of a man.
  • Purpose: Assists in theft and protects thieves.

7. Amon

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a wolf with a serpent's tail, later takes human form.
  • Purpose: Can reconcile disputes and reveal past and future events.

8. Barbatos

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears with four kings and their troops, sometimes as an archer.
  • Purpose: Can understand the language of animals and reveal hidden treasures.

9. Paimon

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears as a man riding a dromedary, crowned, and surrounded by spirits.
  • Purpose: Teaches arts, sciences, and secret things. Can reveal hidden knowledge.

10. Buer

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a centaur.
  • Purpose: Teaches philosophy and natural sciences. Can heal diseases.

11. Gusion

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a man.
  • Purpose: Can reveal the past, present, and future, and reconcile friendships.

12. Sitri

  • Rank: Prince
  • Form: Appears as a leopard or a winged man.
  • Purpose: Causes love and lust between men and women.

13. Beleth

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears as a terrifying king riding a pale horse.
  • Purpose: Causes love between men and women.

14. Leraje

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as an archer clad in green.
  • Purpose: Causes great battles and can cause wounds to fester.

15. Eligos

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a knight holding a lance, riding a warhorse.
  • Purpose: Knows future events related to wars, and can win favor from lords and knights.

16. Zepar

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a soldier in red armor.
  • Purpose: Causes men and women to fall in love but can also make women barren.

17. Botis

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a viper, later as a human with large teeth and horns.
  • Purpose: Reveals past, present, and future events and reconciles friends and enemies.

18. Bathin

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a strong man with the tail of a serpent.
  • Purpose: Knows the properties of herbs and precious stones, and can transport people instantly.

19. Sallos

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a soldier riding a crocodile, crowned, and with a feminine voice.
  • Purpose: Promotes love between men and women.

20. Purson

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears as a man with a lion’s head, riding a bear and holding a viper.
  • Purpose: Knows hidden treasures and can reveal secret things.

21. Marax

  • Rank: Earl
  • Form: Appears as a bull with a man’s face.
  • Purpose: Teaches astronomy and liberal sciences.

22. Ipos

  • Rank: Earl
  • Form: Appears as an angel with a lion's head and a goose's foot.
  • Purpose: Reveals past, present, and future events.

23. Aim

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a man with three heads: a serpent, a human, and a calf.
  • Purpose: Sets cities, castles, and great places on fire.

24. Naberius

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a black crane, speaking with a hoarse voice.
  • Purpose: Makes people wise in arts and sciences and restores lost dignities.

25. Glasya-Labolas

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a dog with griffin wings.
  • Purpose: Teaches all arts and sciences, causes bloodshed and murder, and can make one invisible.

26. Bune

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a dragon with three heads: one human, one griffin, and one dog.
  • Purpose: Moves the dead, and can make one rich and eloquent.

27. Ronove

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a monster.
  • Purpose: Teaches rhetoric and languages, and bestows favor from friends and enemies.

28. Berith

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a soldier dressed in red.
  • Purpose: Knows of hidden treasures and can cause great lies.

29. Astaroth

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as an angel riding a dragon, holding a viper.
  • Purpose: Teaches liberal sciences and can reveal the future.

30. Forneus

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a great sea monster.
  • Purpose: Teaches rhetoric, languages, and can make one respected by friends and foes.

31. Foras

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a strong man.
  • Purpose: Teaches logic and ethics, and can discover treasures.

32. Asmoday

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears with three heads (bull, human, ram), riding a dragon.
  • Purpose: Teaches mathematics and astronomy, and can bestow invincibility.

33. Gaap

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a human.
  • Purpose: Teaches philosophy and liberal sciences, and can transport people across the world.

34. Furfur

  • Rank: Earl
  • Form: Appears as a deer with a fiery tail.
  • Purpose: Causes love between men and women, and can create storms.

35. Marchosias

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a wolf with griffin wings.
  • Purpose: Teaches perfect knowledge and commands legions of spirits.

36. Stolas

  • Rank: Prince
  • Form: Appears as an owl or raven.
  • Purpose: Teaches astronomy and the properties of plants and precious stones.

37. Phenex

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a phoenix.
  • Purpose: Teaches sciences and poetry, and can bring excellent servants.

38. Halphas

  • Rank: Earl
  • Form: Appears as a stork.
  • Purpose: Builds towers and fills them with munitions, brings wars.

39. Malphas

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a crow.
  • Purpose: Builds houses and towers, brings down the thoughts of enemies.

40. Raum

  • Rank: Earl
  • Form: Appears as a crow.
  • Purpose: Steals treasures from kings, and can destroy cities and dignity.

41. Focalor

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a man with griffin wings.
  • Purpose: Causes storms and shipwrecks, and drowns men.

42. Vepar

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a mermaid.
  • Purpose: Causes storms at sea and infects wounds with gangrene.

43. Sabnock

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a soldier with a lion's head riding a horse.
  • Purpose: Builds high towers, causes wounds to fester.

44. Shax

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a stork.
  • Purpose: Steals goods and knowledge, and can make one deaf or blind.

45. Vine

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears as a lion or a man riding a black horse.
  • Purpose: Discovers hidden things, reveals witches and evil spirits.

46. Bifrons

  • Rank: Earl
  • Form: Appears as a monstrous man.
  • Purpose: Teaches sciences and changes the placement of the dead.

47. Uvall

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a great dromedary.
  • Purpose: Gives love between friends and enemies.

48. Haagenti

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a winged bull.
  • Purpose: Teaches alchemy and can transform metals into gold.

49. Crocell

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as an angel.
  • Purpose: Teaches liberal sciences and geometry.

50. Furcas

  • Rank: Knight
  • Form: Appears as an old man with a long beard and a lance.
  • Purpose: Teaches philosophy, astrology, and logic.

51. Balam

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears with three heads (bull, man, and ram).
  • Purpose: Gives perfect answers and invisibility.

52. Alloces

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a soldier on a horse.
  • Purpose: Teaches astronomy and liberal sciences.

53. Caim

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a thrush or a man holding a sword.
  • Purpose: Teaches the language of birds, dogs, and other creatures.

54. Murmur

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a warrior riding a vulture.
  • Purpose: Teaches philosophy and can raise the dead.

55. Orobas

  • Rank: Prince
  • Form: Appears as a horse or a man.
  • Purpose: Tells the truth about the past, present, and future.

56. Gremory

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a beautiful woman riding a camel.
  • Purpose: Reveals hidden treasures and gives love between women.

57. Ose

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a leopard.
  • Purpose: Makes people insane, thinking they are kings or other dignitaries.

58. Amy

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a flaming fire.
  • Purpose: Teaches astrology and liberal sciences and reveals treasures.

59. Oriax

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a lion.
  • Purpose: Teaches astronomy and liberal sciences.

60. Vapula

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a lion with griffin wings.
  • Purpose: Teaches manual skills and handicrafts.

61. Zagan

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a bull with griffin wings.
  • Purpose: Turns wine into water, and blood into wine.

62. Valac

  • Rank: President
  • Form: Appears as a child with angelic wings.
  • Purpose: Reveals treasures and teaches the location of serpents.

63. Andras

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a winged angel with an owl's head riding a wolf.
  • Purpose: Causes discord and kills enemies.

64. Flauros

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a leopard or man.
  • Purpose: Can reveal the truth and destroy enemies.

65. Andrealphus

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a peacock.
  • Purpose: Teaches geometry, astronomy, and rhetoric.

66. Kimaris

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a black horseman.
  • Purpose: Can find lost or hidden treasures.

67. Amdusias

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a unicorn.
  • Purpose: Causes music to play, and commands trees to bend.

68. Belial

  • Rank: King
  • Form: Appears as a beautiful angel.
  • Purpose: Gives dignities and can bring favor from friends and foes.

69. Decarabia

  • Rank: Marquis
  • Form: Appears as a pentagram or as a man.
  • Purpose: Can change the shape of birds and discover precious stones.

70. Seere

  • Rank: Prince
  • Form: Appears as a beautiful man riding a horse.
  • Purpose: Can make anything happen instantly, transport people, and reveal hidden treasures.

71. Dantalion

  • Rank: Duke
  • Form: Appears as a man with many faces.
  • Purpose: Knows the thoughts of all men and women and can change their minds.

72. Andromalius

  • Rank: Earl
  • Form: Appears as a man holding a serpent.
  • Purpose: Can return stolen goods, punish thieves, and reveal hidden treasures.

Purpose of the Ars Goetia

The Ars Goetia is considered a grimoire—a guide for summoning spirits. Its purpose was to allow practitioners of magic to summon demons for specific tasks, whether for gaining knowledge, wealth, love, or power. Each demon has a specific domain and set of abilities, and summoning them requires following complex rituals. However, this practice is considered extremely dangerous, as these beings are malevolent and may trick or harm the summoner.

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