Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why I Choose Texas Over California in IT Industry Jobs?

Why I Choose Texas Over California in IT Industry Jobs?

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Imam and a staunch Christian conservative, I have always believed in the values of hard work, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. My journey from theocratic oppression to embracing the liberty offered by the United States has been one of transformation and enlightenment. Now, as a professional in the Information Technology (IT) sector, I find myself faced with a critical decision: where to work and build my career.

The stark contrast between Texas and California in terms of job opportunities, work culture, and overall quality of life is impossible to ignore. Having spent time in both states, I can confidently say that Texas is a far superior choice for IT professionals like myself, especially those who cherish freedom, personal responsibility, and traditional values.

Higher Salaries and Better Opportunities in Texas

It’s a well-known fact within the IT industry that Texas offers more competitive salaries than California, particularly in the major tech hubs like Austin, Dallas, and Houston. Despite the allure of Silicon Valley, the cost of living in California—exorbitant housing prices, high taxes, and a generally inflated cost of basic necessities—negates much of the salary advantage that may exist on paper. In contrast, Texas provides a more affordable lifestyle with no state income tax, allowing IT professionals to retain a greater portion of their earnings.

According to recent reports, IT workers in Texas can expect to earn salaries that are not only comparable to those in California but often exceed them when adjusted for the cost of living. The lower cost of housing, goods, and services in Texas means that a dollar earned goes much further, providing a higher standard of living and greater financial security for workers and their families .

The Toxic Work Culture in California

Beyond the numbers, the work culture in California has increasingly become a source of concern. The state’s corporate environment, particularly in tech companies, has been heavily influenced by Marxist ideologies that stifle free thought and individual expression. Companies in California often impose re-education programs under the guise of "diversity training," which are little more than indoctrination sessions aimed at forcing employees to conform to a narrow, radical agenda.

As someone who has lived under a regime that demanded ideological conformity, I find this trend deeply troubling. The freedom to think, speak, and believe as one chooses is a cornerstone of American liberty. Yet in California, employees are often pressured into accepting and promoting ideas that conflict with their personal beliefs and values. This oppressive environment, coupled with the state’s high taxes and overregulation, creates a form of modern-day slave labor, where workers are not only financially burdened but also mentally and spiritually shackled by corporate and governmental overreach .

Texas: A Bastion of Freedom and Opportunity

Texas, on the other hand, embodies the principles that make America great. The state’s pro-business policies, low taxes, and respect for individual liberties create an environment where innovation and hard work are rewarded. In Texas, IT professionals are not subjected to ideological re-education or forced to endure the suffocating atmosphere of political correctness that pervades California’s tech industry.

Moreover, the sense of community and shared values in Texas is palpable. As a Christian conservative, I feel at home in a state where traditional values are respected and upheld. The people of Texas value faith, family, and freedom—principles that align with my own beliefs and experiences as an ex-Muslim who has found salvation in Christ.


In choosing where to build my career and my life, the decision is clear. Texas offers not only better financial opportunities but also a work culture that respects freedom, personal responsibility, and traditional values. As an Iranian-American who has experienced the dangers of ideological conformity and oppression, I cannot in good conscience subject myself to the toxic environment that has taken hold in California.

Texas represents the best of America—a land of opportunity where hard work is rewarded, and freedom is cherished. I would much rather work in Texas, where I can thrive both professionally and personally, than in California, where the allure of the tech industry is overshadowed by the harsh realities of financial strain and ideological tyranny.

In Texas, I am not just another cog in a corporate machine; I am a free individual, empowered to live according to my beliefs and values. That, to me, is priceless.


  1. Texas Economic Development. “Why Texas? Reasons Companies Choose the Lone Star State.” Accessed August 2024.
  2. The Texas Tribune. “Cost of Living in Texas vs. California: A Comparison.” Accessed August 2024.
  3. CNBC. “IT Salaries in Texas Soar Amid Tech Boom.” Accessed August 2024.
  4. The Wall Street Journal. “California’s Tech Industry and the Push for Political Correctness.” Accessed August 2024.
  5. Forbes. “The Great Tech Migration: Why Companies Are Flocking to Texas.” Accessed August 2024.

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