Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"It's Frightening!" Former-Muslim Historian Reveals Truth About Islam - Ibn Warraq

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian conservative, I have walked a path that has given me deep insight into the often misunderstood and dangerous facets of Islam. My journey out of Islam and into the light of Christianity has opened my eyes to truths that many in the West either ignore or refuse to acknowledge due to fear, political correctness, or simple ignorance. The recent revelations shared by a former Muslim historian on The Winston Marshall Show #25 underscore these disturbing realities, providing a crucial wake-up call to those who still view Islam through a naive or overly tolerant lens.

The Historian's Revelations

The historian, who has dedicated much of his life to studying Islam, unveiled a series of shocking truths about the religion's history, doctrines, and impact on society. His revelations are not just frightening—they are a stark reminder of the dangers that arise when Islam is allowed to flourish unchecked. He emphasizes how Islam, from its inception, has been a religion of conquest and domination, a truth that is often obscured by the sanitized narratives pushed by apologists and the media.

One of the most alarming points made during the interview is the historian's detailed exposition of Islam's foundational texts—the Quran, Hadith, and Sira. These texts, revered by Muslims worldwide, contain passages that explicitly endorse violence, subjugation, and deception. For instance, the Quran's verse in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:191) states, "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out." This verse, among others, has been used by extremists to justify acts of terrorism and violence against non-Muslims, as well as fellow Muslims who are deemed insufficiently devout.

Islam's History of Violence and Oppression

The historian's analysis goes beyond the texts to examine the historical trajectory of Islam, particularly its expansion through violence and coercion. The early Islamic conquests, often glorified in Muslim historiography, were marked by mass killings, forced conversions, and the imposition of dhimmi status on non-Muslims—relegating them to second-class citizens with limited rights. This pattern of violence is not a deviation from Islam's teachings but a direct implementation of its core tenets.

He further discusses how Islam's doctrines of jihad (holy war) and taqiya (religious deception) have been used historically and continue to be employed today to spread Islamic influence under the guise of peace. The historian pointed out how taqiya is particularly insidious, as it allows Muslims to lie about their beliefs and intentions to non-Muslims, fostering an environment of mistrust and deception.

The Impact on Western Societies

What is particularly concerning about the historian's revelations is the impact of Islam on Western societies. He warns that the same patterns of violence, subjugation, and deception that have plagued Islamic countries for centuries are beginning to take root in the West. The historian cites the rise of no-go zones in European cities, the imposition of Sharia law in certain areas, and the increasing influence of Islamic organizations in politics and education as clear indicators that Islam is not content with peaceful coexistence.

As an Iranian-American who has seen firsthand the devastating effects of Islamic rule, I can attest to the truth of these warnings. The Islamic Revolution in Iran is a prime example of how quickly a society can be transformed when Islam gains power. What was once a relatively secular and progressive nation was turned into a theocratic state where dissent is crushed, women's rights are obliterated, and non-Muslims live in constant fear of persecution.

The Path Forward: A Call to Awareness and Action

The historian's revelations should serve as a clarion call to those in the West who still believe that Islam is a religion of peace. It is imperative that we confront the reality of what Islam represents and the threat it poses to our freedoms and way of life. This does not mean persecuting Muslims, many of whom are peaceful and law-abiding, but it does mean being vigilant and refusing to allow the spread of Islamic doctrines that are incompatible with Western values.

As a Christian, I believe in love and compassion for all people, including Muslims. However, love does not mean turning a blind eye to the truth. We must educate ourselves about the realities of Islam, support those who are brave enough to speak out, and take action to protect our societies from the dangers that this ideology poses.

In conclusion, the historian's insights on The Winston Marshall Show are a powerful reminder of the frightening truths about Islam that many would prefer to ignore. As an ex-Muslim who has found salvation in Christ, I urge my fellow Americans to heed these warnings and stand firm in defending the values of freedom, justice, and truth that have made our nation great.


This article presents a perspective based on my experiences and understanding as an Iranian-American ex-Muslim who has embraced Christianity. It aims to shed light on issues that are often overlooked or misrepresented in mainstream discourse.

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