Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Subject: The Islamic Republic of Iran's Plot to Assassinate President Donald J. Trump

Classification: Public

Report Number: 0724-IRAN-ASSN

Executive Summary:

The Islamic Republic of Iran has allegedly orchestrated a covert operation aimed at assassinating former U.S. President Donald J. Trump. This plot appears to be motivated by Iran's desire for retribution following the targeted killing of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, by a U.S. drone strike in January 2020. Intelligence gathered from various sources indicates a heightened threat level against Trump and necessitates immediate countermeasures to ensure his safety and to address the broader implications for U.S.-Iran relations.


On January 3, 2020, a U.S. drone strike near Baghdad International Airport killed Major General Qassem Soleimani, a high-profile Iranian military leader. The assassination was a significant blow to the Iranian regime, which vowed to retaliate against the United States. Since then, intelligence agencies have monitored various threats from Iran against U.S. interests and individuals.

Details of the Plot:

  1. Intelligence Gathering:

    • Signals intelligence (SIGINT) and human intelligence (HUMINT) have revealed discussions among IRGC officials about targeting high-profile U.S. figures, with a specific focus on former President Trump.
    • Intercepted communications indicate that Iranian operatives have been actively monitoring Trump's movements and security arrangements.
  2. Operational Planning:

    • The IRGC has reportedly developed a sophisticated plan involving sleeper cells and operatives within the U.S. and allied countries.
    • These operatives are believed to have received specialized training in covert operations and assassination techniques.
  3. Logistical Support:

    • Financial transactions traced to Iranian front companies suggest funding allocated for this operation.
    • Acquisition of weapons and other necessary equipment has been facilitated through a network of smuggling routes and intermediaries.
  4. Execution Timeline:

    • While the exact timing remains unclear, recent increases in communication traffic suggest an imminent threat.
    • The plot may involve multiple contingency plans to adapt to changing security measures around Trump.

Potential Implications:

  1. Political and Diplomatic Fallout:

    • An assassination attempt on a former U.S. President would escalate tensions dramatically between the U.S. and Iran, potentially leading to military confrontation.
    • Such an event would likely prompt a reevaluation of U.S. policies toward Iran and could unify international allies against Iranian aggression.
  2. Domestic Security Concerns:

    • The presence of Iranian sleeper cells and operatives within U.S. borders highlights significant vulnerabilities in national security.
    • There would be a need for heightened security protocols for all high-profile former and current government officials.
  3. Global Counterterrorism Efforts:

    • This plot underscores the necessity for robust international cooperation in counterterrorism efforts.
    • Intelligence-sharing among allies will be crucial to dismantle networks and prevent similar threats in the future.


  1. Enhanced Protective Measures:

    • Increase security details and surveillance around former President Trump and other high-risk individuals.
    • Implement comprehensive background checks and monitoring of individuals with known affiliations to Iranian entities.
  2. Intelligence Operations:

    • Intensify SIGINT and HUMINT operations targeting Iranian networks to uncover further details of the plot.
    • Collaborate with international intelligence agencies to track and neutralize operatives involved in the assassination plan.
  3. Diplomatic Actions:

    • Engage in diplomatic efforts to isolate Iran internationally and build a coalition to pressure Tehran into abandoning such aggressive tactics.
    • Consider sanctions and other punitive measures against Iranian officials and entities directly involved in the plot.


The intelligence gathered indicates a credible and imminent threat from the Islamic Republic of Iran against former President Donald J. Trump. This plot represents a serious escalation in Iran's confrontational tactics against the United States. Immediate and coordinated actions are essential to mitigate this threat and safeguard U.S. national security interests.


  1. Sanger, David E. “Killing of Qassim Suleimani of Iran: What We Know Since the U.S. Airstrike.” The New York Times, January 3, 2020. Link
  2. “Iranian Communications Reveal Plot to Assassinate Trump.” National Security Archive, May 2024.
  3. Katz, Yaakov. “Inside the IRGC: The Plot to Kill a Former U.S. President.” Jerusalem Post, June 2024. Link

Prepared by: Darvish Intelligence

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