Thursday, June 27, 2024

Royal Persia: Shah of Iran Interview on Democracy and Development (1960) | ITN Roving Report and How the Shah Would Love Trump Today

Royal Persia: Shah of Iran Interview on Democracy and Development (1960) | ITN Roving Report and How the Shah Would Love Trump Today

The 1960 ITN Roving Report interview with the Shah of Iran offers a fascinating glimpse into the perspectives and aspirations of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi regarding democracy and development in Iran. As we reflect on this historic interview, it is intriguing to consider how the Shah's viewpoints align with the political and economic philosophies championed by former President Donald Trump. Drawing parallels between the Shah’s vision for Iran and Trump’s policies, we can explore why the Shah might have admired Trump if he were alive today.

The 1960 Interview: Democracy and Development
In the 1960 interview, the Shah of Iran articulated his vision for transforming Iran into a modern, prosperous nation. He emphasized the importance of economic development, education, and infrastructure as cornerstones for progress. The Shah also discussed his controversial White Revolution, a series of reforms aimed at modernizing Iran and reducing the influence of traditional power structures.

Key highlights from the interview include:

Economic Modernization: The Shah stressed the need for rapid industrialization and modernization of the Iranian economy. He believed that economic growth would pave the way for a more democratic society by raising living standards and reducing poverty.

Educational Reforms: Recognizing the critical role of education in nation-building, the Shah aimed to expand access to education and improve literacy rates. He viewed education as essential for fostering an informed citizenry capable of participating in democratic governance.

Land Reforms: The Shah’s land reforms sought to redistribute land from large feudal landlords to peasants, aiming to create a more equitable society and reduce rural poverty. This move was also intended to weaken the traditional power bases that resisted modernization.

Women's Rights: The Shah championed women's rights, advocating for their increased participation in education and the workforce. His policies aimed to elevate the status of women in Iranian society, which he saw as crucial for overall national development.

Parallels with Trump’s Policies
Donald Trump's presidency was marked by a focus on economic growth, deregulation, and a strong stance on national sovereignty. Several of Trump's key policies and principles resonate with the Shah's vision for Iran:

Economic Growth and Deregulation: Trump’s administration prioritized economic growth through tax cuts, deregulation, and incentives for domestic industries. Similarly, the Shah aimed to modernize Iran’s economy through industrialization and reducing bureaucratic obstacles to business.

Infrastructure Development: Trump emphasized the importance of rebuilding and modernizing America's infrastructure. The Shah, too, recognized the necessity of developing Iran’s infrastructure to support economic growth and improve the quality of life for Iranians.

Nationalism and Sovereignty: Both leaders exhibited strong nationalist tendencies. The Shah was deeply committed to strengthening Iran’s sovereignty and independence, while Trump’s "America First" policy focused on prioritizing national interests and reducing dependency on foreign entities.

Support for Traditional Values: Trump’s rhetoric often included support for traditional values and a strong national identity. The Shah similarly sought to balance modernization with maintaining Iran’s cultural heritage and identity.

Why the Shah Would Love Trump Today
Given these parallels, it is plausible to argue that the Shah would have admired Trump’s approach to governance. Here are a few reasons why:

Shared Vision for Economic Prosperity: Both the Shah and Trump believed in the power of economic growth to uplift societies and create a foundation for democratic participation. The Shah would likely have appreciated Trump’s focus on job creation and economic revitalization.

Strong Leadership and Nationalism: The Shah valued strong, decisive leadership and a focus on national pride. Trump’s assertive leadership style and emphasis on American exceptionalism would have resonated with the Shah’s own ideals of governance.

Commitment to Infrastructure: The Shah’s ambitious infrastructure projects align with Trump’s infrastructure agenda. Both leaders saw the development of physical infrastructure as essential for national progress.

Emphasis on Education and Innovation: The Shah’s efforts to enhance education and promote innovation are mirrored in Trump’s initiatives to boost American competitiveness in science and technology. The Shah would likely have supported Trump’s investments in STEM education and research.

The 1960 ITN Roving Report interview with the Shah of Iran provides valuable insights into his vision for a modern and prosperous Iran. By comparing the Shah’s aspirations with Trump’s policies, we can see significant overlaps in their approaches to economic development, infrastructure, and national sovereignty. It is reasonable to conclude that the Shah would have admired Trump’s leadership and policy initiatives, finding common ground in their shared goals of national strength and prosperity.


ITN Roving Report. (1960). Royal Persia: Shah of Iran Interview on Democracy and Development. [Video]. ITN Archive.
Kinzer, S. (2008). All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror. Wiley.
Amanat, A. (2017). Iran: A Modern History. Yale University Press.
Trump, D. (2017-2021). Presidential Speeches and Policy Initiatives. The White House Archives.

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