Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Why I Fight: A Tale of Unyielding Conviction

In the shadowed depths of political discourse and the tumultuous seas of religious fervor, I find my voice resounding with a thunderous echo. Many question why I plunge headlong into the stormy waters of politics and religion, my passion unyielding, my resolve unwavering. The answer, dear reader, is a tapestry woven with the threads of a haunting past—a tale that would make even the hard-edged characters in a Tom Clancy novel shudder.

Born into the opulence of a noble Iranian household, I knew the embrace of comfort and security. Yet, like a sudden and violent tempest, change bore down upon us—a tempest of socialism, Marxism, communism, and Islamism—each ideology a turbulent wave that would forever alter the course of our lives and the destiny of our nation. To those fortunate enough to be reared under the stars and stripes of the United States, the notion of such a transformation might seem remote, almost fanciful. But let my tale serve as a chilling reminder—it can happen anywhere.

The day etched into the annals of my memory is the day my father's liberty was torn asunder. It was the day my mother, almost a co-conspirator due to a lack of a mere marriage license, was swept into the abyss of oppression. I still hear the haunting echoes of gunfire—so abrupt, so final—as an AK-47 shredded our vehicle's rear end at a merciless checkpoint. You, dear reader, were not there to bear witness to the grotesque horrors of imprisonment and torture that befell my family. You did not share our agony as our rights were confiscated, our lands seized, and the chilling graffiti of "death to the Khans"—our name—defiled the walls.

Absent from our trials and tribulations, you cannot fathom the terror of Iraqi MiGs raining fiery destruction upon our homeland in the name of Saddam Hussein...because of Ayatollah Khomeini. The gnawing hunger, the relentless scarcity, during the Iran-Iraq war were not your burdens to bear. Nor were you in our shoes as we languished in Germany, battling the bureaucratic quagmire to secure visas, only to be met with cold indifference and discrimination, seen as kin to the very Islamist adversaries we sought refuge from.

You were not there during those tempestuous times, but heed my words, for history has a way of repeating itself. As I cast my gaze upon the world, I discern echoes of our struggles in the ideological battles that rage across the globe.

Inaction and silence are a betrayal of the principles upon which America, that beacon of liberty and democracy, was founded. By allowing socialism and Islamism to infiltrate and corrode the foundations of our society, we risk losing the very essence of our nation. Understand this, dear reader, our collective voice is a formidable weapon, capable of preserving the freedoms we often take for granted. Let my family's saga be a clarion call—a reminder that vigilance and unwavering commitment to our ideals are the bulwarks protecting the fortress of democracy we call home.

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