Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Trump vs. Biden: A Conservative Perspective on Their Impact on the Military and Police

The United States has a long history of supporting its military and law enforcement agencies. The approach taken by each administration towards these crucial institutions can significantly impact national security and public safety. In this article, we'll explore why many conservatives believe that former President Donald Trump was better for the military and police compared to the current administration led by President Joe Biden.

Strong Advocacy for Defense Spending:

One of the hallmarks of the Trump administration was its unwavering commitment to a robust defense budget. President Trump recognized the importance of a well-funded military to protect American interests at home and abroad. His administration consistently advocated for increased defense spending, leading to improvements in military readiness, modernization, and overall preparedness.

Rebuilding a Depleted Military:

When President Trump took office, he inherited a military that had been stretched thin by prolonged engagements in the Middle East and faced significant readiness challenges. His administration prioritized rebuilding the armed forces by investing in training, equipment, and infrastructure, resulting in a more capable and prepared military.

Respect for Law Enforcement:

President Trump was a vocal supporter of law enforcement agencies across the nation. He consistently expressed his appreciation for the sacrifices made by police officers and first responders, standing firmly behind them during challenging times. His administration worked to provide the necessary resources to law enforcement agencies, reinforcing their ability to protect communities.

Proactive Approach to Veteran Affairs:

The Trump administration took a proactive stance on veteran affairs, working to improve the quality of care and support provided to veterans. Initiatives such as the VA MISSION Act aimed to expand veterans' access to healthcare and reduce wait times, demonstrating a commitment to those who had served their country.

Border Security and Immigration:

President Trump's focus on border security was not just about immigration; it was also a matter of national security. His administration took steps to secure the southern border, recognizing the potential threats posed by illegal border crossings. This approach aimed to protect both American citizens and the law enforcement officers tasked with border security.

Clear and Strong Foreign Policy:

A robust military is only as effective as the foreign policy that supports it. President Trump pursued a clear and assertive foreign policy that aimed to protect American interests abroad, including combating terrorism and addressing the challenges posed by nations like China and Iran.

Accountability and Law and Order:

The Trump administration emphasized accountability and law and order as essential components of public safety. This approach supported the efforts of law enforcement agencies to maintain peace and security in American communities.


Conservatives argue that the Trump administration's approach to the military and law enforcement was characterized by a commitment to strength, readiness, and support. While the Biden administration may have different priorities, it is essential to evaluate the impact of their policies on the military and police objectively. The effectiveness of these policies and their consequences for national security and public safety should be scrutinized to ensure the well-being and security of all Americans.

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