Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Problem with the Term "Cisgender" and the Fallacy of Non-Binary: A Conservative Perspective

In recent years, the terms "cisgender" and "non-binary" have gained prominence in discussions surrounding gender identity. However, from a conservative standpoint, it is important to critically examine these concepts and their implications. This article aims to shed light on why the term "cisgender" can be considered an insult to men and women, and how the notion of being non-binary is an anti-science fantasy that undermines biological realities.

1. The Insult of "Cisgender":

The term "cisgender" is often used to describe individuals whose gender identity aligns with their assigned sex at birth. However, the use of this term implies that these individuals are somehow "normal" or "default," which can be seen as an insult to men and women who identify with their biological sex. Labeling people as "cisgender" suggests that they are conforming to societal norms, rather than simply being comfortable with their inherent identity.

2. Biological Realities and Non-Binary Fallacy:

The concept of being non-binary, or not identifying strictly as male or female, goes against fundamental biological realities. Science has established that humans are a sexually dimorphic species, meaning there are two distinct biological sexes: male and female. The idea of non-binary identities, while well-intentioned, is an anti-science fantasy that dismisses the genetic, physiological, and anatomical differences between the sexes.

3. Erosion of Traditional Gender Roles:

The introduction and acceptance of terms like "cisgender" and "non-binary" contribute to the erosion of traditional gender roles that have long provided stability and structure within society. Celebrating and promoting non-binary identities undermines the importance of gender roles in areas such as family, relationships, and societal norms. This can lead to confusion and a breakdown of traditional values that have historically played a vital role in maintaining social cohesion.

4. Psychological Implications:

The widespread adoption of non-binary identity creates a dissonance between biological realities and personal identity, potentially leading to psychological distress. By encouraging individuals to reject their biological sex and embrace non-binary identities, society risks fueling feelings of confusion, disconnection, and dissatisfaction with one's self. It is crucial to recognize that gender dysphoria, a condition where an individual feels distress due to a perceived mismatch between their gender identity and biological sex, is a serious psychological issue that should be treated with care and sensitivity.

5. Preserving Scientific Integrity:

As conservatives, it is imperative to uphold and respect scientific integrity. The notion of non-binary identities contradicts biological evidence and undermines the progress made in understanding human biology. By promoting the idea that gender is solely a social construct, disconnected from biological factors, we risk negating the valuable insights gained from decades of scientific research and understanding.


While it is essential to respect and accommodate individuals who experience gender dysphoria, the terms "cisgender" and "non-binary" present challenges from a conservative perspective. The use of "cisgender" as a label can be seen as an insult to men and women who identify with their biological sex, while the concept of non-binary identities contradicts biological realities. It is crucial to approach these discussions with open minds, promoting respectful dialogue while ensuring scientific integrity is preserved. Embracing personal identity should not come at the expense of dismissing biological truths that have shaped our understanding of human nature for centuries.

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