Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Muhammad Elibiary in Texas: Concerns Over Alleged Ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

In recent years, Texas has become a melting pot of diverse cultures and backgrounds, contributing to the rich tapestry of our great state. While diversity is celebrated and encouraged, it is also important to scrutinize the activities and affiliations of individuals in positions of influence and authority. One such figure is Muhammad Elibiary, whose alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood have raised significant concerns among conservatives in Texas.

The Background

Muhammad Elibiary is a prominent figure in the Texas Muslim community, known for his work in counterterrorism and national security. He has served on various government advisory boards and worked closely with law enforcement agencies to combat extremism and radicalization. However, his alleged connections to the Muslim Brotherhood have cast a shadow of doubt over his intentions and loyalties.

The Concerns

The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamist organization with a long history of promoting radical ideologies and supporting extremist groups. While not all members of the Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists, it is an undeniable fact that the organization has played a role in fomenting extremism in the Middle East and beyond. Therefore, any affiliation with this group should be taken seriously, especially when it involves individuals in positions of influence.

Conservatives in Texas have raised concerns about Elibiary's alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, fearing that his associations could potentially compromise our national security. It is crucial to note that these concerns are not based on unfounded suspicions but are rooted in a series of incidents and statements made by Elibiary himself.

Twitter Controversy: In 2013, Elibiary made a series of tweets that raised eyebrows. In one tweet, he suggested that the "Caliphate" is inevitable, which many interpreted as an endorsement of radical Islamic ideology. While he later clarified his statement, the initial tweet left a lasting impression.

Security Clearance: Elibiary held a security clearance as part of his government advisory roles, which led to questions about whether he should have had access to sensitive information given his controversial statements and alleged affiliations.

Alleged Brotherhood Ties: Although Elibiary has denied any formal membership in the Muslim Brotherhood, his associations with individuals who have known ties to the organization have fueled suspicions.

Policy Influence: Elibiary's involvement in shaping government policies and strategies related to counterterrorism and national security has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and whether his affiliations could influence policy decisions.


It is essential to approach this issue with a balanced perspective. While Muhammad Elibiary has contributed to counterterrorism efforts and the fight against extremism, his alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood cannot be dismissed lightly. Conservatives in Texas and across the nation have legitimate concerns about the potential implications of these affiliations on our national security.

Transparency and accountability are paramount when it comes to individuals in positions of influence, especially in matters related to our safety and security. Therefore, it is crucial that appropriate investigations and scrutiny take place to determine the extent of Elibiary's associations with the Muslim Brotherhood and whether they have had any impact on his work in Texas and beyond. Only by addressing these concerns openly and honestly can we ensure the safety and well-being of our great state and nation.

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