Sunday, September 10, 2023

Love and Marriage in the Christian LDS Faith: A Sacred Covenant

Love and marriage are central themes in the teachings and practices of the Christian Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). For LDS members, marriage is not only a social contract but a sacred covenant with profound spiritual significance. This article explores the Christian LDS view of love and marriage, highlighting the principles and beliefs that guide their approach to this essential aspect of life.

The Eternal Nature of Marriage

In the Christian LDS faith, marriage is considered an eternal covenant that transcends mortality. LDS doctrine teaches that marriages can be performed in temples, where couples are "sealed" together for time and all eternity. This sealing ordinance is believed to connect couples not only in this life but also in the afterlife, reflecting the LDS belief in eternal progression.

The Role of Love and Commitment

Love is at the core of Christian LDS marriages. While romantic love is celebrated, the emphasis extends beyond mere emotion. LDS teachings emphasize the importance of love as a choice and a commitment. Love is seen as an action, something that requires effort and selflessness.

Marriage Preparation

The Christian LDS Church places great importance on preparing for marriage. Couples are encouraged to participate in pre-marital counseling and classes to strengthen their relationship. These resources provide guidance on effective communication, conflict resolution, and building a strong foundation for a successful marriage.

Family-Centered Values

Family is the fundamental unit of LDS Church doctrine. Marriages are seen as the foundation of strong families, and parents are encouraged to create a loving and nurturing environment for their children. Family values, including love, respect, and service, are central to the Christian LDS faith.

Chastity and Morality

LDS teachings emphasize the importance of chastity and moral purity before marriage. Abstaining from premarital sex is seen as a way to prepare for a sacred marriage covenant and maintain a strong foundation of trust and virtue.

Gender Roles and Equality

While gender roles exist within the LDS Church, there is a strong emphasis on equality and partnership within marriages. Husbands and wives are encouraged to work together in decision-making, parenting, and supporting one another's personal and spiritual growth.

Divorce and Healing

Despite the strong emphasis on the eternal nature of marriage, the Christian LDS Church recognizes that not all marriages will endure. Divorce is considered a last resort, but when it becomes necessary, the Church provides support and resources to help individuals heal and move forward.


In the Christian LDS faith, love and marriage are sacred and eternal principles that are deeply intertwined with religious beliefs. The emphasis on love as a choice, commitment, and action, along with the eternal perspective of marriage, shapes the way LDS members approach their relationships. By nurturing love, fostering commitment, and living in accordance with their beliefs, Christian LDS individuals seek to build strong, lasting, and spiritually meaningful marriages that reflect their faith's core principles.

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