Saturday, September 9, 2023

In Defence of Rooted Indian Nationalism

The Pro-Hindu Right Wing in India: Examining the Positives


India, known for its rich cultural tapestry and religious diversity, has seen the rise of the pro-Hindu right wing in recent years. While this development has sparked both enthusiasm and controversy, it's essential to explore the potential positive aspects of the pro-Hindu right wing in India. This article aims to present a balanced perspective by highlighting some of the arguments made in favor of this political movement.

Cultural Identity and Heritage Preservation

One of the fundamental arguments in favor of the pro-Hindu right wing is its commitment to preserving and celebrating India's ancient cultural heritage and traditions. Advocates argue that a stronger emphasis on Hinduism, as the majority religion, can help protect the country's historical legacy, which encompasses a vast and diverse array of religious and cultural practices. This focus on cultural identity is seen as a way to counteract the erosion of indigenous traditions and values.

Economic Development and Nationalism

The pro-Hindu right wing in India often aligns with a pro-business, pro-growth economic agenda. Advocates argue that policies aimed at boosting economic development and trade can benefit the country as a whole. They contend that a strong and economically prosperous India is better equipped to address pressing social issues and improve the living standards of its citizens.

Furthermore, proponents of the pro-Hindu right wing often emphasize a strong sense of nationalism and pride in the country's achievements. This focus on national unity can foster a sense of purpose and cohesion among citizens, contributing to the nation's progress.

Social Welfare Initiatives

Some proponents of the pro-Hindu right wing point to social welfare programs and initiatives targeting underprivileged communities within the Hindu majority. They argue that these efforts can help address long-standing issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to education and healthcare.

Advocates believe that by focusing on the welfare of marginalized Hindus, the government can lift many people out of poverty and create opportunities for upward mobility. This approach, they contend, can lead to a more equitable and prosperous society.

Asserting India's Place on the World Stage

The pro-Hindu right wing's assertive foreign policy stance is seen by some as a means to establish India as a formidable global player. Advocates argue that a strong and confident India can protect its interests on the world stage and contribute to international stability and peace.

By forging strategic alliances and engaging in diplomatic negotiations from a position of strength, proponents believe that India can become a more influential and respected global actor.


While the rise of the pro-Hindu right wing in India has sparked considerable debate and controversy, it is essential to acknowledge the arguments made in favor of this political movement. Proponents emphasize the preservation of cultural heritage, economic development, social welfare, and India's assertive global role as potential benefits.

However, it's crucial to recognize that the pro-Hindu right wing's impact on India's political and social landscape is multifaceted, and its policies and actions can have a wide-ranging impact on the country. A balanced evaluation requires considering both the positive aspects and the potential drawbacks of this political movement in India.

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