Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Father Josiah Trenham's Appreciation for the Christian LDS Church's Values

Father Josiah Trenham, a prominent Orthodox Christian priest known for his conservative views, has expressed appreciation for the values upheld by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), commonly known as the Mormon Church. In particular, Father Trenham has highlighted the Christian LDS Church's stance on abortion and its approach to what some view as a radical LGBTQ agenda. This article explores his positive views from a conservative viewpoint.

Shared Values on Abortion

Sanctity of Life: Father Trenham has commended the LDS Church for its unwavering commitment to the sanctity of human life. Both the Orthodox Christian tradition and the LDS faith hold that life is a divine gift, and abortion is generally discouraged unless certain rare circumstances arise.

Pro-Life Advocacy: Father Trenham appreciates the LDS Church's active involvement in pro-life advocacy and its support for policies that protect the unborn. The alignment of values on this critical issue resonates with his own deeply held beliefs.

Approach to LGBTQ Issues

Traditional Family Values: Father Trenham shares the LDS Church's emphasis on traditional family values, which include the belief in heterosexual marriage as the ideal environment for raising children. Both faiths uphold the view that the family unit is central to a stable and moral society.

Religious Freedom: Father Trenham has praised the LDS Church's commitment to religious freedom and its efforts to ensure that individuals and institutions can maintain their religious beliefs without fear of legal or societal repercussions. This aligns with his concerns about potential infringements on religious liberty.

Conservative Common Ground

While Father Trenham's appreciation for the Christian LDS Church's values on abortion and LGBTQ issues is notable, it also highlights areas of common ground among conservatives of various faith backgrounds:

Defending Life: The shared commitment to protecting the sanctity of life underscores the importance of advocating for the rights and dignity of the unborn.

Traditional Family Values: The recognition of the family as a fundamental unit of society fosters unity among conservatives who prioritize the stability and moral grounding provided by traditional family structures.

Religious Freedom: The concern for religious liberty resonates with conservatives across faiths who value the right to freely practice and uphold their religious beliefs.


Father Josiah Trenham's positive views of the Christian LDS Church's values, particularly its stance on abortion and its approach to LGBTQ issues, exemplify the potential for dialogue and cooperation among conservatives from different religious backgrounds. While differences exist, the recognition of shared values can contribute to meaningful discussions and collaborative efforts on matters of importance to conservative communities. This appreciation for common principles underscores the importance of engaging in respectful dialogue to find common ground and address shared concerns.

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