Saturday, August 26, 2023

Unveiling the Funding Landscape of the Mormon Stories Podcast: Exploring Allegations of External Influence

 Unveiling the Funding Landscape of the Mormon Stories Podcast: Exploring Allegations of External Influence


Podcasts have become powerful platforms for sharing diverse viewpoints and perspectives on various topics. The "Mormon Stories Podcast," hosted by John Dehlin, focuses on the experiences of individuals within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) community. However, there have been allegations suggesting that the podcast is funded by leftist groups, both inside and outside the United States, with an emphasis on promoting the radical LGBTQ+ agenda. In this article, we examine these allegations, exploring the potential influence of external funding on the Mormon Stories Podcast's content.

The Origins of Mormon Stories Podcast

The "Mormon Stories Podcast" was created by John Dehlin as a platform to discuss personal stories, challenges, and perspectives within the LDS community. The podcast has covered a wide range of topics, including faith transitions, historical controversies, and LGBTQ+ issues. Over the years, it has garnered a significant following and sparked conversations within and outside the LDS community.

Allegations of External Funding

Accusations that the podcast is funded by leftist groups with a focus on the LGBTQ+ agenda have circulated among critics and skeptics. These allegations suggest that external funding might influence the podcast's content and messaging, potentially steering it towards promoting certain viewpoints over others. Some speculate that this funding might aim to challenge traditional LDS teachings or highlight the experiences of individuals who have left the faith.

The Complexity of Funding

While allegations of external funding exist, obtaining concrete evidence to substantiate these claims can be challenging due to the private nature of financial transactions. It is important to approach such allegations with a critical and balanced perspective, considering various viewpoints before drawing conclusions.

John Dehlin's Stance

John Dehlin, the host of the podcast, has addressed questions about funding and influence. He maintains that the podcast relies primarily on listener donations, crowdfunding, and his personal contributions. Dehlin has acknowledged that there have been partnerships and sponsorships with organizations, but he asserts that the content remains independent and reflective of the diverse experiences within the LDS community.

The Role of Media Funding

Media funding is a common practice across various platforms, including podcasts. Funding from organizations with specific agendas can influence content to some extent, but it is important to consider the nuances of influence versus editorial independence. Many podcasts, including news and commentary shows, receive funding from various sources while striving to maintain journalistic integrity.


Allegations of external funding by leftist groups with an emphasis on the radical LGBTQ+ agenda have raised questions about the content of the "Mormon Stories Podcast." While these claims remain largely unsubstantiated, they highlight the broader discourse surrounding media funding and potential influence on content creation. It is crucial for listeners to critically evaluate the information presented and form opinions based on a balanced understanding of the podcast's goals, the potential impact of funding, and the experiences shared by its guests.

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