Saturday, December 24, 2022

Trump & Desantis Will Win in 2024

Regardless of the Anti-Trump Rhetoric on Democrat State Media (DSM) aka Red-Green Axis State Media, the people who love Trump...The Real Americans who want to see America survive Globalist Imperialism...will vote for Trump in 2024.  There is no way in a fair election that Trump would lose in 2024.  The fact that even questioning the previous election is such a sin in the eyes of the Democrats should tell you that they cheated and will cheat again.  

This kind of Banana Republic cheating during elections makes sense considering that the Democrats have been infiltrated by people who represent Marxist and Islamist values vs. American and Christian Values.  America was founded by White Anglo-Saxon Protestants...trying to erase them means erasing America as we know it.  Instead, it would be replaced by an Anti-American Socialist-Islamist State similar to the Islamic Republic of Iran and China.  It's not an accident that Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea are allied.  

If Trump was in power today, Iran would actually be a free of both Marxism and Islamism.  However, Biden likes the Red-Green Axis...this is why he closed the American oil pipleline and instead wanted to buy oil from Iran.  

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