Monday, October 19, 2020

Slavery: The Parties Switched Myth

 Parties never switched - Dubunking the myth that the party lines switched

The parties never switched.

The "parties switched myth" is a result of Democratic propaganda. 

A time-line is necessary to the understand the truth ~ namely 

that the parties never switched. History reveals that there was 

never a reversal of Democratic and Republican party ideals:

Democrats (were founded as pro-slavery): Since 1828 the

Democrats have worked hard to conceal their history of 

enslavement and bigotry. The Democrats were the pro-

slavery party that started the Civil War! The Democrats 

founded the KKK, held the whip in lynchings, imposed 

segregation by enforcing Jim Crow laws, and obstructed all 

the major civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s. The 

history of discriminatory practices ensues today.

Republicans (were founded as anti-slavery): Since its 

founding in 1854 to stop slavery, the Republican party has 

been the champion of civil rights and of the U.S. 

Constitution! What's more, it stressed maintenance of gold 

standard and high protective tariffs to safeguard American 

jobs and wages, empowering Americans of all colors to keep 

more of their hard earned money. Republicans haven't 

changed a bit.

Take a look at the chronological and historical facts. The time line 

below reveals the truth about the party switch that never 


Big Lie: Parties switched

The parties never switched. The Democrats have always been the 

party of big government and spending. The Republican party has 

always been the party to limit the government and to hold to the 

ideals of the U.S. Constitution. The philosophical lines have never 

been blurred other than for the agenda of Democratic propaganda.

Here is a timeline to prove that the parties never switched:


Democratic party was founded in 1828, but got it's true 

start in 1829 with Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, a 

slave owner, fervently fought Native Americans. He stole 

their land and then sold it to whites to win political favor. 

This Democratic tactic continues today. More on that later.

Though they were founded in 1828 the Democrat party, on 

their Web site begins the public "Democrat history" in 1920 

with Women's suffrage. Why did they start their history 200 

year history 100 years after it's founding? The answer is 

because they are glossing over their racist past. The first 

100 years of the Democratic party are the most revealing, 

but their bigotry continues today.

1833 The American Anti-Slavery Society was founded (an 

it was a Republican ideal). One of the founding members of 

the anti-slavery party was, Susan B Anthony, who had values 

consistent with the Republican Party. Though the GOP wasn't 

founded until 1854,they GOP shared consistent values and 

support of basic individual rights including the abolition of 

slavery, while the Democrat party would continue to support 

slavery. Susan B. Anthony died in 1909 well before women 

got the right to vote, but thanks to her and the Republicans 

women got the right to vote in 1920


1854 Republican party was founded as the anti-slavery 

party. Founded on March 20, 1854 as the anti-slavery party 

the GOP's goal was to combat the Kansas Nebraska Act, 

which was a Democratic threat to extend slavery. 

Unfortunately, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, passed by congress 

on May 30, 1854, and it allowed people in the territories of 

Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or 

not to allow slavery within their borders. A civil war ensued!

1857 Ruling that slaves were not citizens (Dred Scott Vs 

Sandford). The U.S. Supreme Court, under Democratic 

President James Buchanan dealt a blow to civil rights stating 

in ruling slaves were not citizens, but property. Of the 

justices who voted on the ruling: 7 were Democrats! All the 

Republicans voted against the ruling. This bigotry was 

resolved ultimately by the Civil War.

1861: Civil War. Virtually all Republicans wanted to end 

slavery. The Civil War was really a clash between Democrats 

in the North and South because virtually all Republicans were 

against slavery (the GOP was the anti-slavery party).  

Ultimately, Republicans ended slavery by creating the 13th 


1863: Freedom of slaves by the Republicans. Abraham 

Lincoln, the first Republican U.S. President, signed the 

Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1 1863 and this freed the 

slaves. Lincoln was subsequently shot by a Democrat, John 

Wilkes Booth.

1865: Republicans permanently outlawed slavery with the 

13th Amendment. Through reconstruction, Republicans 

passed the 13 Amendment, which ended slavery.

1865: Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan. Founded by 

Democrats, the KKK emerged as a response to the 

Republican Party during the Reconstruction era where the 

GOP helped blacks gain political and economic equality. The 

KKK was lead by Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest. Klan 

members wore robes to hide their identities.

1866: Republicans fought for rights of former slaves. On 

Feb. 5, 1866, Republican Representative, Thaddeus Stevens 

introduced legislation to give former slaves “40 acres and a 

mule." Ultimately, it was rejected by the Democrats.

1867: Howard University established by Republicans. The

historically black college has had many ties with the 

Republicans: Republican John D. Rockefeller, pictured right, 

was the philanthropist who donated millions to Howard 

University and other black colleges. Howard University aided 

the election of Republican President Ulysses S. Grant who 

led the Union Armies to victory over the Confederacy in the 

American Civil War. The first sitting president to speak at 

Howard was Republican Calvin Coolidge in 1924.

1870's 14th Amendment: Republicans passed the 14th 

Amendment on Feb. 13, 1870, which officially made black 

people citizens.

1871: Republican President Ulysses S. Grant dismantles 

the KKK. Grant stabilized the post-war national economy, 

created the Department of Justice, and used the military to 

enforce laws to put an end to the Confederacy. Moreover, 

Grant prosecuted the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). In 1871, he 

oversaw passage of the so-called “Ku Klux Klan Act,” which 

dismantled the KKK by use of martial law. Grant ran 

thousands of Klansmen out of the state of South Carolina.

15th Amendment: Republicans passed the 15th 

Amendment, which gave black people the right to vote.

1872: Republicans elect the first African American 

senators and representatives! In the year, not a Democrat 

of African American descent served the Senate or the House, 

but the Republican gentlemen below received the honors:

Above Dr. Carol Swain, former professor of Political Science from Vanderbilt 

University explains the inconvenient truth about the democratic party.

The parties never magically switched.

How did the Democratic party change over time? If you have 

believed in the party switch myth then you've succumbed to 

propaganda fabricated by Democrats, because they were 

embarrassed that their party supported slavery. They were the 

party of physical slavery and today they are keeping the chains of 

mental slavery. They haven't changed.

The closest thing to the big switch was a "new deal" and it was a 

"big lie." You see, after the Great Depression, the Democrats lured 

poor and hungry African Americans to their party by offering them 

the "New Deal" and this strategy effectively kept blacks on the 

figurative plantation. It trapped them into government dependency.

How did the Republican party change over time? The GOP hasn't 

changed much since its inception on March 20, 1854 as the anti-

slave party. Follow the facts and follow the time-line and you will 

see it is true. Republicans are the Civil rights champions ~ they 

always have been.

Happy endings...

America values debate. Without it we do not have our treasured 

First Amendment rights of free speech. One thing that shouldn't be 

a debate is about the party switch. It never happened. Follow the 

drinking gourd ~ follow the timeline. Get of the plantation. Run or 

walk away.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

~ George Santayana

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