Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Reminder: Adnan is Guilty and Serial was a Lie

A Reminder: Adnan is Guilty and Serial was a Lie

Here is a list I put together of key points confirming Syed's guilt that were either left out, misrepresented, or glossed over in the podcast. I think now more than ever, this might be a valuable resource. 
  1. Hae did call Adnan possessive in her diary. She also said he liked to play mind games and that she had changed everything about herself to make him happy. In the first break-up letter to Adnan, she references an upsetting incident that morning, and suggests he hates her. This is the letter Adnan will later write "I'm going to kill" on.
  2. Adnan's good buddy Imran sent an email to Hae's friend in California before Hae's body was found, telling them not to bother looking for her because she was dead.
  3. Several of Adnan's friends described him as being angry or devastated about Hae dumping him. Ja'uan said there was a second-breakup letter, where Hae said she didn't love him anymore, and that Adnan was mad about it.
  4. Ja'uan said Adnan asked Asia to write the alibi letter. At the time, Adnan was in Central Booking; he also inquired about how mail would be scrutinized at that facility.
  5. Asia's second alibi letter is dated only a day after her first alibi letter, yet contains details about the crime that had not been released to the public. Since I wrote this list, the Asia alibi has been completely discredited, mostly by her own hand. There are many great threads discussing this topic in more detail.
  6. In her police interview Nisha says the damning Adnan and Jay call occurred "a day or two after Adnan got the phone" making it highly unlikely it occurred any day other than the 13th.
  7. Debbie said Adnan was possessive; and paranoid about Don.
  8. Adnan's phone only pinged the Leakin Park tower one other day in the period we have records for -- the day Jay was arrested on an unrelated charge. That same day Adnan repeatedly calls Jay's friends.
  9. Phone records reveal Adnan's father perjured himself on the stand when he claimed Adnan went to mosque.
  10. In Adnan's first PCR hearing, he claims to have given the Asia letters immediately to CG; in reality, she was not even his lawyer at that time. He is also incredibly evasive on the stand, claiming at one point he would not have called Hae on a school night; the phone records of course reveal this to be untrue.
  11. Adnan's case did not live and die in 21 minutes. The state was not required to present a minute by minute account of the crime; variations in human memory and time-keeping render this an impossibility in any criminal trial.
  12. Adnan's story about asking Hae for a ride has changed multiple times. At first he told Officer Adcock that he was detained and Hae got tired of waiting; but Adnan has never explained what detained him, how he knew Hae got tired of waiting, or where they were planning to meet. Later he told another Officer that he drives his car to school, so he would not have asked for a ride. He also inquired if a police report would be made re: his statements. In Serial, he says he would never ask Hae for a ride after school on any day due to her extreme time constraint; this is a lie. In fact, Hae had an hour before she needed to pick up her cousin, and had given Adnan a ride after school only the week before. Witnesses said it wasn't unusual for Adnan to drive Hae's car after school.
  13. As late as October, Adnan had not come clean to his own lawyer regarding the 'Cathy' visit. He claimed to have been in the car when Adcock called and left 'Cathy' out of his narrative completely.
  14. Adnan was evading an in-person interview with the police regarding the disappearance of Hae. He repeatedly told the police not to contact his house.
  15. Adnan never told the police he spent the 13th with Jay; nor does he mention going to 'Cathy's'.
  16. Not only did Adnan call Jay "pathetic" when he took the stand, he also waved his hands at Inez Butler during her testimony, making her so uncomfortable that she had to report it to the prosecutors who asked for it to be acknowledged in the transcripts. At one point in the trial, the judge admonishes Adnan's supporters for laughing.
  17. Adnan stole from Debbie a questionnaire a teacher was passing out about the disappearance of Hae, before Debbie could complete it and hand it in.
  18. Adnan told the same teacher to stop investigating.
  19. Adnan's good friend Saad P. was also caught going through Adnan's teacher's papers.
  20. Hae once asked a teacher at Woodlawn to help her hide from Adnan.
  21. At a party a day or two after Hae went missing, Adnan said nothing about her disappearance to his friends.
  22. At another party after Hae went missing, he was asked about her and responded with "We broke up", rather than mention her disappearance, which was not widespread news yet.
  23. Adnan and his legal team have decided to not pursue DNA testing.
  24. A teacher at Woodlawn said Adnan once referred to Leakin Park as a good place to dump a body. Later, after Hae's disappearance, another teacher noted that Adnan "played dumb" about Leakin Park's reputation.
  25. Adnan's parents were not strict; he had no curfew and was a mediocre student who often cut class and got high. When Adnan's parents invaded the school dance, they yelled at Hae, not their son. On the stand, Adnan's father admits that his son returned to the dance that night and that he was powerless to disallow him. Adnan's parents had a problem with Hae, not Adnan.
  26. Adnan knew Jay would claim he was wearing red gloves before he heard Jay say it. When pressed on this issue by his law clerk, Adnan said the police gave up most of their case during the interrogation, despite never mentioning this to his legal team before. In Serial, he describes the police interview very differently.
  27. After the murder, Jay told Stephanie to stay away from Adnan.
  28. In Stephanie's police interview, she also said she spoke to Jay on the phone the afternoon of the 13th, and he was with Adnan.
  29. Photos from the MPIA file show what look to be newly-taken passport photos in Adnan's car. The Syed's had sent Tanveer, their eldest son, to Pakistan for the summer of 1998. Their youngest son, Yusaf, would spend ages 14-18 there.
  30. Adnan claimed in Serial to have decided to give the car to Jay in second period when he gave Stephanie the birthday gift; contradicting witnesses who heard him ask Hae for a ride prior to this, when his car was still in the parking lot. Adnan has never explained why he didn't simply tell Jay he needed his car back by the time class let out.
  31. Witnesses heard Adnan say he needed a ride to the shop; or that his brother had his car. Not that he was planning to loan it to Jay.
  32. Jay lived across from a mall; there was no need for Adnan to loan his car to Jay to buy Stephanie a birthday gift.
  33. Stephanie didn't find out Hae was missing for over a week, despite being best friends with Adnan. When she found out, Adnan said he didn't know either; of course this is a lie. Adnan was one of the first to find out Hae had disappeared.
  34. When Jay was being interviewed by the cops on 2/28, Stephanie called Adnan to ask if he knew why, since Adnan and Jay had been hanging out. Adnan immediately assumed it was about Hae, saying he was worried because the cops were talking to everyone but him. Why would an innocent Adnan assume Jay's police trouble had anything to do with him or Hae?
  35. According to Jay, Adnan threw out Hae's wallet containing her ID. Then, when her body was found, Adnan said to multiple people that it could not be Hae because "All Asians look alike".
  36. Although both Jay and Adnan claim to have only gone to the mall together in the morning, the phone records reveal they drove all over the city, including the area where Hae's car will later be abandoned.
  37. Jay not only led police to Hae's car; he also knew her position in the grave and what she was wearing. He knew she was not buried with her shoes or jacket. He knew that the wiper stalk in her car would be broken; a non-visible breakage only apparent to the operator of the car, because Adnan told him Hae struggled and kicked. He knew that Adnan would say his car was broken down in order to get a ride from Hae. He knew Adnan would speak to Coach Sye in order to establish his presence at track.
  38. Only Adnan's prints were found in Hae's car, not Jay's.
  39. Adnan gave conflicting accounts of his last conversation with Hae. He told Becky that Hae called him the night of the 12th hoping to reconcile; in reality, the phone records show he called her and she quickly let him go in order to return to her conversation with Don. Adnan told Inez his last conversation with Hae was a fight over prom.
  40. Adnan, after skipping most his classes on the 13th, returns to last period with only 37 minutes remaining. He has already asked Hae for a ride immediately after.

ADDENDUM: SK began the story somewhere near the middle, keeping the narrative non-chronological in order to confuse the listener and add suspense. She let lies linger, correcting them several episodes later, most notably: Who can remember anything six weeks later VS Adnan was contacted by the police hours after Hae disappeared; and CG threw the case for appeal money VS CG fought hard for Adnan; and Jay is a liar VS Jay is adamant and sticks to his story.
At the end of the series, I recall feeling lost as to what the story had actually been. That was what led me here. Only once SSR obtained the MPIA file, did I truly feel I understood the case, which in the briefest terms possible, I lay out below in one final point.
31. Adnan was attempting to access Hae's car around the time of her death; he later lied to police about this. The day after the murder Jay confides to Jenn that he and Adnan committed the crime together. Over the next six weeks Jay tells additional people the same thing. The police find Jay through Jenn, whose number is in Adnan's phone records. Adnan never gives Jay's name to the police as his alibi for the day. Jenn confesses what she knows to the police with a lawyer present. Then the police interview Jay, and he quickly confesses. He offers details of the crime unreleased or unknown at the time, such as Hae's position in the grave and the location of her still-missing car. He suggests Adnan told Hae his car was broken-down; and this is corroborated by a witness who heard the ride request. In Hae's car, the police find Adnan's fingerprints and not Jays. As well, Jay's account of the evening is supported by the phone records which show that after the police call at 'Cathy's' house and subsequent panic, the phone moves towards the Park and Ride, then to Leakin Park. Adnan agrees that the phone was in his possession during this time; Jenn also recalls speaking to him. Yet he cannot recall where or what he was doing with Jay during this crucial period, despite claiming in Serial that the police call just prior was a "moment he'd never forget". His only suggestion is that he "probably" would have gone to the mosque; the phone records reveal this to be untrue. At no point does Adnan suggest a version of his day that matches the phone records. His only defense is that it was an ordinary and forgettable day, when in reality: it was the day after activating his first cell phone; an important day of Ramadan; his best friend's birthday; a day during which he skipped school and drove around with Jay; went to a house he'd never been to and met people he'd never met; and (most glaringly) it was the day his ex-girlfriend and current friend went missing and he was notified of this life-changing event by the police.

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