Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Red-Green Axis (Islamo-Leftist Axis)

“When analysts warn that Muslims are intent on imposing Islamic Law (sharia) in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, Islamic apologists snicker that Muslims represent only 1 percent of the U.S. population, so how could they be a threat to anyone? There are numerous reasons to be concerned. Some have claimed there is a "tipping point" when Muslim populations migrate to non-Muslim countries. This usually occurs when Muslim populations reach about 5 percent of the total. They begin to demand special privileges, like blocking off streets for prayer, special prayer times and worship rooms at work and public facilities and insisting on the non-interference of host law enforcement for the imposition of sharia within Muslim population enclaves. At higher percentages, this civil disobedience turns to violence and terrorism.[302] But in the U.S., this is already happening. The Islamic agenda, pursued by Islam's ambitious political and religious leaders and broadly supported by Muslim populations, is aggressively defended and promoted by the institutional Left, the legal Left, the education Left, the political Left, the media Left, the Hollywood Left, the religious Left, and now even the violent Left. These groups collectively represent a much larger percent of the U.S. population. As a result of the Left's successful penetration of our cultural institutions, the Islamic vanguard in this country now enjoys the commanding heights of popular culture. With the Left's help they can cajole, indoctrinate, threaten, and punish anyone who opposes them—virtually dictating terms to the rest of us. And as Islam gains political power under the tutelage of its leftist advocates, the entire Muslim population begins to feel empowered and justified in its demands for special treatment and entitled in its flagrant antisemitism and hatred for Christianity. These combined factors make Islam the perfect weapon for leftist subversion to take advantage of what is, in fact, a temporarily symbiotic relationship. The Left has used a very similar process to weaponize minority and other "marginalized" populations. So now for example, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement—whose leadership is comprised entirely of hardcore Communists and Socialists[303]—has been elevated to the presumptive role of spokesman for all American blacks, even though many American blacks recognize and detest BLM for the virulently anti-American organization it is. The gay rights agenda has similarly metastasized into a tyrannical, extreme Left movement intent on forcing acceptance of transgender bathrooms, pedophilia/pederasty, and even bestiality. It is baffling to some, but really no coincidence, that CAIR has now publicly allied itself with BLM, and claims to champion gay rights—while its Islamic brethren in the Middle East throw gays to their deaths from high-rise buildings and peddle in slavery
of every kind. Prominent members of CAIR have joined Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest communist organization in America, with an estimated 44,000 members.[304] Linda Sarsour, the new model spokesperson for Islam, joined DSA in 2018. Newly-elected Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib bragged about her DSA membership during her campaign, while failed Michigan Democratic gubernatorial candidate Abdul El Sayed was christened "the Muslim Bernie." Somali refugee and former CAIR-Iowa director Abshir Omar makes no effort to hide his DSA credentials either.[305] Many Islamic leaders, including senior Iranian clerical figures, were educated at Moscow's Patrice Lumumba University (now called The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia), a prominent training and KGB recruitment center for promising Third World students. While he denounced Saddam Hussein's socialist Ba'ath Party as infidels, even Osama bin Laden said that an alliance with Socialists against America, their common enemy, was justifiable.[306] At a 2018 event in Des Moines, Iowa, speaker John Guandolo, president of Understanding the Threat, engaged in a conversation with Abshir Omar. He asked Omar, "Is there a version of Islam that doesn't mandate killing apostates and homosexuals?" According to Guandolo, Omar answered, "No, all Islam agrees that apostates and homosexuals must be killed."[307] Given Islam's command to murder gays and apostates, the irony of devout Muslims allying with LGBTQ activists and blatant atheists, even becoming prominent members of such infidel organizations, cannot be ignored. Are these people really Muslims? Or does the objective of undermining Western civilization simply take precedence at this time? The Left has been seeking to undermine our Constitutional form of government and the rule-of-law for a century. For if the rule-of-law becomes unreliable, the rule of the fist takes over, and the Left is good at that. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has relentlessly chipped away at our Constitution for decades, most recently challenging Trump administration immigration policies by forum shopping to courts that the ACLU knows to be friendly to the Left. The open borders crowd challenges the rule-of-law by claiming "social justice" for illegal aliens is more important than law. It is all part of a strategy to sow chaos in our society and make it ungovernable by anyone except the Left. With the Islamic vanguard, the Left can really ramp up its game. Leading activists of the Islamic Movement are particularly useful because they sow discord and disunity by refusing to assimilate, and engage in practices lawful under sharia, but that violate U.S. law, like domestic abuse against women and girls, female genital mutilation (FGM), polygamy, pedophilia/pederasty, and honor
killing. They challenge American culture, traditions, and laws, and some courts are willing to side with them. Hiding behind the misapplication of the First Amendment's religious protections, they seek to undermine U.S. rule-of-law standards by demanding adoption of their own legal system, sharia. It is, rather, Article VI of the U.S. Constitution that should apply as the standard for lawful compliance in the U.S. As this author has argued almost since Barack Obama broke on the national scene, Obama is a hardcore communist. He was born to a Muslim Kenyan father, which according to Islamic Law, makes him legally a Muslim. He also has Muslim connections through his stepfather, the Indonesian Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, and studied Qur’an and other subjects during elementary school years in an Indonesian madrassa. His middle name Hussein refers to Mohammed's grandson.[308] There is no record of Obama’s having apostatized from Islam at any point in his life or being baptized into the Christian faith. But Obama was mentored for eight years by a card-carrying Communist Party USA member, Frank Marshall Davis, and during his presidency surrounded himself with offspring and associates of Davis' Chicago Communist colleagues. His parents and grandparents were Communists, and the bizarre Islamic cult, Subud, that both his mother and stepfather joined, has communist—even Soviet—connections.[309] Obama's love for Islam, like that of most leftists, seems to be both cultural and strategic, because the Left has found Muslims to be the perfect wrecking ball for its subversive war against America. The unholy alliance of VOLAGs, their affiliates, and self-interested politicians serves the axis—knowingly or otherwise. The relentless effort to resettle refugees and other very needy, and too often unassimilable, groups from across the globe, is changing the political, economic, and cultural dynamic all over the U.S., especially in smaller communities that often escape the public eye. Meanwhile a bipartisan congressional cabal seeking cheap labor and new
voters resists efforts to rein in legal immigration or even reduce illegal immigration. The Obama administration's dangerous support for all things Islamic facilitated unprecedented numbers of refugees and other immigrant classes from Muslim-majority nations to flood into the country. We have already witnessed the deadly consequences of these policies, as criminality and terrorist attacks committed by refugees and those resettled under other special immigrant categories begin to mirror the out-of-control situation in Western Europe. As refugee numbers grow, however, national organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) organize them, working hand-in-glove with American leftists to build power and subvert the rule of law, while attacking anyone who associates Muslim immigration with terrorism as Islamophobic.”

—The Red-Green Axis 2.0:
An Existential Threat to America and the World

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