Friday, January 10, 2020

Why The Islamic Republic is Doomed to Fall? by Dr. Rok Darvish, PhD


by Dr. Rok Darvish, PhD

A Reality Test:

Using Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

There are many reasons why Islamic Republic of Iran would not last for a long time. One of the most important factors among others, is that the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran could not provide the most important basic needs of Iranian citizens. Considering the main basic needs of the Iranian people, employing Abraham H. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, let see what is the status of Iranian people as related to meeting their basic needs at different levels, from the most basic needs to the least basic needs such as physiological, security/safety, social, emotional, intellectual, ego/self- esteem, self-actualization, and real spiritual/mystic needs:

Physiological Needs:

(1) At the lowest economic infrastructure, People are not able to satisfy their hunger, because they can’t afford to have the basic necessities of life such as food, water, oxygen (Clean air), owning or renting home, clothing items, heat, electricity, and other items.
(2) Due to high value of homes, unemployment and lack of income, people are not able and can’t afford to buy a house. Even rents are very high and people are suffering because of that. Thus, many people are homeless and live in the streets.
(3) The rate of unemployment is so high that younger generation is not able to have a stable job with salary to afford housing or food and worse than that they are not able to get married.
(4) The price of water and electricity is high and people can’t afford to pay for their monthly bills. At the beginning of the revolution, people were promised that they would have free electricity, water, etc. but it never happened.
(5) Lack of environmental experts in the country due to escapes of the brains from the country, and wrong decision making by non-expert who claimed they had fate in Islam, caused a major drought across the country and people used more than seventy percent of drinking waters including the underground waters.
(6) The rate of pollution in big cities are very high and people could not receive enough oxygen to breath and get sick with asthma,  and other lung deceases. The rate of pollution passed the standard limit of becoming dangerous for people to inhale the air.

Safety/Security Needs:

Government is a branch of society which is obligated to maintain the security of its citizens and protect them from any probable threats of harm from both foreign and domestic threats as well as from natural disasters such as earth quick, storm, high winds, etc. Government is created through social contract and representatives of people establish the government with its three major branches namely, Executive (President and people around him/her, legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and Lower courts). However, the Islamic government of Iran with all its branches is neither able to protect its citizen from foreign and domestic threat, and natural disasters, nor is able to provide a real security of life, job, and wealth/property and instead it has turned into a major threat toward its own citizens. Any request for human rights, freedom, or independence is confronted by police, military or army of Guards and Besiege (Mobilization Force) and their power of oppression and suppression using negative force, tear gas, water pressure, and army machineguns and bullets to kill anybody who stands against the government. Many people are being arrested and imprisoned, tortured or will be vanished after going to political prisons.

Now let see if Iranian people can meet their security which is a higher level of basic needs in the hierarchy of needs.

There should be at least security at three levels that must be met for the Iranian people or any nation to feel relaxed and to be safe:

(1) Security of Life: Iranian people don’t have security of their life. Every day and anytime Iranian people asks for their basic rights, Islamic government of Iran arrest them, torture them or execute them.

(2) Job Security: People don’t have security for their jobs. Because either they can’t find a job or if they have a job, they may lose it for different minor excuses. Only those who are connected to the top level of circle of the religious group or government could have a job.

(3) Security of Wealth: Security of wealth, money, power, prestige and privileges are non-existent, particularly if the person does not support the Islamic government. Thus, people of Iran don’t have any real form of security at any level. People of Iran don’t have protection from danger whether from natural disasters, or threat by the government Pasdars (Guards), Police, or Besiege (Mobilization Army) as well as Iranian intelligence services and their personnel.

Social/Communication Needs:

Social needs is one aspect of basic needs that relate to the concept of belongingness, being a small part of a larger unit such as family, government, nation, religion, society, community, etc. Human being has the basic needs of being liked, being respected, being loved, being accepted, and being approved by his/her family, social institutions, nation, religion, etc. to be happy, feel safe, and to be wanted. These needs include: A sense of belongingness, being associated, being accepted, and developing friendship cliques:

(1) People of Iran are not liked, loved, approved by the Islamic government and their authorities and no one could meet the non-accessible level of expectations the religious authorities have from people. What they want is absolute obedience without asking any question meaning the religious government of Iran needs a bunch of followers who blindly following the government ideas and instruction of the religious leader who have self-claimed to be representative of God or “Valy of Fagih”, a self-made artificial concept assigned to self, without any formal education in humanities. Islamic Government authorities constantly engage in artificial “Label construction” to give their citizens negative, evil and destructive labels to accuse them, demonize them and consequently to sentence and execute them. Examples of artificial labels are: Mahareb ba khoda (In war with God), Mofsed fel arz (Rotten people of the planet), Taghooti (rebellious), to name a few.

(7) Young generation are not able to visit, socialize, spend time together, or associate with each other even in public places particularly if they are members of the opposite sex.

(8) Even talking, chatting, or interacting on social media, telephone, cell phone, or other electronic devices are forbidden.

(9) People can’t visit each other or go to each other’s homes due to the high price of gasoline which makes it non-affordable for them.

(10) Thus, Iranian people are not able and could not satisfy their social needs and due to many forms of restrictions and that is why Iranian society is a depressed society and you don’t see a real smile or laughter even from the young people.

(11) One major aspect of social need is communicating wishes, wants, and needs as well as citizen’s frustrations and pains. People of different strata and branches have already criticized the Islamic Republic of Iran concerning their rights, freedom of speech, freedom of social media, newspapers, magazines, freedom of expressing themselves through strikes, making public statements, letters, e-mails, social media, etc. However, Islamic Republic authorities have been deaf and blind to hear or see the real miserable life of Iranian people. Instead they tried to make people to shut up and say mute. Islamic Republic of Iran needs a bunch of masses that are obeying slaves using the God and religion as means of controlling and oppressing Iranian citizen.

(12) A young male or female does not have right to be in love or even think about a relationship due to the unfortunate financial situation that most Iranian families obtained under the Islamic Republic of Iran and also due to major restriction of young people in developing any relationship between members of different sexes.

Emotional Needs:

Emotional needs include the positive aspects of human emotion namely being joyful, being hopeful toward the future, being able to advance in life, developing self-esteem, love and affection which lack of these traits will lead to different types of emotional diseases such as hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness, sadness, which are symptoms of depression or dysthbymia. Iranian society is a highly depressed and oppressed society with its population going through major emotional frustrations.

Intellectual Needs:

(1) Young generation of Iran either can’t afford to receive higher education or even when they have education they could not find a job to use their expertise in practice.
(2) In many rural areas of the country, they don’t have elementary school for young children
(3) For those who are educated either because they had their education before the revolution or after the revolution, they could not show their talents and freely write about their knowledge, information, or skills. A complete censorship controlling anything in writing in magazines, newspapers, or books.
Thus, the intellectual need of Iranian people is not met.

Ego/Self- esteem and Individual Human Freedom:

One of the basic human individual need is human right such as freedom of speech; freedom of expressing self; freedom to choose associates, friends and companion; freedom to live in one’s choosing environment; freedom to participate in group and social activities, freedom to establish political parties; freedom to sing, play music, listen to favorite music, and write as each individual wishes. Iranian people are deprived of all these rights and will be persecuted for engaging in any of the above mentioned activities. The reason is that religious Islamic people who are back-warded think that music is evil. They are also against dance which is physical exercise and needed for human physical health. They don’t understand that the whole universe is in a continuous state of dance and motion. Human life is not static but dynamic.

People at right ego level seek self-esteem, self-confidence, self-independence, competence, social status, recognition and respect. However, people of Iran don’t meet these basic needs at many levels. Young people are bitten up, cut with swords, knifes, and even shot by military bullets in the streets for any voices they raise to get their basic human rights. People who could not go to school or college, they could not get a job, to make money, to get married, or have a decent life situation, they become hopeless, helpless, worthless. They lose their hope for the future and lose their self-esteem. They become highly depressed, going toward addiction to substances, alcohol, and prefer to kill themselves. Iranian society is a highly financially class based society with a minority group of religious people and their allies have more than ninety percent of the wealth and money and the remaining ninety-five percent of population are at poverty level or below it. The three Ps and w. or power, privilege, and prestige and wealth belongs to the top religious leaders and their associates and the rest of population don’t have anything.

Off-course, if human ego, mental self or internal evil operate through human being due to ego’s negative thought, emotions and excitement causes negative emotions and negative behaviors. Human being has a choice to develop positive traits or negative traits based on their life opportunities and correct or wrong learning processes. People of Iran have developed self-hatred, hopelessness, helplessness and reached to the point of not finding a real meaning in life which has led to addictions, suicidal thought, attempts and completion, as well as escaping from an evil reality that governs in Iranian society. Thus, human life is not considered a precious commodity in Iranian Society. Iranian people are dying and getting killed every day either by execution, t6orture, or natural disaster by a n evil government which does not care about its citizens.


Self-actualization is one level before the highest level of real spirituality, mysticism and becoming one with God or consciousness. Self- actualization is realizing one’s potential to the maximum level which prepares human being to become one with God or consciousness. It helps human not only to be, but to become. It is a level that after learning knowledge, information and skills, to be able to use it in practice and to be able to transfer it to the next generation. In Iran no matter how much knowledge, information, or skills one has he or she would not be able to use it in practice or transfer it to the next generation without being punished for it. Because if it is not in line with the back-warded knowledge of some uneducated religious authorities who all they know is some religious information, no one could achieve self-actualization in such a society.

Real Spirituality, mysticism:

This is the highest level of achievement for any human being to go through the major steps of studentship, Knowledge, and finally Truth. Different people go through different means to reach to the final step. But when they reach toward the tip or top of the pyramid of knowledge, they begin to think, feel, and behave similar, because there is only one universal truth, God or consciousness. That is the level that The Prophet of Persian people, Zoroaster or Zoroastra called Pendar Nick (Right Thought), Goftar Nick (Right Speech), and raftar Nick (Right Behavior).

To summarize, people who do ‘t meet their basic needs satisfaction in the above mentioned areas, would develop many different types of physical, emotional, psychological, mental and even spiritual disorders and some of them would be brain washed to develop artificial mental God in their mental system and then try to worship the product of their deviated mental system. A society with these characteristics is doomed to fall and vanish. It is only a matter of time. Sooner or later it will happen. This is the dynamic law of society itself that will evolve and change and correct itself. It is called social evolution.

For the past 1400 years, particularly the last 40 years, people of Iran have been brainwashed by Islamic Government of Iran to accept superstition, artificial man made ideas, and error in thinking or cognitive distortion, that cause majority of Iranian people to develop spiritual disorders. What is missing in Iranian society is hope toward a prosperous future, reality testing, and positive hope toward social advancement. People of Iran are now suffering from a social and individual neurosis. Abraham H. Maslow (p.31, 1971), has explained this condition very well:

   “…We have learned very well that is better to consider neurosis as rather related to spiritual   disorders, to loss of meaning, to doubts about the goals of life, to grief and anger over a lost love, to seeing life in a different way, to loss of courage or of hope, to despair over the future, to dislike for oneself, to recognition that one’s life is being wasted, or that there is no possibility of joy or love, etc.”.

Using another concept from Victor Frankl, “The real search for Meaning in Life”, I should say that Iranian people lost their real meaning in life and have not been able to achieve it due to back- warded ideas of the authorities of Islamic Government of Iran and their constant brainwashing through their social media.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way” …” (Frankl, ViKtor, 1998)

Why a society such as Iranian Islamic Government can’t succeed or last?
The main reason is that Iranian Government is not able to satisfy Iranian citizen’s basic needs in any area of their life. Society has its own social laws. When people reach to the point that life becomes non-tolerable and they don’t have even the most basic needs of their life, they don’t have any other choice, but to revolt and overthrow and eliminate the despotism, dictatorship and oppression.

(1) The main reason is that the Islamic government is not people’s government.
(2) There is no real connection between Iranian people and the government leadership authorities.
(3) Iranian people see their Islamic government as an occupier force who is exploiting all the people.
(4) The economy of the country is jeopardized. Sixty percent of people are living under poverty line. Like Karl Marx said, “People who don’t have anything, they don’t have anything to lose except their own miseries and chains on their hands and feet.

(5) Money obtained from country’s natural resources are being spend for Islamic expansion toward neighboring countries and is not being spend on Iranian people. Instead many factories, refineries, schools, colleges and housing developments has occurred in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other countries with Iranian people’s money, while majority of Iranian people are financially suffering at or below the poverty level.

(6) Iranian people should know that they have two forms of destiny: One is their unconscious destiny that is given such as being citizen of the country with a particular culture, civilization, customs, traditions, and religious beliefs that is out of their hands. But the other form of destiny is conscious form of destiny that each citizen should be able to change and that is the dynamic consciousness. It means that each Iranian is able to change his opinions, ideas, thought processes and even emotions. Without people moving and making attempt to change their miserable conditions, Iranian government authorities that are taking advantage of them and robbing them from their human rights, wealth and money would not care as long as they are blind fully obeying and following the orders of oppressor government. Thus, Iranian people have a choice. Instead of being oppressed, arrested, imprisoned, and send to political prisons and tortured or executed, they should overthrow the evil government and once and for all to obtain their rights, freedom and independence from a back warded religion that is not  parallel to the human advancement in technology, social organization and dynamic and positive changes of international society.

(7) Islamic Government of Iran constantly creating artificial external conflict in order to create an artificial internal unity and cohesiveness by creating in-group and out-group and saying that in-group is good and right and out-group is bad and evil. This is one way of prolonging its government and making people quiet and disabled. Islamic Government of Iran can control people a lot better if they keep the society closed to international influences.

(8) The Islamic Republic Government of Iran, pretending to be the enemy of the United States of America and West, tries to recruit the Arab people to be the free soldiers to fight for them and to be able to control them. That is why The Islamic Republic of Iran is using Iranian people’s money and natural resources to recruit and pay the Arab mercenaries to fight for their expansionist cause.


(1) Maslow, Abraham, H. (1971), the Farther Reaches of Human Nature, an Esalen Book, The Viking Press Book, New York.
(2) Frankl, Viktor, (1998), Man’s Search for Meaning (Revised Ed.) New York: Washington Square Press.

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