Friday, March 3, 2017

Asra Nomani: Anti-Semitism Not by Trump Supporters

You know that allegation that Trump voters in the new hate-filled "Trump America" were behind the threats against Jewish centers? Forget those talking points.

Just as many of us predicted: liberal African Amerian, possible Muslim convert, #JuanThompson arrested in threats against Jewish organizations and centers.He had an ax to grind against an ex-girlfriend.

He voted for Bernie Sanders, worked at liberal Intercept, started by Glenn Greenwald and eBay Iranian-American owner Pierre Omidyar. Intercept fired him for his history of #fakenews on race issues.

Possible convert to Islam; he said he was "reverting," code for conversion. Intercept has harassed atheists like Sam Harris, Muslim atheists and Muslim reformers like Maajid Nawaz.

He even came after me when Sam Harris talked about the need to support Muslim reformers.

Here is the FBi complaint:

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