Monday, June 18, 2012

The lies that Ibn Taimiyah and his Sect attributed to Muslims of the Shia School

We read in Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 32: 

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three:
1. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
2. Whenever he promises, he always breaks it (his promise ).
3. If you trust him, he proves to be dishonest. (If you keep something as a trust with him, he will not return it.)" 

We shall now cite some of the lies of Ibn Taiymiah from one of his most revered books in the eyes of the Salafi, Minhaj al-Sunnah. We will then cite the actual Shi’a position to prove the dishonesty commited by this alleged Sheikh ul Islam. To ensure that his followers do not suggest the Shi’a have sought to cite the opinion of later scholars that ‘corrected’ their stance after humiliation from Ibn Taimiyah, we shall cite the positions of both past and modern day Shi’a scholars.

Before beginning we shall cite a statement from a famed Sunni scholar highlighting the methodology of the party of Ibn Taimiyah that the Sunnis refer to as Mujasima. We read in Tabaqat al-Shafyi'a al-Kubra, by Imam Subki, Volume 2 page 10:

وفى المبتدعة لا سيما المجسمة زيادة لا توجد فى غيرهم وهو أنهم يرون الكذب لنصرة مذهبهم والشهادة على من يخالفهم فى العقيدة بما يسوءه فى نفسه وماله بالكذب تأييدا لاعتقادهم

The Mubtadia included the Mujasima, who contain an extra quality that does not exist in the other (sects), that is that they allow lies to support their sect, and testify against their opponent through lies to defame them (the opponent) and support their (own) beliefs. 

First Lie – The Shi’a delaying of prayers

Ibn Taimiyah al-Kadhab states in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 p10:

واليهود يؤخرون الصلاة إلى اشتباك النجوم وكذلك الرافضة يؤخرون المغرب إلى اشتباك النجوم

“The Jews delay the prayer of Maghrib till the stars appear and likewise the Rafidah delay the prayer of Maghrib until the stars appear” 

The reality

We read in Al-Nehaya by Sheikh Tusi, page 59:

وقت صلاة المغرب عن غيبوبة الشمس... ولا يجوز تأخيره

“The time of Maghrib prayer is when the sun sets…it is not permissible to delay it” 

We read in Hawyat al-Tashie by Sheikh Dr.Waeli, page 124:

هذه كتب الشيعة كافة في الفقه وأنا اتحدى من يجد فيها رأيا واحدا يذهب إلى أن وقت صلاة المغرب عند اشتباك النجوم

“These are books of Shias in Fiqh and I challenge whoever can cite one opinion from it according to which the time of the Maghrib prayer is when the stars appear.” 

Second lie – The Shi’a move away from the Kaaba during Salat

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود تزول عن القبلة شيئا وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews deviate from the Qiblah slightly, as do the Rafidah” 

The reality

We read in al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 93:

فيجب على المتعبد أن يعرف القبلة ليتوجه إليها في صلاته

“The worshiper has to know the direction of Qiblah to face it during his prayer.” 

We read in Minhaj al-Sahlehin by Sayyed AlKhoei, Volume 1 page 135:

يجب استقبال المكان الواقع فيه البيت الشريف في جميع الفرائض

“It is Wajib to face the direction where the holy house is located, during the prayers.” 

Third Lie – There is no Iddah for divorced Shi’a women

Ibn Taimiyah asserts in his book Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود لا يرون على النساء عدة وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews don’t observe Iddah for their women, neither do the Rafidah” 

The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 498:

ويجب على المرأة عند مفارقة زوجها منه العدة على الكمال

“It is obligatory on the woman to observe complete Iddah when she seperates from her husband.” 

We read in Minhaj al-Salehin by Sayed Sistani, Volume 3 page 165:

عدة وهي أيام تربص المرأة بعد مفارقة زوجها

“Iddah are the days a woman observes when she separates from her husband.” 

Fourth lie – The Shi’a corrupted the Qur’an

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود حرفوا التوراة وكذلك الرافضة حرفوا القرآن

“The Jews corrupted the Torah and Rafidah likewise corrupted the Quran” 

The reality

We read in Al-Mesael al-Sarawya by Sheikh Mufid, page 78:

ولا شك أن الذي بين الدفتين من القرآن جميعه كلام الله و تنزيله، و ليس فيه شي‏ء من كلام البشر.

“No doubt that what is between the two covers of the Quran, all of it is the word and revelation of Allah, there is nothing from man’s words in it” 

We read in Ahdath al-Istiftaat al-Aqedia by Sayed Sistani, page 454:

القرآن الموجود بايدينا هو بنفسه الذي نزل على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من دون زيادة ولا نقيصة

“The Quran that exists in our hands is the same that was revealed upon Allah's messenger (s) without addition nor loss” 

Fifth Lie – The Shi’a ascribe to fifty prayer units

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود قالوا افترض الله علينا خمسين صلاة وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews said that God required from us fifty prayers and so do the Rafidah” 

The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 90:

والمفروض من الصلاة خمس في اليوم والليلة

“The required number of prayers are five during the day and night” 

We read in Al-Fiqh al-Islami by Sayed Moddaressi, Volume 1 page 216:

فرض الله على الإنسان خمس صلوات

“Allah made five prayers obligatory on human beings.” 

Sixth Lie – The Shi’a uphold the act of stealing

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود يستحلون أموال الناس كلهم وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews allow stealing people's money, as do the Rafidah” 

The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 586:

فجعل الله تعالى لخلقه من المعيشة ما يتمكنون به من العبادة و أمرهم بالتصرف في ذلك من وجوه الحلال دون الحرام فليس لأحد أن يتكسب بما خطره الله تعالى و لا يطلب رزقه من حيث حرمه .

"Allah (swt) made for His creatures from subsistence what they can, with it to worship, and ordered them to seek for subsistence through legal means, not illegal methods. It is not permissible for any one to earn through what Allah forbids, and do not seek for subsistence from where He (Allah) forbids."

We read in Asl al-shia wa Usuleha by Sheikh Kashif al-Ghita, page 253:

ولا يحل عندنا اكتساب المال إلا من طرقه المشروعة، بتجارة أو إجارة، أو صناعة أو زراعة، أو نحو ذلك. ولا يحل بالغصب، ولا بالربا، ولا بالخيانة، ولا بالغش، ولا التدليس، ولا تحل عندنا الخديعة للكافر فضلاً عن المسلم. كما يجب أداء الأمانة، ولا تحل خيانة الكافر فيها فضلاً عن المسلم.

"It is not permissible to earn money except through the legal ways such as trading, renting, manufacturing, farming and so on. It is not permissible (to earn money) through stealing, usury, treason, cheating, cheating - is not permissible to act in those ways towards a disbeliever rather the Muslim. Honesty is obligatory; it is not permitted to betray the disbeliever let alone the Muslim."

Seventh Lie – Shi’a women do not receive dowry

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

وكذلك الرافضة وافقوا النصارى في خصلة النصارى ليس لنسائهم صداق

“The Rafidah are similar to Christians as their women don’t have dowry” 

The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid page 509:

و لا ينبغي للإنسان أن يدخل بامرأته حتى يقدم إليها شيئا من المهر

“It is not permissible for the man to perform intercourse with his wife without providing her with something from her dowry.” 

We read in Minhaj al-Salehin by Sayed Khoei, Volume 2 page 317:

المرأة تملك المهر بالعقد

“The woman owns dowry after the marriage contract” 

Eighth Lie – The Shi’a prohibit the usage of contraception with slaves

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 14:

واليهود لا يرون العزل عن السرارى وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews don’t permit Azl on the slave woman neither do the Rafidah” 

The reality

We read in Al-Mabsoot by Sheikh Tusi, Volume 4 page 266:

فإن كانت تحته مملوكة جاز له أن يعزل

“If he has a slave woman, it is permissible for him to perform Azl” 

We read in Kitab al-Nikah by Sayed Khoei, Volume 1 page 138:

يجوز العزل بمعنى اخراج الآلة عند الانزل وافراغ المني خارج الفرج في الأمة

“It is permissable to perform Azl that is to ejaculate out side the vagina of the slave woman.” 

Ninth Lie – The Shi’a do not make lahd in their graves

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 14:

واليهود لا يلحدون وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews don’t make a lahd* (in their graves) and neither do the Rafidah” 

* The lahd (niche) means that a place is dug at the bottom of the grave on the side that is closest to the qiblah, in which the diseaced is placed on his right side facing the qiblah, then this hole is filled in with bricks behind the deceased, then the sand is filled in.

The reality

We read in Al-Nihaya by Sheikh Tusi, page 41:

وكذلك إذا أنزل إلى القبر يتناول مع الجسد فيدخل اللحد

“When the (dead body) enters to the grave it must be placed in the lahd.” 

We read in Minhaj al-Salehin by Sayed Khoei, Volume 1 page 88:

يستحب حفر القبر قدر قامة أو إلى الترقوة وأن يجعل له لحد

“It is mustahab to dig a grave with human tall depth or till human neck depth and to make a lahd.” 

Tenth Lie – The Shi’a do not ascribe to using the word ten

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 16:

يكرهون التكلم بلفظ العشرة أو فعل شيء يكون عشرة حتى في البناء لا يبنون على عشرة أعمدة

“They hate to pronounce the word ten or do anything consisting of ten, even when it comes to buildings, they don’t build on ten pillars.”

The reality

Sheikh Tusi used the word ten in his book al-Mabsoot for 423 times.

Sheikh Jawaheri used the word ten in his book Jawahir al-kalam for 1044 times.

Sayed Khoei used the word ten in his book Mesbah al-Faqaha for 135 times.

Eleventh Lie – The Shia attribute adultery to the wives of the Prophets (naudobillah)

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 190:

وهؤلاء الرافضة يرمون أزواج الأنبياء عائشة وامرأة نوح بالفاحشة

“These Rafidah accuse the Prophet’s wives, Ayesha and Noah's wife of adultery.”

The reality

We read in Al-Tebyan by Sheikh Tusi, Volume 10 page 52:

وما زنت امرأة نبي قط لما في ذلك من التفير عن الرسول وإلحاق الوصمة به ، فمن نسب أحداً من زوجات النبي إلى الزنا فقد أخطأ خطأ عظيما

“The Prophet’s wives never performed adultery, because that would disgrace the Messenger. Verily whoever attributed the claim of adultery to any of the Prophets’ wives, made a grave mistake”

We read in Sharh Usool al-kafi by Mula Mazendrani, Volume 10 page 107:

ما زنت امرأة نبي قط

“Prophet’s wives never performed adultery.”

Attributing adultery to the wives of Prophets is the practice of Nawasib

We read in Silsila Sahiha by Nasiruddin Al-Albaani, Volume 4 page 403:

قلت : و الحديث نص صريح في أن أهل البيت رضي الله عنهم يجوز فيهم ما يجوز في غيرهم من المعاصي إلا من عصم الله تعالى ، فهو كقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم لعائشة في قصة الإفك : " يا عائشة ! فإنه قد بلغني عنك كذا و كذا ، فإن كنت بريئة فسيبرئك الله و إن كنت ألممت بذنب فاستغفري الله و توبي إليه .. "

I say, that the hadith’s texts are clear that the Ahlulbayt, may Allah be pleased with them, can indulge in sins just like others, as is evidenced by His (the Prophet’s) statement to Ayesha during the incident of Efk: ‘Oh Ayesha! I have been informed that you made so and so, if you were innocent then Allah will prove that, and if you performed the sin then ask Allah for forgiveness and repent’

If the Wahabis try to suggest that Albaani didn’t mean adultery, here is the testimony of Sunni scholars with regards to what Albaani meant:

We read in Al-Besharah wa al-Ethaf by Allamah Saqaaf, page 65:

زعم الألباني أن أمهات المؤمنين وزوجات الأنبياء عليهم الصلاة والسلام يجوز عليهن الزنا

“Albaani claims that the mothers of believers and prophets wives can indulge in adultery.” 

One of Albaani’s students named Sheikh Muhammad Nasib al-Refaei, wrote a book titled ‘Nawal al-Muna’ answering his teacher’s (Albaani’s) comments with regards to the topic of Prophet’s wives. Here are some other Sunni scholars that accused the wife of Nuh (as) of committing adultery:

We read in Tafsir Tabari, Volume 12 page 65:

وأختلف أهل التأويل في معنى قوله ليس من أهلك فقال بعضهم معناه ليس من ولدك هو من غيرك

“The scholars of interpretation disagreed about the meaning of {surely he is not of your family} some of them said it means he is not from your progeny but he is from the progeny of someone else” 

We read in Tafsir al-Sam'ani, Volume 2, page 433:

وعلى قول الحسن ومجاهد يعني ليس بابنك

According to al-Hassan (al-Basri) and Mujahid, it means ‘he is not your son’

We read in Al-Tashil le Uloom al-Tanzil by al-Ghernati, Volume 2 page 106:

وقال الزمخشري لم يكن ابنه ولكنه خانته

“Al-Zamakhshri said: ‘He wasn’t his son, but she betrayed him.’ 

Twelfth Lie – The term Rafidah was first used for those that withdrew their support of Zaid bin Ali

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 2 page 50:

وإنما سموا رافضة وصاروا رافضة لما خرج زيد بن علي بن الحسين بالكوفة في خلافة هشام فسألته الشيعة عن أبي بكر وعمر فترحم عليهما فرفضه قوم فقال رفضتموني رفضتموني فسموا رافضة

They are called Rafidah and become Rafidah when Zaid bin Ali bin al-Hussain marched in Kufa during the Khilafa of Hisham. So the Shia asked him about Abu Bakr and Umar, he (Zaid) invoked mercy upon them. Therefore a group rejected him, and he (Zaid) said: ‘You rejected me, you rejected me’ therefore they have been named Rafidah.

The reality

This is also a lie, since the term Rafidah was used by Sunnis prior to the uprising of Zaid bin Ali. We read in Al-Ebanah al-Sughrah by Ibn Batah, page 141:

عن طلحة بن مصرف قال : الرافضة لا تنكح نساؤهم ولا تؤكل ذبائحهم لأنهم أهل ردة

Talha bin Masref said: ‘Neither is it permissible to marry from the Rafidah's women, nor can one eat from their food, because they are murtad (infidels)’ 

We read in Al-Ebanah al-Kubrah by Ibn Batah, Volume 2 page 557:

قال طلحة بن مصرف: لولا أني على وضوء، لأخبرتك بما تقول الرافضة

Talha bin Musraf said: ‘If I wasn’t in a state of wudu I would tell you about what the Rafidah say.’ 

Talha bin Masref died in year 112 H

1. Al-Kashif, by Dahabi, Volume 1, p514
2. al-Alaam by Zarkali, Volume 3, p230
3. Tahdib al-Kamal by Mizi, v13, p433

While Zaid went to Kufa in year 122 H. Ibn Hajar said: 

He revolted during Hisham bin Abdulmalik regin, and was killed in Kufa in year 122 H. 
Taqrib al-Tahdib, Volume 1 page 330

At one place Ibn Taimiyah himself recorded the statement of Sh’ubi who used the term ‘Rafidah’ . We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah Volume 1, page 9:

قال لي الشعبي أحذركم هذه الأهواء المضلة وشرها الرافضة

al-Sh'ubi said: ‘I warn you of misguiding groups, the worst of them being the Rafidah’

while al-Sh'ubi died in year 103 H
1. al-Kashif, by Dahabi, Volume 1, p522
2. al-Alaam by Zarkali, Volume 3, p251
3. Tahdib al-kamal, by Mizi, v14, p39

This also proves that the term ‘Rafidah’ was not first used during the time of Zaid bin Ali as alleged by Ibn al-Taimiyah. 

Thirtheenth lie – The Shi’a hate Archangel Gibrael (as)

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

واليهود تبغض جبريل ويقولون هو عدونا من الملائكة وكذلك الرافضة يقولون غلط جبريل بالوحي على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Jews hate Gibrail and say: ‘He is our enemy amongst the angels’ as do the Rafidah, they say ‘Gibrail made a mistake by sending the revelation to Muhammad’


We read in Al-Ghadir by Sheikh Amini, Volume 3 page 312:

ليس في الشيعة قديما وحديثا من يزعم أن أمير المؤمنين أحق بالرسالة من النبي وإنما هو أفك مفترى اختلقه أضداد الشيعة تشويها لسمعتها

"There is no one amongst the Shia from the past until present that claims that Amir al Muminin is worthier for revelation than the Prophet. Verily this is just a lie fabricated by the opponents of the Shia to defame the reputation of Shia."

The Sunni scholars likewise acknowledge that this is a lie. We read in Difa an al-Aqeda wa al-Sharia by Sheikh Ghazali, page 220:

ومن هؤلاء الأفاكين من روج أن الشيعة أتباع علي وأن السنيين أتباع محمد، وأن الشيعة يرون علياً أحق بالرسالة، أو أنها أخطأته إلى غيره، وهذا لغو قبيح وتزوير شائن.

“Those liars spread rumors that the Shi’a are the followers of Ali and the Sunnis are the followers of Muhammad, and the Shi’a consider Ali worthier of revelation or the revelation went by mistake to other than him. Surely this is an ugly lie and ignominious fabrication”

Fourteenth lie – The Jews and Christians have a better attitude of their Prophets companions than the Shi’a

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

وفضلت اليهود والنصارى على الرافضة بخصلتين سئلت اليهود من خير أهل ملتكم قالوا أصحاب موسى وسئلت النصاري من خير أهل ملتكم قالوا حواري عيسى وسئلت الرافضة من شر أهل ملتكم قالوا أصحاب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Jews and Christians are preferred to the Shia for two qualities, the Jews are asked: ‘Who is the best of your nation?’ They answer: ‘The companions of Musa’ and the Christians are asked: ‘Who is the best of your nation?’ They say: ‘The companions of Isa’ whilst the Rafidah are asked who is the worst of your nation? They reply: ‘The companions of Muhammad.’ 

The reality – The past divine books present the true picture of the companions of Moses (as) and Jesus (as)

In the Jewish Old Testament, the Book of Exodus we read the following about the companions of Moses:

30. It came to pass on the next day that Moses said to the people: "You have committed a grave sin. And now I will go up to the Lord; perhaps I will obtain atonement for your sin."
31. And Moses returned to the Lord and said: "Please! This people has committed a grave sin. They have made themselves a god of gold.
32. And now, if You forgive their sin But if not, erase me now from Your book, which You have written."
33. And the Lord said to Moses: "Whoever has sinned against Me, him I will erase from My book!"
34. And now go, lead the people to [the place] of which I have spoken to you. Behold My angel will go before you. But on the day I make an accounting [of sins upon them], I will bring their sin to account against them."
35. Then the Lord struck the people with a plague, because they had made the calf that Aaron had made. 

In the Holy Quran it is written about companions of Moses (as):

He said: So surely We have tried your people after you, and the Samiri has led them astray.

So Musa returned to his people wrathful, sorrowing. Said he: O my people! did not your Lord promise you a goodly promise: did then the time seem long to you, or did you wish that displeasure from your Lord should be due to you, so that you broke (your) promise to me? (20.85-86) 

In the New Testament, Mark's gospel Chapter 14 verse 10 we are told the following the companions of Jesus companions:

10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them. 

As for the remainder eleven disciples we are informed as follows of their conduct in Mathew Chapter 26 verses 34-35 and 55-56:

34 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.
35 Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples.
55 In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me.
56 But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled

Fifteenth Lie: Shias do not say ‘Asalam Alaikum’ when they greet

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود لا يخلصون السلام على المؤمنين إنما يقولون السام عليكم والسام الموت وكذلك الرافضة

The Jews don’t greet the believers in good intent, they say "Sam Alykom" ‘sam’ means death, and so do the Rafidah. 


We read in Wasail al-Shia, Volume 12 page 56:

Abi Abdullah (as) said: ‘Whoever said ‘Salam Alaikum’ will gain ten rewards. Whoever said ‘Salam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah’ will gain twenty rewards. Whoever said ‘Salam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh’ will gain thirty rewards.

On page 55, we read:

Abi Abdullah (as) said: ‘The one who initiates in saying ‘Salam’ is closer to Allah and His Messenger’

On page 59, we read:

Abi Abdullah (as) said: ‘The humbleness is to say Salam to the one you meet’

Further examples of the baseless absurdities of Ibn Taimiyah

We shall now cite the comments of Ibn Taimiyah that are so absurd, that no one on their right mind would ever believe them (unless they are of course bigoted Salafis and Deobandis).

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود تنود في الصلاة وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews shake their heads during prayer and so do the Rafidah” 

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

واليهود تسدل أثوابها في الصلاة وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews let their veil hang down during prayer and so do the Rafidah” 

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

واليهود لا تسجد حتى تخفق برؤوسها مرارا شبه الركوع وكذلك الرافضة

“The Jews do not perform prostration (during prayer) before they shake their heads for several times just as bowing, and nor do the Rafidah.” 

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 3 page 238:

إن الله يأمركم أن تذبحوا بقرة (سورة البقرة). عائشة

{Allah commandeth you that ye sacrifice a cow} Ayesha (according to Shia Tafsir). 

While its an open challenge to the Nasibi asherents of Ibn Taimiyah to show us any reliable Shia commentary of the said verse which supports the claim of Ibn Taimiyah!

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 22:

اتخاذهم نعجة وقد تكون نعجة حمراء لكون عائشة تسمى الحميراء يجعلونها عائشة ويعذبونها بنتف شعرها

They take a reddish ewe to be as Ayesha, then they torture her by plucking out its wool. 


Whilst no such practice exists amongst the Shi’a if the Nasibi really want to know the reality with regards to producing replicas of Ayesha, then such a practice is firmly uprooted in their house. Ibn Katheer whilst discussing the events that occurred in 363 Hijri in al Bidayah wa al Nihaya Volume 11 page 275 states:

"In 363 Hijri a fight broke out between the Ahl'ul Sunnah and the Rafida. The Ahl ul Sunnah through a lack of common sense, or a complete omission of common sense were not willing to make peace. One group amongst then placed a woman on a camel and made her Ayesha and made two men Talha and Zubayr. They then declared their opponents the Sahaba of 'Ali, and said 'Now we shall fight the Sahaba of Ali"


We have selected just a sample of the blatant lies of Ibn Taimiyah. Whether these lies were concocted by him or through anecdotal information passed on to him by others, this alleged Sheikh ul Islam should have known better. There is no doubt all Sects believe that they are right, and the art of polemics is based around exposing the faults of the opposite side by faithfully citing their texts and proving them as false. Look at the examples that we cited. Is this the methodology adopted by Ibn Taimiyah here? Citing texts without any textual evidence, and merely presenting them onto paper as if they are established facts? We began this chapter pointing out that according to Imam Subki, lying about one’s belief is the methodology of the Mujasima (sect). And Ibn Taimiyah has proven his adherence to such a practice in his book. When today’s Shi’a in Universities are disillusioned by audio cassettes and speeches by the Salafis presenting baseless lies to the masses about Shi’a beliefs without any textual evidence, they should know that they are merely following the practice of their Shiekh ul Islam who advocated such a method. Today’s Nawasib have taken such teachings to such a level they attribute lies against the Shias to incite violence against them.


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