Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Terrorist: Norwegian Christian Crusader Tears For Vlad The Impaler

Terrorist Anders Breivik

Tears of a mass murderer: Norwegian killer Breivik breaks down as film of his hero Vlad the Impaler is played (but stays stony-faced as court describes way he slaughtered 77)

  • Court played 3minute phone call from terrified girl being stalked by Breivik
  • Smiling killer, in dark suit, flashed 'right-wing salute' at court cameras
  • Then told judge he did not recognise authority of the court
  • Trial over events of July 22, 2011, expected to last 10 weeks
  • Killed 8 in Oslo bomb blast then gunned down 69 on Utoya island
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik broke down in tears on the first day of his terror trial today - when a video clip he had created, mentioning Vlad the Impaler, was screened.
The 33-year-old, who admits killing eight in an Oslo bomb blast and 69 in a shooting spree on the island of Utoya last July, remained emotionless as prosecutors spent two hours describing in graphic detail how each of his victims died.
But he suddenly became emotional when shown an anti-Muslim 12-minute video he had posted on YouTube before the carnage, wiping away tears with trembling hands.
A smug looking Breivik had earlier entered the Oslo court room, dressed in a dark suit, grinning as a guard removed his handcuffs.
He then flashed a closed-fist 'right wing' salute, before shaking hands with prosecutors and court officials, and told the judge he did not recognise the court.
Scroll down for video
Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik,
Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik,
Tears of a mass murdered: Breivik broke down in court today when his promotional video, including a clip of Vlad the Impaler' was screened
Uncuffed: Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik pictured grinning, after entering the Oslo courtroom, as his handcuffs are removed
Uncuffed: Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik pictured grinning, after entering the Oslo courtroom, as his handcuffs are removed
Playing to the camera: Breivik, charged with killing 77 people, clenched his fist in the courtroom and held it to his chest
Playing to the camera: Breivik, charged with killing 77 people, clenched his fist in the courtroom and held it to his chest
Defiant: Breivik then pumped his arm out, in what is believed to be a far-right salute, before saying he did not recognise the authority of the court
Defiant: Breivik then pumped his arm out, in what is believed to be a far-right salute, before saying he did not recognise the authority of the court
He said: 'I don't recognise Norwegian courts because you get your mandate from the Norwegian political parties who support multiculturalism.'

He also said he does not recognise Judge Wenche Elisabeth Arntzen's authority, because he said she is friends with the sister of former Norwegian Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Gro Harlem Brundtland.
When asked for his employment status, he described himself as a writer. He had admitted playing his part in the deaths, but pleaded not guilty to terror and murder charges saying he was acting in self-defence.
Prosecutors then read out the names of those killed and injured, and graphic details of how each one happened, in the devastating shooting spree. Some of the methods were so horrific that Norwegian media bleeped the sound when they were read out.
Factory: Images of Breivik's bomb-making were screened during the first day of his trial today
Factory: Images of Breivik's bomb-making were screened during the first day of his trial today
Bomb making
Bomb making
Plans of a killer: The court was shown pictured of Breivik's bomb-making factory (left) and a patch he wore on his clothes as he carried out the attrocity (right)
Plans: Breivik gave police detailed drawings on he constructed his bombs
Plans: Breivik gave police detailed drawings on he constructed his bombs
After a lunch break, Breivik was again expressionless as he watched prosecutors present surveillance footage of the Oslo explosion. 
The blast ripped through the high-rise building that housed government headquarters, blowing out windows and filling surrounding streets with smoke and debris.
He did not flinch as prosecutors played a three-minute recording of a young woman's frantic phone call to police from Utoya.
Pictures of equipment and materials used by Breivik
Pictures of equipment and materials allegedly used by Breivik were shown to the court today - including this rifle
Pictures of equipment and materials used by Breivik
More equipment allegedly used by Breivik which was shown to the court - it is unclear what exactly this is 
Pictures of equipment and materials used by Breivik
Another gun shown to the court on the opening day of the proceedings
Renate Taarnes, 22, said with panic in her voice: 'Shot have been fired. I'm pretty sure that there are many injured. 
More than a dozen shots in close succession could be heard as Taarnes fell silent.'
'Are you still there?' the police officer asked. Yes,' she whispered. She fell silent again, breathing into the phone as more shots cracked in the background.
The opening day, in front of five judges, saw prosecutors try to to drown out the self-styled Knight Templar's attempt at showcasing his radical views.
The fear is that his right-wing rhetoric could take centre-stage as, after the opening statements, the man who confessed to murdering 77 people testifies for five straight days in a row.
Show trial: Breivik, pictured on the centre table, at the start of the 10-week trial against him
Prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh, left, reacts in front of accused Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik at the courtroom
Trial: Breivik, pictured on the centre table, at the start of the 10-week case against him (left) as prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh (right) reacts in front of Breivik at the courtroom
Arrival: The police van carrying Anders Behring Breivik to a court in Oslo this morning, where he faces trial for killing 77 people last summer
Arrival: The police van carrying Anders Behring Breivik to a court in Oslo this morning, where he faces trial for killing 77 people last summer
Crime scene: The white van was believed to have been driven onto the island of Utoya by the gunman who then opened fire on groups of children attending a summer camp
Crime scene: The white van was believed to have been driven onto the island of Utoya by the gunman who then opened fire on groups of children attending a summer camp
Chilling: Anders Behring Breivik walks with a gun in hand among bodies on Utoeya island July 22, last year
Chilling: Anders Behring Breivik walks with a gun in hand among bodies on Utoeya island July 22, last year
Teenagers on the Norwegian holiday island of Utoya had to 'swim for their lives' and hide in trees when the gunman fired indiscriminately at them
Terror: Teenagers on the Norwegian holiday island of Utoya had to 'swim for their lives' and hide in trees when Breivik fired indiscriminately at them
No remorse: Anders Behring Breivik, 32, pictured moments after his arrest,
No remorse: Anders Behring Breivik, 32, pictured moments after his arrest, still in the police clothes he wore for when he killed 77 people in twin attacks on July 22, last year


Massacre: Anders Behring Breivik set off a bomb in Oslo, killing eight, and then killed 69 people, mostly teenagers, at a Labour Party youth camp on Utoya island, outside the Norwegian capital
Breivik (right) is not lawyer Geir Lippestad's first unpopular client - after in 2002 he represented a neo-Nazi who knifed to death a mixed-race teenager in Oslo.
The murder of Benjamin Hermansen - son of a black Ghanaian father and white Norwegian mother - sparked public outcry in Norway.
His decision to represent Ole Nicolai Kvisler put him in the national spotlight, and his reputation for helping brutal murderers receive a fair trial is set to be demonstrated again.
Lippestad, 47, initially said no. The killing spree received global attention, and the lawyer is a member of the Labour Party, whose youth camp was attacked on Utoya island.
But after talking to his wife he decided he should take the case on. He will be assisted in the trial by Vibeke Hein Baera, Tord Jordet and Odd Ivar Groen.
Breivik first appeared in court in Oslo on July 27 last year. Lippestad said his client had wanted to revolutionise Norway's society and had 'confessed to the factual circumstances' of the atrocities but denied criminal responsibility.
He described Breivik as a 'very cold' person who appeared to have no idea of the worldwide revulsion at his acts.
A psychiatric report presented to the Oslo district court on Tuesday backed up Breivik's own claim that he is sane, and contradicted an earlier assessment that declared him psychotic.
It will mean the world will be forced to hear his 'reasons' behind his deadly rampage - and will be followed by testimonies from fellow right-wing extremists.
'It's going to be 10 weeks of hell ... to hear this man, to hear his explanation of why he did it, and how he did it,' said Trond Henry Blattmann, whose son was among the victims.
Breivik will explain why he set off a bomb in Oslo, killing eight, and then killed 69 people, mostly teenagers, at a Labour Party youth camp on Utoya island, outside the Norwegian capital.
Since Breivik has confessed to the July 22 attacks - claiming they were necessary to protect Norway from being taken over by Muslims - the key issue that remains unresolved is his mental health.
The 33-year-old Norwegian was found insane in one examination that recommended committing him to compulsory psychiatric care, while a second assessment found him mentally competent to be sent to prison.
It will be up to the judges in Oslo's district court to decide which diagnosis they find most believable.
If deemed mentally competent, he would face a maximum prison sentence of 21 years. 
Alternatively, he could be kept in custody for as long as he is deemed a danger to society.
Those who survived the shooting massacre are bracing for the horror to return during the trial.
'I do not know how I will react, I do not think you can prepare for it,' said Stine Renate Haaheim, a 27-year-old Labour Party lawmaker who survived the massacre by swimming away from the island.
Haaheim said she is concerned that Breivik will use the intense media focus during the trial to draw attention to his extremist views.
A man lies injured in the road amid wreckage from the blast as emergency service personnel rush to help him
Carnage: A man lies injured in the road amid wreckage from the Oslo blast as emergency service personnel rush to help him
CCTV: Surveillance footage shows Anders Behring Breivik, dressed in police uniform and carrying a pistol, as he walks away from a car after placing a bomb in Oslo last year
CCTV: Surveillance footage shows Anders Behring Breivik, dressed in police uniform and carrying a pistol, as he walks away from a car after placing a bomb in Oslo last year


Right-wing fanatic Anders Breivik sees himself as a 21st century crusader battling against Islam in Europe.
He's confessed to the attacks but denies criminal guilt, saying he acted to stop colonisation by Muslims, happening because of the immigration policies of those in power.
A psychiatric assessment found him to be psychotic and suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, but he insists he is sane - a view supported by a second assessment ordered by the Oslo District Court.
Judges at his trial will decide whether he is insane or not.
Breivik attempted to justify his views in a 1,500-page manifesto published on the internet before the atrocities.
He claimed to be part of a secret organisation modelled on the medieval Christian military order the Knights Templar, which aimed to purge Europe of Muslim influence in a revolution that would target what he called 'cultural Marxists' in the initial phase.
The document spelt out Breivik's extreme nationalist philosophy as well as his methods. It described how he bought guns, tons of fertiliser and other bomb components, hid collections of weapons and evaded police suspicion in the run-up to the attacks.
Before the killings, Breivik spent much of his time absorbed in online gaming, mostly playing the World of Warcraft series.
He was a high school dropout and, the court heard, made money by forging diplomas and certificates under the company name Diplom Service, which folded in 2006.
Police were unable to substantiate his claims of being in a group and believe he acted alone.
It was widely reported in the wake of the attacks that Breivik had made postings on British nationalist websites.
But Norwegian authorities said there was no evidence of links to the English far-right.
Although she is curious about what snapped inside Breivik to turn him into a mass killer, she said: 'I don't think it will give any meaning to what has happened.'
Police this morning sealed off streets around the court building, where journalists, survivors and relatives of victims can watch the proceedings in a 200-seat courtroom built specifically for the trial.
Thick glass partitions have been put up to separate victims and their families from the defendant. 
Norway's NRK television will broadcast parts of the trial, but is not allowed to show Breivik's testimony.
In a manifesto he published online before the attacks, Breivik wrote that 'patriotic resistance fighters' should use trials 'as a platform to further our cause'.
Breivik surrendered to police 1 hour and 20 minutes after he arrived on Utoya.
The police response was slowed by a series of mishaps, including the lack of an operating police helicopter and the breakdown of an overloaded boat carrying a commando team to Utoya.
Breivik claims he targeted the government headquarters in Oslo and the Labour Party youth camp to strike against the left-leaning political forces he blames for allowing immigration in Norway.
Breivik told investigators he is a resistance fighter in a far-right militant group modelled after the Knights Templar medieval crusaders, but police have found no trace of the organisation and say he acted alone.
Anxious to prove he is not insane, Breivik has called right-wing extremists and radical Islamist to testify during the trial, to show there are others who share his view of clashing civilizations.
His defence lawyer, Geir Lippestad, said Breivik's only regret is that the death toll wasn't higher. 'It's difficult to understand, but I am telling you this to prepare people for his testimony,' Lippestad said.
Victims: Just some of the 77 killed by Breivik in a day of carnage last year
Victims: Just some of the 77 killed by Breivik in a day of carnage last year
Victims: Just some of the 77 killed by Breivik in a day of carnage last year


The carnage caused by mass-murderer Breivik began with a bomb in Oslo and culminated in a massacre of young people on the island of Utoya.
Eight people were killed when his device exploded at the high-rise building in Oslo at 3.26pm local time on July 22 last year. It left a dust-clogged square covered in twisted metal and shattered glass.
Police described it as an 'Oklahoma city-type' bombing, targeting a government building, perpetrated by a home-grown assailant and using the same mix of fertiliser and fuel that blew up a building in the U.S. in 1995.
The bomb was packed into a panel truck outside the building. An agricultural supplier said Breivik bought six tonnes of fertiliser in the weeks before the explosion.
But as police battled to deal with the effects of the bomb, a much more deadly attack was about to begin 20 miles north-west of the capital.
Breivik, dressed as a policeman, drove to a lake outside the capital and took a ferry to the island of Utoya, where hundreds of young people were attending a summer camp organised by the youth wing of the Labour Party.
At around 4.50pm he opened fire, claiming another 69 lives. It is claimed that he beckoned to his young victims before shooting them one by one.
Survivors of the shooting spree described hiding and fleeing into the water to escape.
Police arrived on the island an hour and a half after the gunman first opened fire, because they did not have quick access to a helicopter and could not find a boat to reach the scene just several hundred yards away.
When the armed officers did locate a boat they overloaded it, causing it to breakdown. Breivik surrendered when officers finally reached him on Utoya at 6.35pm.
Oslo police director Oeystein Maeland said later: 'I regret we weren't able to arrest the suspect earlier than we did. Could police have been faster? The answer is yes.
'If the boat hadn't been over capacity, police would have been on Utoya faster. If it would have led to another and better result is nothing we know for sure, but we can't rule it out.
'And it's tough, like I've said before, to think that lives thereby would have been saved.'
Chilling accounts soon emerged of what happened at the camp. A 15-year-old, Elise, said she heard gunshots but then saw a police officer and thought she was safe. 
Then the man started shooting people in front of her. She said: 'I saw many dead people. He first shot people on the island. Afterwards he started shooting people in the water.'
Dana Berzingi, 21, said several victims 'had pretended they were dead to survive'. But after shooting them with one gun, he blasted them in the head with a shotgun, he added.
Tragic day: Police have now pieced together the series of events on Utoya island

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2130364/Anders-Behring-Breivik-trial-Norwegian-killer-breaks-Vlad-Impaler-video-played.html#ixzz1sKYiNjhN

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