Saturday, November 5, 2011

Shadhili Sufi Community of Columbus, Ohio invites you to Florida!

As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu.

Dear beloved brothers and sisters in the Way,

This coming weekend is the appointed time for the Florida Sufi School. For those who haven't heard, there have been some last minutes changes for Sidi, and he is unable to travel to Florida in in person this weekend. However, he wants to assure everyone that this will still be a very special and holy event. Sidi has recorded a special internet video, specifically inviting everyone to come for this special school. You can see the video here:

Because fears and  false rumors have begun to spread, he makes sure to point out in his words: "It is important for everyone to know that I am fine, in good health and spirits, and I am going to give everyone  what he needs this weekend in Florida. Many of you take promises and teachings from me when I am in Jerusalem through my spirit. My Spirit will be with you in Florida completely; and you will see me and I will see you with the video. So not to worry my beloveds. Come to these teachings and taste what God He gives me to give you."

Sidi, also wants everyone to know that this is an exceptional occurrence that it in no way implies he won't be travelling to all the main centers in the future. In fact he is definitely going to be in San Diego the following weekend as planned, in the body, insha'allah. We were unable to find another weekend for Florida at this late date, or he would have gone there as well.

From our brother Salih Kent:

"Beloveds, this is a new door and possible great opening for the future of all of us. Until now Sidi has never accepted to really give his message and teachings through video conferencing. After this weekend, if you all can support this by coming to Florida and supporting the process, and he sees that it works really well, then many possibilities will open for us, especially with smaller communities not yet large enough for Sidi to fly into. He simply asks that you trust that behind all of this is Allah's wisdom. So please do everything you can do to support Sidi and the Florida community. I believe the teachings this weekend will be something special, and the private time with each beloved will also be very special. Sending you all love, Salih"

Insha'allah this is a very special time in the sacred calendar, and one of the few opportunities we have left this year to be with our spiritual guide. So please, don't worry; take your chance to enjoy this unique opportunity to be at the Florida Sufi School.

May Allah's blessings & peace be with you, & may you have a blessed Eid.

Shadhili Sufi Community of Columbus, Ohio:


Shadhiliyya Sufi Communities
2950 Pope Canyon Rd.
PO Box 100
Pope Valley California 94567

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