Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mitt Romney's Views on "Child of Cain..." President Barack Obama

With all the talk from Glen Beck and Mitt Romney about running for political offices, I think people should know more about their ideology and what kind of "conservatism" they represent.  Considering that I lived in Salt Lake City, Utah for over 20 years and know Mormon History and Doctrine pretty well, I am rather shocked that people such as Glen Beck and Mitt Romney are not questioned about the previously revealed ideology in Mormonism that considered all people of color to be "children of cain".  

Armand L. Mauss, a sociologist from Pullman, Wash., who is president of the Mormon History Association, said in an interview that he has talked with dozens of black Mormons who believe that some Mormon leaders and laity still view blacks as inferior.
Mauss said that some of the teachings did not originate with Mormons but with the Protestant groups from which Mormons converted. "Every major Protestant denomination in history has taught that blacks are descendants of Cain and Ham," he said."  

Which brings me to the point why the Talibangelicals all hate Barack seems that the Talibangelicals and Mormons don't get along in ideology, except for this one single issue of not being fond of those who are not "White and Delightsome".  



While the majority, if not all, of Cain's descendants would have been killed in the great flood, according to Mormons from the late 19th to mid 20th century, Cain's bloodline was preserved on the ark through Egyptus, wife of Ham (son of Noah). The Book of Abraham, accepted by Mormons as part of their canon, is the source of the story of this Egyptus who preserves "the curse.... as pertaining to the Priesthood" by surviving the flood as Ham's wife. One must note, however, that in this canonized source no connection is made between her and Cain (her lineage is not given), nor is anything mentioned concerning her skin color. Thus, though Mormons combined the widespread belief that Cain's curse was a blackness of skin with another racist idea common in Europe and America (that the curse of Ham for seeing his father's nakedness was black skin), the idea that Ham's wife preserved a curse of black skin inherited from Cain that was passed on is not canonized doctrine.[6]

[edit]Recent origin of racial interpretation

Accepting the theory that God had cursed black people, some have used the curse as a Biblical justification for racism. These racial and ethnic interpretations of the curse and the mark have been largely abandoned even by the most conservative theologians since the mid-20th century, although the theory still has some following among white supremacists and an older generation of whites, as well as a very small minority of Protestant churches.[citation needed]
But in the long church history, there were many coloured and black leaders in the church. The interpretation that black people were the descendants of Cain is very new, probably from about the 16th to the 19th centuries, in the West. In terms of the long church history of 2000 years, this is a relatively short period. As quickly as this false interpretation rose up,it quickly was quelled from within the church, for it could not stand against the basic biblical doctrine[original research?], in the New Testament, that all men were equal:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:28
Many early church leaders were coloured and also black. It must be remembered that the church was eastern first, before it became western, and many early Christians were non European. The early church was widespread in the Byzantium empire, which is now Turkey, in Syria, in Egypt and certainly in Ethiopia, where till today, there are black Christians, black leaders, black bishops and black churches.
The well known St Anthony (father of monasticism) was born in Egypt; Athanasius - bishop and theologian was Middle Eastern,Origen - theologian, was an Egyptian and the list goes on."

Here is a more detailed article in regards to racism against people of color by traditional Mormon doctrine that has it's roots in extremist protestantism:

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