Thursday, March 13, 2025

Why the Woke Communists and the Military-Industrial Complex Can't Let the U.S. and Russia Be Friends

By Bobby Darvish, Iranian-American Ex-Muslim, Former CAIR-Columbus Executive Director, Christian Conservative LDS Priest 

The United States and Russia should be natural allies. Both nations are vast, resource-rich, predominantly white, Christian, and deeply rooted in conservative traditions. Yet, the globalist Red-Green axis and their enforcers within the Military-Industrial Complex refuse to allow such an alliance. Why? Because they cannot tolerate the existence of a strong, straight, white-majority, Christian, capitalist, homogenous, and conservative civilization. They need to break it apart, subvert it from within, and plant their imperialist Rainbow flag of Wokeism wherever resistance remains.

The Red-Green Axis and the War on White Civilization

The alliance of Marxist globalists (the Red) and Islamists (the Green) has been the primary force behind the erasure of Western civilization, white nations, and Christian morality. Their end goal is the absolute destruction of any society that upholds traditional values, strong families, and economic independence. They use tools like mass immigration, racial guilt, and the destruction of national identities to weaken white-majority nations and dissolve them into a formless, multicultural sludge.

Let’s put this into perspective: the so-called “White World” consists only of Europe, West Asia, and North Africa—a population making up just 15% of the Earth's total inhabitants. Yet, the narrative we hear from the woke globalists is that whites are an oppressive global force, despite being a dwindling minority worldwide.

Meanwhile, the Red-Green Axis conveniently ignores non-white supremacy, whether it be Han Chinese imperialism, Turkish neo-Ottoman expansion, or radical Islamic jihadist colonization of the West. They reserve their anti-nationalist rhetoric exclusively for white-majority nations, demonizing them as inherently oppressive while excusing far more brutal regimes in the non-white world. Why? Because their goal is to erase the last standing bastions of Western, Christian civilization.

The Role of the Military-Industrial Complex

Beyond the woke cultural agenda, there is another force that ensures U.S.-Russia relations never improve: the Military-Industrial Complex. Since the end of World War II, the defense industry has relied on the manufactured boogeyman of Russia to justify endless military expenditures.

Instead of uniting with Russia against real global threats—such as Communist China, radical Islam, or Marxist subversion—the Western elites push for conflict. NATO expansion into Russia’s backyard, the Ukraine war, and the demonization of Russia in Western media all serve the interests of defense contractors, globalist banks, and deep-state intelligence agencies who profit from war.

The Destruction of Conservative Christian Nationalism

At the heart of this is an ideological war against Christian nationalism. Russia is one of the last major Christian nations that openly defends its religious heritage, family values, and national identity. The same applies to parts of Eastern Europe and a few conservative red-state strongholds in America. These are the greatest threats to globalist hegemony.

The LGBTQ+ agenda, the destruction of traditional masculinity, mass immigration, and racial replacement are all weapons in this war. The woke left needs to erase white Christian civilization because it represents an obstacle to their globalist, communist utopia. They despise Russia not because of its actions, but because it stands as a white, Christian, capitalist, nationalist power that refuses to bow before the Rainbow Empire.

Conclusion: A Necessary Alliance

America and Russia should be allies, standing against the threats of Chinese Communist imperialism, radical Islam, and globalist Marxism. But the woke elites and their Red-Green allies won’t allow it because it would mean the survival of traditional Christian civilization. Instead, they will keep fueling wars, social upheaval, and degeneracy to ensure the destruction of white, conservative, capitalist nations. The only way forward is for patriots, nationalists, and Christian conservatives to reject the lies of the globalist establishment and push for an anti-woke, pro-nationalist alliance between the U.S. and Russia.


  1. Carroll, James. House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006.

  2. D’Souza, Dinesh. The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left. Regnery Publishing, 2017.

  3. Lind, William S. The Next Conservatism. Arktos Media, 2020.

  4. McCoy, Alfred. In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power. Haymarket Books, 2017.

  5. Sniegoski, Stephen J. The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel. Enigma Editions, 2008.

  6. Paul, Ron. The Revolution: A Manifesto. Grand Central Publishing, 2008.

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