Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Importance of "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis: A Reflection from My Personal Journey


By Bobby Darvish, Iranian-American Ex-Muslim, Former Vegan, Former Democrat, Former Socialist, Former CAIR-Columbus Executive Director, Former Muslim Forum of Utah President, Christian Conservative LDS Priest

As someone who has traversed a complex and transformative spiritual journey—moving from Islam to Christianity, experiencing the ideological shifts from socialism and veganism to conservative Christian values—C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity" stands as a beacon of clarity and reason. I believe that this book holds a unique place not only for Christians but also for non-Christians who seek a better understanding of the Christian faith and its moral and philosophical underpinnings. Lewis, a master of both philosophy and literature, provides an accessible and compelling exploration of Christianity's core principles in a way that is deeply resonant for anyone searching for truth, meaning, and moral guidance in today's tumultuous world.

Understanding the Power of "Mere Christianity"

When I first encountered "Mere Christianity," I was in the midst of a profound spiritual crisis. Raised in an Islamic society and a devout Muslim family, I had found myself questioning the tenets of my faith. After years of ideological exploration, I eventually became a Christian, realizing that the teachings of Christ, unlike any other religion or philosophical tradition I had studied, offered a comprehensive moral framework that spoke directly to my heart and soul.

"Mere Christianity," however, was not merely a doctrinal book; it was a guide to understanding the rational and philosophical foundation of Christian beliefs. Lewis's work is based on a series of radio talks he gave during World War II, where he sought to address both Christians and non-Christians alike, inviting them to consider the reasonableness of Christianity in light of the suffering and confusion of the war. The beauty of his approach lies in his ability to strip Christianity down to its essentials: belief in God, moral law, the nature of Christ, and the transformative power of faith. These are not abstractions, but fundamental truths that can shape an individual’s life and the society they inhabit.

The Universal Appeal of Christianity’s Moral Law

One of the most striking elements of "Mere Christianity" is Lewis’s explanation of the moral law, which he posits as a universal law written on the hearts of all people, regardless of culture or background. As an ex-Muslim, I found this concept of the moral law particularly powerful because it resonated with my own experiences in Islamic and secular environments. No matter where we come from, we all recognize certain principles as good or bad—helping others, telling the truth, avoiding harm. These universal moral imperatives point towards a higher lawgiver, which Lewis argues is God. For me, this bridged the gap between the skepticism I had towards religious structures and the truth of Christianity's moral vision.

Moreover, Lewis did not present Christianity as a set of rigid rules or dogmas but as a way of life that offers practical wisdom for dealing with the complexities of human existence. He understood that while Christianity is a faith, it is also a rational belief system that offers a compelling explanation of human nature, the purpose of life, and the inherent dignity of the individual. This rationality spoke to me as someone with a background in technology and cybersecurity, where logic, reason, and structure are paramount. Lewis's ability to speak to both the intellectual and the spiritual aspects of life was transformative.

Why Non-Christians Should Read "Mere Christianity"

"Mere Christianity" is not merely for those who already embrace Christian faith. In fact, one of the most important aspects of the book is its appeal to non-Christians and skeptics. Lewis invites readers to consider the possibility of God and the reality of moral truth without forcing them into a specific theological box. As an ex-Muslim, I was particularly struck by how Lewis approached questions of faith in a way that acknowledged my skepticism while providing a pathway to belief.

For anyone raised in a non-Christian or secular environment, the book offers a compelling argument for why Christianity is a rational and morally coherent worldview. It is not a theological dissertation, but a conversation starter—a doorway into deeper exploration of who God is, what Christ offers, and why the Christian worldview provides answers to the most profound questions of existence. Lewis’s calm, reasoned approach is precisely what we need in a world full of conflict and confusion.

Christianity’s Transformative Power

As someone who transitioned from a life steeped in left-wing ideologies, including my leadership roles at CAIR and the Muslim Forum of Utah, I can attest to the transformative power of Christianity. "Mere Christianity" not only clarified the foundations of the Christian faith but also opened my eyes to how the principles of Christ could guide the personal transformation I was undergoing. This book gave me the tools to understand the profound moral implications of Christianity—not just in theory, but in practice.

When I became a Christian, I found that the teachings of Christ reshaped my worldview, particularly in areas like forgiveness, humility, and the role of the individual in society. Lewis’s work provided the intellectual and moral justification for these life changes, showing me that Christianity’s true power lies in its ability to reshape the heart and mind.

A Call to Action

For anyone seeking clarity in their spiritual journey—whether Christian or not—I highly recommend "Mere Christianity." It serves as both an introduction to the Christian faith and a reminder of the core moral truths that can guide anyone seeking truth in a world full of distractions. As someone who has experienced the highs and lows of both Islamic and secular life, I can confidently say that "Mere Christianity" offers a clear and compelling path to understanding what Christianity truly represents. It is not just a book for believers; it is a book for anyone who seeks to live a more virtuous, meaningful life.


  • Lewis, C. S. Mere Christianity. HarperOne, 2001.
  • MacDonald, G. C.S. Lewis: A Life. HarperCollins, 2013.
  • St. Augustine. The Confessions. Translated by R.S. Pine-Coffin, Penguin Classics, 1961.
  • Chesterton, G.K. Orthodoxy. Ignatius Press, 2004.

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