Monday, October 7, 2024

Why Christianity is Booming in Iran (Even Under the Islamic Regime): A Personal Perspective from an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian Conservative

Why Christianity is Booming in Iran (Even Under the Islamic Regime): A Personal Perspective from an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian Conservative   

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, my journey to faith has been one of discovery, courage, and transformation. For many like me, Christianity offers a beacon of hope amid the darkness of religious repression. Despite living under the heavy-handed rule of the Islamic regime, Christianity is growing at an unprecedented rate in Iran. This may seem surprising to outsiders, but for those of us with roots in the country, it makes perfect sense. In this article, I’ll explore why Christianity is booming in Iran and how faith has flourished despite (and perhaps because of) the regime’s efforts to stamp it out.

A Deep Disillusionment with Islam

At the core of this Christian revival in Iran is a profound disillusionment with Islam, particularly the version enforced by the ruling clerics. When the 1979 Islamic Revolution took place, many Iranians initially welcomed the establishment of an Islamic Republic, believing it would bring justice, prosperity, and morality. However, over the past four decades, the regime’s corruption, oppression, and hypocrisy have alienated millions of Iranians, especially the younger generations. The clerical regime has abused Islam to maintain power and control, enforcing harsh interpretations of Sharia law that have left many spiritually and morally bankrupt.

In a 2019 survey by GAMAAN, a secular research group, nearly 80% of Iranians said they no longer believed in the core principles of Islam that the government tries to enforce. This rejection of the state religion has led many to search for alternative spiritual paths. For many, Christianity, with its message of grace, love, and forgiveness, offers an appealing contrast to the legalism and fear-mongering associated with the regime’s brand of Islam.

A Message of Hope in Times of Oppression

One of the most powerful aspects of Christianity is its message of hope and salvation. This resonates deeply with many Iranians living under oppression. In the Gospels, Christ’s teachings on freedom from sin and eternal life contrast sharply with the harsh punishments, political repression, and limitations on personal freedoms imposed by the Islamic regime. Jesus's message of unconditional love, the hope of redemption, and the promise of spiritual freedom have led to a surge in underground churches and secret Christian communities across the country.

As an ex-Muslim who embraced Christianity, I found its message of grace and personal connection with God to be deeply moving. In contrast to the fear-based control mechanisms of the regime’s Islam, Christianity offered me something that Islam never did: a personal relationship with a loving, merciful God who valued me as an individual, not as a mere subject in a political-religious system.

The Role of Underground Churches and Digital Evangelism

Due to the regime’s brutal crackdown on any religion outside of Islam, especially Christianity, most Christian converts in Iran must practice their faith in secret. These underground churches—often held in private homes—have become the heart of the Christian movement in Iran. Despite the danger, more and more Iranians are gathering to worship in secret, learning about Christ and the Bible in hushed voices, often risking imprisonment or worse.

Digital evangelism has also played a critical role in the growth of Christianity in Iran. Christian satellite TV channels like SAT-7 PARS and Mohabat TV broadcast sermons, worship services, and Christian content directly into Iranian homes, reaching millions of people hungry for the message of Christ. Additionally, social media platforms and messaging apps like Telegram and Instagram provide another avenue for spreading the Gospel in Farsi.

Many of the Iranian Christians I have encountered on my own journey first learned about Christianity through online resources, from YouTube videos to Farsi translations of the Bible. The internet has become a lifeline for Iranian believers, allowing them to connect with one another and learn more about their newfound faith in a country where public Christian worship is forbidden.

Women Leading the Way in the Iranian Christian Movement

Remarkably, many of the leaders of Iran’s Christian underground movement are women. In a society where women are often oppressed and marginalized, Christianity offers a message of equality, dignity, and spiritual empowerment. The Bible teaches that men and women are equally valued in God’s eyes, a radical notion in a culture where the regime enforces strict gender roles and where women are often viewed as second-class citizens.

Women in Iran have embraced this message of empowerment and spiritual liberation. Many have become leaders in their underground Christian communities, risking everything to spread the Gospel. As someone who has witnessed the strength and resilience of Iranian women firsthand, I find it deeply inspiring to see them at the forefront of this spiritual revolution.

The Islamic Regime’s Fear of Christianity

The Islamic regime in Iran is fully aware of the growing number of Christian converts, and it is terrified. The regime views Christianity as a threat to its very existence. After all, the more people turn away from Islam and embrace the message of Christ, the less power the regime has to control the population. This is why Christian converts are often subject to severe persecution, including imprisonment, torture, and even execution.

Yet, despite the regime’s efforts to silence Christians, the church continues to grow. According to a 2020 report from Open Doors, Iran is one of the fastest-growing Christian populations in the world, with estimates ranging from 300,000 to over one million converts. The government’s attempts to crush Christianity through fear and violence have only made the faith more appealing to those seeking freedom from oppression.

Conclusion: A Spiritual Awakening in Iran

Iran is undergoing a spiritual awakening. The harsh realities of life under the Islamic regime have driven many Iranians to question the religion imposed upon them and seek spiritual alternatives. Christianity, with its message of hope, love, and individual worth, is resonating with more and more Iranians, despite the risks involved in converting.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, I understand firsthand the power of this message and the life-changing impact it can have. The underground church in Iran is growing, and even though the regime continues its persecution, the light of Christ is shining brightly in one of the darkest corners of the world.


  1. GAMAAN survey, “Iranians’ Attitudes Toward Religion” (2019).
  2. Open Doors report on Christian persecution in Iran (2020).
  3. Mohabat TV and SAT-7 PARS satellite channels.

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