Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Disturbing Reality of Democrat Self-Proclaimed “Demons” in Politics

 The Disturbing Reality of Democrat Self-Proclaimed “Demons” in Politics

By Bobby Darvish –

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and former Imam who once believed in the doctrines of Islam, I’ve seen my fair share of hypocrisy, lies, and deception. My journey from being a leader within Islam to embracing Christianity and conservative Republican values has been filled with revelations. But nothing could have prepared me for the brazen, self-destructive, and downright demonic behavior we’re witnessing today in the so-called "progressive" political landscape.

Can you believe that we’ve now reached a point in America where a self-proclaimed "Democrat Demon Bitch"—her own words, not mine—proudly admits to being a former escort and boasts about how "Whores like us can find anything about anybody"? Let that sink in for a moment. This woman, who parades her past immorality and evil like a badge of honor, is openly attacking conservative men, declaring that she "hates Conservative Men." This is where the Democrat party has led us.

It’s one thing to disagree politically. It’s another to embrace outright depravity and make a mockery of decency. As a former Imam and now a proud Christian, I know firsthand how moral degradation can destroy a society from within. This is precisely the kind of mentality that Islam encourages in its corrupting embrace of taqiya (deception), a concept I once followed but now repudiate wholeheartedly. And now, the Democrat Party in America seems to have embraced its own version of deceit and immorality, just as Islam uses deception to further its ends.

But let’s dissect what’s really going on here. The Democrat Party has devolved into a cesspool of moral bankruptcy, where individuals like this self-admitted former escort not only thrive but are celebrated. They tout their lack of integrity as if it were a virtue, all while demonizing conservative men—men who stand for traditional values, free-market capitalism, and personal responsibility.

These Democrats, like this "Demon Bitch," don’t just dislike conservative principles—they hate them. And why? Because conservative men embody the values they despise: strength, discipline, and a belief in absolute truth. They represent a world where actions have consequences and where character matters. In the eyes of morally bankrupt leftists, conservative men are the enemy precisely because they are a living, breathing rebuke of everything the left holds dear.

What does it say about the state of our political system that individuals like this woman feel emboldened to attack conservative men with impunity? It’s because the Democrat Party, in its unholy alliance with Marxism, feminism, and Islamism, has declared war on the very values that built America. They want to tear down the pillars of Western civilization—family, faith, and freedom—so they can rebuild it in their twisted image.

In my years as a former Imam and later as the Executive Director of CAIR Columbus and the Muslim Forum of Utah, I saw how leftist ideologies like Marxism and Islamism infiltrate and corrupt. The parallels between these ideologies and today’s Democrat Party are chilling. Both seek to destroy from within. Both rely on deception to achieve their ends. And both are obsessed with power at any cost, even if it means tearing down the very moral fabric of society.

The fact that this woman proudly identifies as a "whore" and uses it as a means to justify her unethical actions is a sign of the times. We’re living in an age where evil is celebrated, where those who once would have been rightly condemned for their immorality are instead given platforms and accolades. This is what happens when a society turns its back on God and embraces moral relativism.

As a Christian conservative Republican, I firmly believe that America is at a crossroads. We are engaged in a spiritual battle, not just a political one. The forces of evil, represented by individuals like this self-proclaimed "Demon Bitch," are doing everything they can to destroy the values that make this country great. They attack conservative men because conservative men stand in the way of their plans to remake America in their own godless image.

It’s time for those of us who still believe in truth, morality, and decency to stand up and say "Enough." We cannot allow individuals who openly flaunt their immorality and hatred for conservatives to dominate the discourse. We must fight back against this corruption, not just in politics but in the culture at large. It’s time to restore America to its Christian roots, to defend capitalism, and to stand unapologetically for the values that built this nation.

The left may have their “Democrat Demon Bitches,” but we have something far more powerful on our side—faith in God, belief in truth, and the courage to stand against evil. We must never back down in this fight for the soul of our nation. Let’s make sure that the voices of morality, decency, and integrity are louder than those of the morally bankrupt left.

America’s future depends on it.


  1. Taqiya and deception in Islam:
  2. The Left's war on conservative men:
  3. Christian roots of American capitalism:

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