Saturday, October 5, 2024

Rediscovering Our Purpose: Lessons from Russia's Faith and National Identity

Rediscovering Our Purpose: Lessons from Russia's Faith and National Identity

By Bobby Darvish - 

As a conservative Iranian-American ex-Muslim turned Christian, I watch with admiration as Russia stands strong, driven by a deep connection to their faith and national identity. Figures like Наталья Самойлова (Natalya Samoylova) and Russia’s elite spetsnaz forces embody a profound sense of purpose, rooted in Orthodox Christianity and a commitment to preserve their country’s rich heritage. The Russians’ fight is more than just military strategy; it is a spiritual and cultural defense of their homeland, reminiscent of the times when their ancestors defended Russia from invaders. Their strength comes not from bureaucratic ideals or political jargon but from a deep-seated connection to God, family, and country.

Russia’s Christian values shine through in their fight to protect their nation from external threats, and this is where I find myself reflecting on the state of my own country, America. What are we fighting for today? Sadly, it seems our nation has strayed far from the principles that once made it great. Instead of standing tall in our Christian roots and fostering a sense of unity, we’ve embraced divisive ideologies like Critical Race Theory (CRT), diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, and the radical LGBTQ agenda. These ideologies are tearing apart the fabric of our society, pushing Marxist ideas into our institutions and eroding the core values of capitalism and self-reliance.

The attack on traditional American values is visible everywhere. The woke agenda promotes hostility toward white Americans, rewrites history to fit a socialist narrative, and undermines the very principles that made this country a beacon of freedom. It is anti-Christian at its core, disregarding the Judeo-Christian roots that provided the moral compass guiding America's strength and prosperity. Religious freedom, once a pillar of American democracy, is now under attack, as faith-based values are routinely suppressed and replaced with secular, anti-religious ideals.

In contrast, Russia embraces its Orthodox Christian faith with pride, and this fuels their sense of purpose. They are fighting for their culture, their faith, and their families. Meanwhile, in America, we are fighting amongst ourselves, distracted by ideologies that promote division rather than unity. The focus on DEI and CRT in our schools and workplaces does not strengthen our society; instead, it weakens our resolve and undermines our shared identity as Americans.

What we are witnessing is the erosion of the values that should be at the heart of any nation: faith, family, and individual liberty. Without these, we lose our identity. While Russia fights with a sense of moral clarity, we are increasingly lost in a fog of ideological confusion, unsure of what we stand for or against.

The question before us now is clear: will we continue to allow America to be torn apart by these divisive ideologies, or will we, like the Russians, rediscover our purpose and fight to preserve our values? It is time for us to return to the principles that made this country great: individual liberty, religious freedom, and a national identity firmly rooted in Christianity. Only by doing so can we ensure that we have a country worth defending.

By returning to our Christian roots, embracing the values of faith and freedom, and rejecting the woke ideologies that divide us, we can reclaim America’s moral strength. We need to fight with the same clarity of purpose as the Russians—to defend not only our country but also our faith and the foundational principles that unite us as a people. Only then will we be able to stand strong and preserve the greatness of this nation for future generations.


  1. CRT and its impact on American institutions: Critical Race Theory in Education: A Marxist Perspective
  2. The role of Orthodox Christianity in Russian military ethos: The Russian Orthodox Church and National Identity
  3. The erosion of American religious values: Attacks on Religious Freedom in the U.S.

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