Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Call to Ban, Deport, and Criminalize Islamist Organizations in America and Europe: A Christian Conservative Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Perspective

The Evil Ayatollah Khamenei
Dictator of The Islamic Republic of Iran. 

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and a proud Christian conservative, I have a unique perspective on the dangers posed by Islamist organizations operating in the West. Having once been deeply involved in Islamic leadership, I’ve witnessed firsthand how radical ideologies are incubated under the guise of religious freedom. The West is facing a silent invasion, where Islamist organizations exploit the liberties granted by Western democracies to spread an agenda that is fundamentally at odds with freedom, democracy, and human dignity. It is time to ban, deport, and criminalize these organizations before they cause irreparable harm to our societies.

Islamist Organizations: The Trojan Horse in the West

Islamist organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, and Hizb ut-Tahrir have established themselves as defenders of "Muslim civil rights" in America and Europe. Yet, their true goal is the establishment of an Islamic caliphate, the implementation of Sharia law, and the destruction of Western values. This is not a conspiracy theory; it is a well-documented reality. CAIR, for instance, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terrorism-financing case in American history, which demonstrated clear ties between Islamist groups in the U.S. and Hamas, a designated terrorist organizationorganizations operate under the radar, often receiving protection from progressive politicians who see them as allies in their multicultural and globalist agenda. This alliance between radical Islam and the far-left is both dangerous and hypocritical. Islamism, unlike Christianity or other faiths, does not seek to coexist; it seeks to dominate. The Quran itself teaches Muslims to spread their faith "by force" when necessary (Quran 9:5), and the Hadiths provide ample evidence of Muhammad's violent conquests to subjugate non-Muslims .

T of Europe: A Warning to America

Europe has already experienced the disastrous effects of appeasing Islamism. Countries like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany are home to no-go zones, areas where Islamist extremists enforce Sharia law. The mass migration of Muslim populations has led to a rise in Islamist terror attacks, as well as the erosion of European identity. In France, Islamist radicals were responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre, and in the UK, the Manchester Arena bombing claimed the lives of 22 innocent concertgoers, most of them children .

Even more alare fact that Islamist organizations in Europe actively call for violence against the West while receiving government subsidies. The UK’s Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, for example, have been involved in promoting jihadist ideologies and yet remain legal, protected by misguided notions of tolerance. Their leaders regularly incite hatred against non-Muslims while hiding behind human rights laws meant to protect genuinely peaceful groups.

America must not make the same mistake as Europe. We have already seen attacks on our own soil, such as the Fort Hood shooting, where an Islamist inspired by jihadist rhetoric killed 13 soldiers . We cannot wait for more before taking decisive action.

The Case for Banning Islamist Organizations

Islamist organizations are not peaceful religious entities. They are political movements whose goals are incompatible with the U.S. Constitution and the founding principles of Western civilization. Their doctrines reject the separation of church and state, human rights, and gender equality. They advocate for the supremacy of Sharia law, which is antithetical to the freedoms we cherish. These groups should no longer be treated as legitimate entities under the protection of religious freedom laws.

Just as America outlawed the Communist Party USA during the Cold War for its threat to national security, Islamist organizations should be treated with the same level of scrutiny. The Patriot Act already gives the government tools to dismantle networks that support terrorism. These laws should be applied vigorously to dismantle the Islamist infrastructure that is growing in our midst.

Moreover, any group found to be directly or indirectly tied to jihadist activities should be banned outright, and its leaders deported. Deportation should be a viable option for any non-citizen affiliated with these radical groups, as their allegiance clearly lies not with the U.S. or its people, but with a global Islamist agenda.

The Role of the Legal System: Criminalizing Islamist Activity

In addition to banning and deporting Islamist organizations, the legal system must be reformed to criminalize Islamist activities that threaten the fabric of Western democracy. Hate speech laws should be applied evenly, ensuring that those who call for jihad, Sharia law, or the subjugation of non-Muslims face legal repercussions. Currently, there is a dangerous double standard where criticism of Islam is labeled "Islamophobia," while open calls for jihad are protected under free speech .

Islamists frequently use the tacqiyya*, a doctrine that permits lying to infidels to advance Islam’s goals, to deceive Westerners about their true intentions . They have mastered the art of using democrtutions to undermine democracy itself. By criminalizing their activities, we can protect our societies from those who seek to destroy them from within.

Conclusion: Defending Western Civilization

As an ex-Muslim who has found truth and freedom in Christianity, I believe it is our duty as Americans and Europeans to protect our nations from the threat of Islamism. Islamist organizations are not just a religious issue; they are a political and national security issue. If we fail to act, we risk losing the very freedoms that make the West a beacon of hope and liberty in the world.

We must be courageous in calling for the banning, deportation, and criminalization of these organizations. This is not about persecuting Muslims who genuinely seek to live in peace and contribute positively to society; it is about stopping those who wish to impose an intolerant, violent ideology on our people. America and Europe are at a crossroads. We can either defend our civilization or allow it to be eroded by the very forces that seek to destroy it.



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