Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A 1% Flat Tax: The Revolutionary Solution to End Tax Oppression

A 1% Flat Tax: The Revolutionary Solution to End Tax Oppression

By Bobby Darvish – darvishintelligence.blogspot.com

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim who has found refuge and faith in Christianity, I now stand firmly as a conservative Republican. One of the most pressing issues I see today is the oppressive weight of taxes on the American people. The founders of this great nation fought against tyranny, and one of the main catalysts for the American Revolution of 1776 was taxation. The Boston Tea Party—a defining moment in our fight for independence—was sparked by what was then considered an outrageous tax of just 2% imposed by the British Crown. If the people of that time believed 2% was intolerable, how can we justify the crushing burden of taxes we face today?

Currently, we have a complex tax system with layers upon layers of taxes that stifle economic growth and freedom. The IRS, with its invasive reach into every corner of American life, is a symbol of governmental overreach that would horrify the founding fathers. It is time to simplify our tax system by abolishing income taxes, property taxes, estate taxes, and other unjust levies that rob Americans of the fruits of their labor. Instead, I propose a 1% flat tax for everyone—regardless of income. Such a system would be fair, transparent, and eliminate the class warfare politics that divide our nation.

Consider this: under my proposed 1% flat tax, every American would contribute the same percentage of their income, whether they make $30,000 or $30 million. The rich would still pay more in terms of actual dollars, but no one would be penalized for their success or be trapped in poverty by excessive taxation. This system reflects the biblical principle that everyone should pay their fair share (Luke 20:25) while rejecting the Marxist idea of redistribution of wealth.

The original tea party patriots understood that taxation without representation was tyranny, and today, we are taxed in ways that stifle our freedoms, while special interests and career politicians profit off our labor. The current system pits American against American, with the government deciding who should be punished for working hard and who should be rewarded for staying dependent. This is not the freedom our founders envisioned.

Our country became the beacon of liberty because it allowed individuals to keep what they earned, to grow, and to thrive. A flat tax of 1% would ignite a new era of economic prosperity, free us from the shackles of the IRS, and restore individual responsibility and freedom. The time has come to reclaim our constitutional rights and demand an end to the oppressive tax regimes that strangle the American Dream.

The Revolution of 1776 was sparked by a 2% tax—how much more oppressive is our current system? It is time to finish the work our forefathers started and fight for true freedom. The government should serve the people, not enslave them under endless taxation. A 1% flat tax for all is not just a policy—it's a return to the founding principles of justice and liberty for which America stands.


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