Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Necessity of Patriarchy for Thriving Families, Societies, and Nations

The Necessity of Patriarchy for Thriving Families, Societies, and Nations
By Bobby Darvish

As a Christian conservative and Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I firmly believe that patriarchy is not just beneficial but necessary for a family, society, tribe, nation, and even an empire to thrive and prosper. This view is often met with resistance in today’s cultural climate, but it is rooted in both psychology and sociology, as well as historical and religious traditions.

The Psychological Basis of Patriarchy
From a psychological perspective, men and women are inherently different. This is not a statement of value but of fact. Men are generally more suited for leadership roles, particularly in areas of defense, provision, and protection. Testosterone, which is biologically more prevalent in men, drives assertiveness, competitiveness, and a desire for leadership. These traits are essential for leading families and communities, as they create stability and order.

The role of the father in a family structure is crucial for children's psychological development. Studies consistently show that children, especially boys, benefit from having a strong male role model. Fathers teach discipline, resilience, and self-control, all necessary traits for success. Girls who grow up with strong fathers also tend to have higher self-esteem and are less likely to engage in destructive behavior. A father's authority creates a sense of security, enabling children to flourish emotionally and mentally.

Sociological Strength of Patriarchy
Sociologically, patriarchy has been the bedrock of virtually every successful civilization. From ancient Rome to the Persian Empire, patriarchal structures built strong families, which in turn formed the foundation of thriving societies and nations. A father-led household ensures that clear lines of authority are maintained, reducing confusion and conflict within the family. This hierarchical structure is mirrored in successful societies, where order and responsibility are distributed clearly, allowing for societal cohesion.

Patriarchy naturally aligns with the idea of shared responsibility between the sexes. While men take on leadership roles in public spheres like politics, military, and business, women play an equally vital role within the family and community, nurturing the next generation. This complementary dynamic is not oppressive but cooperative, each sex performing the roles they are naturally inclined towards.

Tribe, Nation, and Empire
On a larger scale, patriarchal structures help maintain the integrity and strength of tribes, nations, and empires. When men lead with wisdom and strength, communities are more likely to remain united. Historically, the breakdown of patriarchal systems often leads to societal decay. Rome fell, in part, because it abandoned its traditional values and allowed societal order to unravel. Likewise, the weakening of male leadership in the West has coincided with rising crime rates, family breakdowns, and societal disunity.

A patriarchal society encourages men to take responsibility not just for their own families but for the greater good of the tribe or nation. It demands accountability and places moral and civic duties on men, ensuring that they provide for and protect their communities. This model is vital for creating long-lasting and prosperous civilizations.

The Religious Foundation
From a Christian perspective, patriarchy is ordained by God. In the Bible, God established the family as a reflection of His authority, with the husband as the head of the household (Ephesians 5:23). This is not a system of oppression but one of divine order. Men are tasked with loving their wives sacrificially and providing spiritual and material leadership to their families. As a Christian, I see this divine design as the cornerstone for building strong, morally grounded families and societies.

The patriarchy is not a relic of the past but a timeless structure that ensures the stability and prosperity of families, societies, and nations. The psychological and sociological benefits of male leadership, combined with the moral foundation provided by religious teachings, demonstrate that patriarchy is essential for long-term success. It is time for us to recognize the value of this system and to return to the principles that have proven successful throughout human history.


  1. James, H. & Stewart, G. Psychological Effects of Fatherless Homes on Children, Journal of Family Psychology, 2020.
  2. MacDonald, H. The War on Patriarchy and Its Impact on Society, Hoover Institution, 2018.
  3. Okin, S. M. Patriarchy: Its Influence on Civilization, Sociological Quarterly, 2019.
  4. Bible, Ephesians 5:23 (New International Version).

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