Thursday, September 12, 2024

Iran's Barbaric Use of Capital Punishment: A Christian LDS Perspective

Iran's Barbaric Use of Capital Punishment: A Christian LDS Perspective

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim who has embraced the light of Christianity and the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), I have come to see the stark contrast between the love of Christ and the brutality inherent in Islamic law, particularly in the Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the most disturbing aspects of the regime is its use of capital punishment, a legal tool employed to maintain authoritarian control over its people. Iran's list of offenses punishable by death is extensive and includes not only violent crimes such as murder, armed robbery, and terrorism, but also so-called moral and religious infractions like apostasy, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, blasphemy, and political dissidence .

The Dark Reality of Capital Punishment in Iran

Iran's legal system, based on Sharia law, imposes draconian punishments for a variety of acts, many of which are not even considered crimes in most free, democratic societies. Crimes punishable by death include not only those typically associated with capital punishment, such as murder and drug trafficking, but also “crimes” against morality and religion. Apostasy—leaving Islam—is a capital offense, as are blasphemy and homosexuality. These "crimes" are a direct assault on individual freedom and human dignity, targeting people for their beliefs, identity, or lifestyle .

Even more horrifying, Iran carried out at least 834 executions in 2023, a staggering 74% of the world's recorded executions for that year . The Iranian government, under the guise of fighting crime and maintaining public order, has made execution a tool of oppression and terror. The rapid spike in executions, particularly targeting political dissidents and ethnic minorities like the Baluch, shows the regime's increasing desperation to maintain control .

The Hypocrisy of Islamic "Justice"

As a former leader in the Islamic world, I saw firsthand the contradictions between the Islamic message of peace that is often preached and the brutal reality of how the religion is implemented, particularly in theocratic regimes like Iran. The Quran and Hadith are frequently cited to justify these inhumane punishments. Yet these actions are fundamentally un-Christian and run contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ, who preached love, forgiveness, and mercy. In the LDS faith, the value of every human soul is paramount, and the notion of state-sanctioned killings for non-violent offenses like blasphemy or fornication is abhorrent.

Capital punishment in Iran serves not only to punish but also to instill fear. A British-Iranian national, Alireza Akbari, was executed in January 2023, a politically motivated act condemned by international leaders, including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who called it a "callous and cowardly act" of a "barbaric regime" . This execution is emblematic of how Iran uses capital punishment as a political tool, silencing those who dissent from its oppressive rule.

Islamic Law and the Erasure of Human Dignity

As an ex-Muslim who has found the truth in Christianity, it is clear to me that the Islamic legal system devalues human life. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the concept of justice is manipulated to serve the whims of the theocratic elite. Crimes such as apostasy—leaving Islam for another faith—are seen as "waging war against God," and are punishable by death . In contrast, the teachings of Jesus Christ, as embraced by the LDS Church, emphasize love, tolerance, and the sanctity of human life. Christ himself said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you” (Matthew 5:44). This message is a far cry from the violence inherent in the punishment of apostates, political dissidents, or those accused of "spreading corruption on Earth" .

The Christian LDS Perspective on Justice and Mercy

In stark contrast to the Islamic regime in Iran, the LDS faith is built on the principles of mercy, redemption, and personal agency. Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice offers every individual the opportunity for repentance and spiritual growth, no matter their past sins. The LDS Church, like other Christian denominations, rejects the use of state-sanctioned violence as a tool for enforcing religious or moral purity. The principle of "free agency," a core tenet of LDS belief, teaches that all individuals must be free to choose their path, even if that means rejecting God or engaging in what others might deem sinful behavior. The Iranian regime's use of capital punishment to enforce moral and religious conformity stands in direct opposition to this divine principle.

Conclusion: A Call for Change

As a Christian and former Muslim, I am heartbroken by the cruelty of the Iranian regime, which uses capital punishment to enforce a narrow, violent interpretation of Islam. The regime's willingness to execute its own citizens for political and religious offenses is not just a human rights violation; it is a deep moral failing. Iran's barbaric use of capital punishment is incompatible with the teachings of Christianity, particularly the teachings of Christ as found in the LDS Church. It is time for the international community to hold Iran accountable for its atrocities and for all people of conscience to stand against this violence in the name of justice, mercy, and human dignity.

5. Amnesty International. (2023). Iran: Death Penalty – Facts and Figures.
9. Human Rights Watch. (2024). Iran's Surge in Executions Continues: A Year in Review.
11. Amnesty International. (2024). Global Death Penalty Report.
12. BBC News. (2023). UK Condemns Iran's Execution of British-Iranian National.
13. Reuters. (2023). Iran Executes Record Number of People in May 2023.
14. Iran Human Rights. (2023). Executions of Ethnic Minorities Surge in Iran: Baluch Killings Rise.
16. BBC. (2023). Death Penalty in Iran: A Brutal Reality.

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