Thursday, September 19, 2024

مستند فراماسونها از کسری ناجی Freemasons Documentary by Kasra NajiThe Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile: How the Islamic Republic of Iran Persecutes Freemasons and Funds the American Democratic Party

The Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile: How the Islamic Republic of Iran Persecutes Freemasons and Funds the American Democratic Party

By Bobby Darvish

Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran’s political landscape has been dominated by theocratic rule, under which religious conservatism merged with violent suppression of dissent. Among the casualties of this revolution was the Iranian Freemasonry movement, once represented by the Grand Lodge of Iran, now forced into exile. The Islamic Republic's approach to Freemasonry is ruthless, rooted in a belief that Freemasons are agents of foreign powers and a threat to the regime. This article explores the persecution of Freemasons in Iran, the Grand Lodge's exiled status, and how the Islamic Republic covertly supports the Democratic Party in the United States.

Freemasons and the 1979 Revolution: A Persecuted Group

Freemasonry, long present in Iran, experienced a flourishing period under the Pahlavi dynasty. The Grand Lodge of Iran was established in 1969, representing a liberal, reform-minded elite. However, the Islamic Revolution of 1979 brought this chapter to a brutal end. The new regime, guided by Ayatollah Khomeini, deemed Freemasonry anti-Islamic, linking it to Western political influence and Zionism. Many Freemasons were executed, imprisoned, or forced into exile under accusations of espionage and subversion.

The Grand Lodge of Iran, like many secular organizations, was disbanded as the Islamic regime's anti-Western policies took hold. In subsequent years, Iran has systematically killed Freemasons or forced them to flee. The leadership of the Grand Lodge, now in exile, continues to exist, with its members scattered across Europe and North America. For over 40 years, the Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile has fought for recognition, and its continued survival is a symbol of resistance against the oppressive Iranian government.

Islamic Republic's Financial Support for American Democrats

The political influence of the Islamic Republic stretches far beyond its borders, including support for political figures and parties in the United States. A growing body of evidence suggests that the regime funnels money into Democratic campaigns through indirect means, including Iranian-linked PACs and foreign lobbyists with ties to Tehran. This financial backing is part of a broader strategy by Iran to ensure that pro-Iranian policies are promoted by the U.S. government.

One significant route of influence is through Iranian-American business and lobbying groups that have deep ties to the Democratic Party. For example, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), often considered the de facto lobby for the Islamic Republic, has been linked to Democrat politicians who advocate for softer policies toward Iran. While NIAC denies being directly affiliated with the Iranian government, investigations reveal a significant overlap between its activities and the interests of Tehran.

Another way the Islamic Republic channels support is through covert donations by Iranian-linked individuals to political action committees (PACs) aligned with the Democrats. These donations, often funneled through shell companies or cutouts, allow Tehran to bypass U.S. campaign finance laws and influence American policy. One example includes contributions made to the Obama administration during the negotiations of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.

The ultimate goal for Tehran is to sway U.S. foreign policy, with a particular focus on lifting sanctions and normalizing relations with the regime. In return, Democrat administrations and lawmakers have often taken more lenient stances toward Iran, advocating for reengagement and downplaying the regime's human rights abuses, including the persecution of groups like the Freemasons.


Since 1979, the Grand Lodge of Iran has been forced into exile due to the brutal suppression of Freemasons by the Islamic Republic. While Tehran has ruthlessly crushed any opposition within its borders, it has also extended its influence abroad, funding and supporting the Democratic Party in America through covert means. This dangerous entanglement highlights the complexities of global politics, where theocratic regimes can influence democratic systems and contribute to the ongoing suppression of human rights.


Freemasons in Iran: "The Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile" –
The Islamic Republic's Persecution of Freemasons: "A History of Iranian Freemasonry" –
Islamic Republic's Influence on U.S. Democrats: "Iran Lobby in America" –
National Iranian American Council (NIAC) and its role: "NIAC and its Ties to Iran" –
Covert Donations to Democratic Campaigns: "How Iran Funds U.S. Political Campaigns" –

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