Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The American Life Under Marxism and Islam: A Detailed Examination

As a Christian, LDS, Iranian-American, and former Muslim, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of both Marxism and Islam when they dominate a society. The thought of these ideologies gaining control in America is deeply concerning. To understand how an American’s daily life would change under such rule, we must explore the principles of Marxism and Islam, and how their implementation would affect the freedoms, culture, and values that have shaped America.

1. Loss of Individual Freedom

Marxism: At its core, Marxism advocates for the abolition of private property and the centralization of economic control under the state. In practice, this has historically led to the suppression of individual freedoms. Citizens would find their careers, personal choices, and even thoughts monitored by the state. The state decides what is best for the collective, leaving little room for personal aspirations or dissenting opinions. Freedom of speech, religion, and the press would be severely curtailed, as the state would control all media and information channels to ensure conformity to Marxist doctrine.

Islam: Under an Islamic theocracy, individual freedoms would also be drastically reduced. Sharia law, which is derived from Islamic teachings, governs every aspect of life. This legal system is not only religious but also political, and it dictates behavior, dress, worship, and even personal relationships. Apostasy, or leaving Islam, is often punishable by death in Islamic regimes. Freedom of speech and religion would be nonexistent, as blasphemy laws would criminalize any criticism of Islam. Women, in particular, would face severe restrictions, including limitations on their education, employment, and mobility.

2. Economic Control and Redistribution

Marxism: Marxism's economic principles are based on the idea of wealth redistribution and the elimination of class distinctions. In theory, this sounds like a path to equality, but in practice, it has led to widespread poverty and economic inefficiency. The state would control all industries, leading to a lack of innovation and motivation, as individual effort is not rewarded. Americans would experience rationing, scarcity of goods, and a general decline in living standards, as seen in countries like Venezuela and the former Soviet Union.

Islam: In an Islamic state, the economy would be governed by Islamic principles, including the prohibition of interest (riba) and the obligation to pay alms (zakat). While these principles are intended to promote social justice, they can also lead to economic stagnation. The lack of interest-based lending would stifle entrepreneurship and economic growth, while zakat would function as a form of wealth redistribution. However, unlike in Marxism, the wealth would not be redistributed to the state but rather to religious authorities, who would use it to maintain control over the population.

3. Erosion of Cultural Identity

Marxism: Marxism seeks to eradicate traditional cultural and religious identities in favor of a homogenized society. In the name of equality, cultural expressions that do not align with Marxist ideals would be suppressed. America's rich tapestry of diverse cultures and religions would be replaced with a uniform state-controlled culture. National holidays, religious celebrations, and even historical narratives would be rewritten to fit the Marxist agenda, erasing the American identity.

Islam: Under Islamic rule, American culture would be forcibly replaced with Islamic traditions and values. Non-Islamic religious practices would be outlawed, and Islamic holidays would be imposed on the population. Art, music, and literature that do not conform to Islamic standards would be banned. The American way of life, characterized by freedom of expression and cultural diversity, would be extinguished. Women would be required to dress modestly according to Islamic standards, and public behavior would be strictly regulated to ensure adherence to Islamic morals.

4. Education and Indoctrination

Marxism: Education under Marxism would be a tool for indoctrination. The state would control the curriculum, ensuring that children are taught Marxist principles from a young age. Critical thinking and independent inquiry would be discouraged, as the state seeks to create loyal citizens who do not question the regime. Historical facts would be altered to glorify the achievements of the state and erase the contributions of individuals or groups who do not fit the Marxist narrative.

Islam: In an Islamic state, education would be heavily influenced by religious doctrine. Islamic teachings would be integrated into all subjects, and religious studies would dominate the curriculum. Science and history would be taught from an Islamic perspective, often ignoring or distorting facts that contradict religious beliefs. Children would be raised to prioritize their identity as Muslims above all else, creating a society where religious conformity is paramount.

5. The Breakdown of the Family Unit

Marxism: Marxism views the traditional family unit as a bourgeois institution that perpetuates inequality. The state would seek to weaken family ties and assume the role of the primary caretaker and educator of children. Parents would have little say in how their children are raised, as the state would impose its values and norms on all aspects of life. This breakdown of the family unit would lead to a loss of personal support networks and a society where loyalty to the state supersedes loyalty to family.

Islam: In an Islamic society, the family unit would be redefined according to Islamic law. Patriarchal structures would dominate, with men holding authority over women and children. Marriage would be strictly regulated, with forced or child marriages becoming common in more extreme interpretations of Sharia law. The state would enforce Islamic family laws, which often discriminate against women in matters of divorce, inheritance, and custody. The traditional American family, based on mutual respect and equality, would be replaced by a rigid, hierarchical structure dictated by religious doctrine.


The imposition of Marxism and Islam on American society would fundamentally alter the fabric of daily life, stripping away the freedoms and values that have defined the nation for centuries. As a Christian, LDS, Iranian-American, and former Muslim, I cannot stress enough the importance of defending these freedoms against the encroachment of these ideologies. The American way of life, built on individual liberty, cultural diversity, and personal responsibility, must be preserved at all costs.


  1. Pipes, Daniel. Islam and the Marxist Left: Allies or Rivals? Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2011.

  2. Buchanan, Pat. The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization. St. Martin's Press, 2002.

  3. Zubrin, Robert. The Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism. New Atlantis Books, 2012.

  4. Spencer, Robert. The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran. Regnery Publishing, 2009.

  5. Prager, Dennis. Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph. Broadside Books, 2012.

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