Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Subject: Coordinated Attacks on Republicans and President Donald J. Trump by Globalist Red-Green Axis

Subject: Coordinated Attacks on Republicans and President Donald J. Trump by Globalist Red-Green Axis

Date: July 15, 2024

Classification: Public

Executive Summary

This intelligence report examines the coordinated attacks on Republicans, with a specific focus on President Donald J. Trump. These attacks encompass personal and character assassinations, job terminations, and real-life murder attempts. The evidence suggests that these efforts are orchestrated by the globalist Red-Green Axis, funded by external hostile entities such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, and supported by internal groups including self-loathing whites who collaborate with America's enemies. This report aims to elucidate the motivations, methods, and implications of these coordinated efforts.

Key Findings

  1. Personal and Character Assassinations:

    • Republicans, particularly President Trump, have faced relentless personal and character attacks. These attacks aim to undermine their credibility and public standing.
    • Media outlets, social media platforms, and political opponents have perpetuated these attacks through misinformation, defamation, and smear campaigns.
  2. Job Assassinations:

    • There has been a systematic effort to terminate or block employment opportunities for prominent Republicans and their supporters.
    • Examples include boycotts, professional ostracism, and pressures on employers to sever ties with individuals associated with conservative ideologies.
  3. Real-Life Murder Attempts:

    • President Trump has been a target of multiple assassination attempts, underscoring the severe threats posed by these coordinated attacks.
    • The most recent attempt involved a Democrat-affiliated individual who sought to take his life, highlighting the extreme measures some are willing to take to achieve their goals.
  4. The Globalist Red-Green Axis:

    • This coalition consists of globalists who aim to undermine national sovereignty and traditional values, and Islamists who seek to impose their ideological and religious beliefs.
    • The Islamic Republic of Iran is a significant player, providing funding, intelligence, and logistical support to undermine American interests.
  5. Internal Threats:

    • Many of the internal threats come from self-loathing white individuals who have allied with America's adversaries. Their motivations often stem from a sense of guilt, ideological radicalization, and a desire to dismantle perceived systemic inequalities.
    • These individuals collaborate with hostile external groups to destabilize the American political landscape, targeting symbols of American capitalism, whiteness, and constitutional principles.


A. Personal and Character Assassinations:

The sustained attacks on President Trump and other Republicans involve a multi-faceted approach. Media bias, fake news, and social media censorship are tools used to shape public perception negatively. Notable examples include the misrepresentation of Trump's statements and policies, as well as orchestrated scandals aimed at tarnishing his reputation.

B. Job Assassinations:

The professional destruction of conservative figures is a tactic aimed at silencing dissent. By leveraging social pressure and orchestrating boycotts, these actors create an environment where employers are forced to distance themselves from individuals with conservative views. This not only affects high-profile figures but also deters ordinary citizens from expressing their political beliefs.

C. Real-Life Murder Attempts:

The attempt on President Trump's life represents the extreme end of this spectrum of attacks. The perpetrator's political affiliations and motivations indicate a broader trend of radicalization within certain factions of the Democratic Party. This highlights the need for increased security measures and vigilance against domestic terrorism.

D. The Globalist Red-Green Axis:

This coalition's strategic objective is to weaken American influence and promote a globalist agenda that undermines traditional values. The Red-Green Axis employs a combination of ideological warfare and financial support from entities like Iran. Their goal is to erode national sovereignty and replace it with a globalist framework that aligns with their ideological goals.

E. Internal Threats:

The collaboration between self-loathing whites and external adversaries poses a significant threat to national security. These individuals often hold positions of influence within academia, media, and politics, using their platforms to propagate anti-American sentiments. Their actions are driven by a complex mix of guilt, ideological commitment, and a desire to dismantle existing power structures.


  1. Enhanced Security Measures:

    • Increase security protocols for high-profile Republicans, particularly President Trump, to prevent future assassination attempts.
    • Strengthen intelligence-sharing mechanisms between federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
  2. Counter-Propaganda Efforts:

    • Develop and disseminate accurate information to counter misinformation and character assassination campaigns.
    • Promote conservative viewpoints through alternative media channels and platforms.
  3. Legal and Legislative Actions:

    • Pursue legal action against individuals and organizations involved in coordinated attacks on Republicans.
    • Advocate for legislation that protects individuals from job termination based on their political beliefs.
  4. Public Awareness Campaigns:

    • Educate the public about the threats posed by the globalist Red-Green Axis and the importance of national sovereignty.
    • Highlight the contributions of conservative policies to American prosperity and security.


The coordinated attacks on Republicans, and specifically President Donald J. Trump, are part of a broader strategy by the globalist Red-Green Axis to destabilize the United States. These efforts are funded by hostile external entities such as the Islamic Republic of Iran and supported by internal groups, including self-loathing whites who collaborate with America's enemies. Addressing this multifaceted threat requires a comprehensive approach that includes enhanced security, counter-propaganda, legal actions, and public awareness campaigns.


  1. The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV)
  2. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Reports
  3. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Assessments
  4. Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) Reports on Red-Green Axis Activities
  5. Academic Research on Political Radicalization and Domestic Terrorism

Prepared by:

Darvish Intelligence
Public Intelligence Briefing Open to Public

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