Monday, July 15, 2024

Did The Islamic Republic of Iran (Including Hezbollah and Hamas) Fund and Support the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump?

In recent years, there have been numerous allegations and speculations regarding the involvement of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, in various international plots. However, the claim that they funded and supported an attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump, specifically in anticipation of his potential victory in the 2024 presidential election, requires careful examination of the evidence available.

Background on Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas

The Islamic Republic of Iran has long been known for its support of proxy groups throughout the Middle East, most notably Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. These groups are often described as terrorist organizations due to their involvement in various acts of violence and their ideological commitments to the destruction of Israel and opposition to U.S. interests in the region .

Allegations of Assassination Plot

While there have been no publicly verified reports or credible intelligence from major U.S. or international agencies directly linking Iran, Hezbollah, or Hamas to an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, there have been instances where Iranian officials have expressed hostility towards him. For example, after the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), by a U.S. drone strike ordered by Trump, Iranian leaders vowed revenge .

Speculation about potential plots often arises in the context of heightened geopolitical tensions. In 2020, a plot to assassinate a U.S. ambassador was attributed to Iran as retaliation for Soleimani's death . However, translating these threats into concrete plans targeting Trump specifically has not been substantiated by credible sources.

American Marxists and Democrat Support for the Islamic Republic

The notion that American Marxists and Democrats would support the Islamic Republic of Iran in any plot, let alone an assassination attempt, is a contentious and politically charged claim. It is crucial to differentiate between political opposition to Trump and actual support for a foreign adversary's hostile actions against a sitting or former U.S. president.

There have been instances where certain left-leaning individuals and groups have criticized U.S. foreign policy towards Iran and advocated for diplomatic rather than military solutions. However, equating this advocacy with support for Iran's regime or its extremist proxies is a significant leap without concrete evidence.


At present, there is no verifiable evidence that Iran, Hezbollah, or Hamas have actively funded or supported an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Furthermore, the claim that American Marxists and Democrats have supported the Islamic Republic in such efforts lacks substantiation. It is vital to approach these topics with a critical eye and rely on credible intelligence and reports rather than unverified allegations.


  1. Levitt, M. (2013). Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon's Party of God. Georgetown University Press.
  2. Byman, D. (2015). A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism. Oxford University Press.
  3. Sly, L. (2020). Iran vows ‘severe revenge’ for Soleimani killing as fears of war mount. The Washington Post. Retrieved from [link]
  4. Gordon, M. R., & Faucon, B. (2020). Iran Eyes Revenge: U.S. Ambassador Allegedly Targeted. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from [link]

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